Years Later (Part 2) Ending

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The stadium room was filled to the brim with seats that stretched all around in a circular motion, filled with citizens from both Japan and Korea. At the center of the room were Korean and Japanese kendo contestants dressed in kimonos with the judges at a table, among the contestants was your son Jin. The flags of both Japan and Korea hanging from the ceiling. 

Today was the annual International Japan-Korea Kendo Tournament, held each year on Tsushima Island, and this would be Jin's first time in any tournament. Given that your father trained both you and Shinya in kendo ever since you were kids you made Jin go through the same habits.

The final match was about to begin between Jin and his Korean counterpart Ji-Hoon. If Jin won this match then he would bring home the championship for all of Japan. You were sitting in front row seats beside your wife Ruby and daughter Misato. In attendance also were Jins girlfriend Shino and her parents Blake and Masaru, as well as your brother Shinya and his wife Yang, and their son Issei. 

Jin: *walks over to you* Dad. I'm ready.

You stood up and adjusted the top of his kimono.

(Y/N): Remember your training and everything you've learned. Now tell me...what are the virtues of being a skilled swordsman?

Jin: Integrity...courage...and...

(Y/N): You know this.

Jin: Honor.

You nodded. Ruby gave Jin a kiss for good luck before he stood before Shino.

Shino: If you don't win it's alright, you did your best. But I'm rooting for you babe.

Jin: *kisses her* I know.

The final bell rang for the tournament to begin. Jin rushed back to the center and placed his sword at his hip, a custom made katana with the blade being made from aluminum alloy with no sharp edge for safety reasons. Jin now stood before his opponent and the area was cleared. All cameras and lights were now on them. 

Jin: I am Jin Kurosaki.

Ji-Hoon: And I am Ji-Hoon Song.

They both bowed before one another before drawing their swords. The referee stood a safe distance before giving the signal to start the match. Jin assumed a sword fighting stance as Ji-Hoon dashed forward, the two clashed blades and came into eye contact with one another. Jin parried the blade to his right and backed away for more space.

The two swordsman circled one another before Jin threw a downward slash, this was deflected with his opponent following through with a horizontal attack. Jin and Ji-Hoon clashed swords for the next few moments unleashing a flurry of attacks on one another. Jin had to land a total of five consecutive strikes on his target to win the match.

(Y/N): He's got this. 

Misato: Big brother can do it...

Ruby: Jin...

Jin and his opponent began circling one another once again. Ji-Hoon stepped forwards towards Jin again and pushed his blade forwards towards Jin's heart, Jin was able to deflect the attack and direct it upwards. Wasting no time Jin brought his sword blade to his opponents neck, deflecting his first strike.

All the Japanese in the audience cheered. You each stood from your seats in excitement.

(Y/N): That's how it's done!

Ruby: Go Jin!!

Misato: Kick his butt bro!!

Issei: You got this cousin!!

Shino: Let's go babe!!

Jin glanced back at his family and friends. Shino held up a huge sign that read "I love you" in Japanese. He turned back to his opponent you came in with another attack. Their swords locking for a few moments before his opponent knock Jin's footing off and catching Jin in the heart. Regardless Jin had four more strikes left to gain victory.

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