Chapter 1

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"Come on Kaindra you can do better than that." Jordan taunts moving in a circle in a fighting crouch.

"Do you want me to go all out?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

A cocky smirk slowly appears on his face "come on sweet cheeks it's not like you can hurt me."

"I am stronger and have abilities you don't, remember," I say stopping our circular movement.

"Ya but who said you practice it enough," he says, evermore the cocky person he is. Chuckling I rest my weight on my right foot.

"You know I practice every day right," I say exasperated.

"But who said it was productive."

"Do you want to see if it was?" I say raising an eyebrow.

Jordan smirks "please, I bet you can't even do half of what you say." He taunts a smirk creeps onto my face.

Before he knows it he is on the ground with multiple needles of all elements aimed at his head. "Okay now that was not fair" He wines.

A look of innocents crosses my face "what, why? You said show me what you got, all I did was trip you" I say slowly my face moving into a more smug look.

"Ya but-"

"No buts you said it yourself and I can show you to prove my point."
With that, he shuts up admitting defeat. Smiling triumphantly I hop up to my feet.

"At least we still know your vamp speed is still working" Jordan grumbles.

"Oh stop being such a sore loser, you are the one who trained me."

"Ya and now I regret every minute of it with how much I end up on the ground covered in dirt" he mumbles slowly getting up.

I chuckle "well sorry old man but it's just too much fun to see the pout on your face I just can't resist." I say in a small voice like I'm talking to a child.

"Hey, I may be over a hundred but I still look great," he says smirking as he gestures to himself.

I roll my eyes waving my hand over my shoulder as I turn around. "Ya ya well I have exams tomorrow so see ya," I say, walking off.

"Try not to hurt anyone too bad tomorrow " Jordan jokes.

"No promises," I say back chuckling. He just shakes his head as I vanish into thin air back home.

Beep beep beep thump I slap my hand down on my alarm clock, groaning from the sudden wake-up call. Slowly climbing out of my bed I begin getting ready for school. Throwing on some comfortable clothes and brushing my hair I head downstairs for breakfast.

Before I know it I am seated on the bus and on my way to school.
As we pull into the bus loop I look up at the big letters placed above the doors, East Cross High School also known as the East Cross Coyotes.

"Kaindra how have you been?" Jen asks as she walks over to me.

"Good, how about you?" I ask, and she gives me a big smile.

"Great now that your here, ready for the exam?" She asks slowly as we walk over to our normal spot at the side of the stage.

"As ready as I can be" I respond as we take a seat.

"Me too, what did you have today again?" She asks as she looks up to see our other friend Kaitlyn's head over.

"Science and you have math with Kaitlyn right?" I ask she nods giving a big smile to Kaitlyn as she takes a seat.

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