Chapter 38: Invasion

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The day had finally come on a cloudy Monday morning as SATO was now plotting its move, Operation Sakura was at long last finally going into affect. Today the SATO and Atlas militaries, accompanied by Huntsmen survivors from Vale, Vacuo, and a few from Mistral, would jointly invade the kingdom as phase one of the operation. Admiral Miya was appointed to coordinate the entire operation and see the success.

The invasion would happen from two fronts, one force would invade from the west while the other from the east. Two marine divisions and several battalions from Atlas would take the east side while you, SCAR Team 10, and supplementary forces would take the west. SATO Remnant Command was able to scramble 100,000 marines and Atlesian soldiers for the operation. As well as Huntsmen from Vacuo, Vale, Mistral, and Atlas.

SATO Navy ships were stationed in the atmosphere above to be used as bases in which higher ranking officers can issue commands to the grounds below, and to be used as backup should the situation turn dire.

And thus....Operation Sakura Began.


You flew alongside your brother and other SCAR friends in tight formation towards the kingdom, behind you in the Jackals rear seat was Ruby. Outside alongside the SCAR's were hundreds of SATO dropships flying in formation alongside Jackals that acted as their escorts, each of those ships carrying marines and huntsmen. Given that the huntsmen had a critical role in the operation they were integrated with the marines as opposed to flying in a separate ship, for fear of them being knocked out of the sky all at once.

Winter had been flying in the rear seat with Shinya, as was Weiss with Rio and Blake with Masaru. SCAR Team 10 flew a bit further ahead of you to scout out the airspace and clear a way for the invasion force. Looking down on your radar you were coming within close proximity of the kingdoms coast, yet so you'd still have to pass over the mountains that acted as its natural defense.

(Y/N): *looks at Ruby* Hey. You all set back there?

Ruby: *adjusts suit* Yeah. These uniforms are a bit oversized though.

Ruby and the others, instead of wearing their normal attire, wore SATO EVA suits. Suits that could be worn on world and in the vacuum of space as once Phase 1 and 2 of the plan were done, you'd would ascend into orbit.

(Y/N): All SCARS's...we've arrived at the landing zone. Prepare to-

Your alert systems suddenly went off warning you of incoming missiles, activating your flares you each broke formation and were then being targeted by Skelters. The landing zone came into view and in the next moment all hell broke loose, the land below where the marines had landed was full of Grimm. Most likely deployed by the SDF as a distraction to halt the invasion force.

You looked ahead of you to see dozens of Skelters flying towards your position and a dogfight soon commenced, Ruby sitting behind you was strapped in tight as you began to twist and turn the jet.

Shinya: Skelters, take them down!

Winter: I think they were expecting us.

The raven below you had successfully landed and out came marines and huntsmen to storm the beach and gain an upper foot, fighting the Grimm to pave a way for another landing force to arrive and push further into Vale.

Ruby: (Y/N)!!

(Y/N): I see him!!

You banked your Jackal left and increased the speed a bit in order to get behind the Skelter, you then fired at his engines with your guns before sending a missile his way. Blowing him out of the sky. Another set of missiles emerged below you and you popped your flares.

Masaru: Target down! Moving up!

Rio: *spins* Grimm are getting bigger in numbers on the beach, I'm gonna head down there and take the pressure off the marines.

Rio had lowered altitude and sped towards the beach below where the marines and huntsmen were fighting the Grimm, he then sent two missiles towards the ground destroying a large concentration of the creatures.

SATO marine: Thanks SCAR!! We owe you one.

Rio: *gives thumbs up*

You raised your altitude again and caught sight of two Skelters in your visual range, you fired a missile towards each of them. Both missiles were blocked by flares leading you to shoot one down with your gun, after destroying one you followed the other one into the mountains until it eventually crashed into a rock. You stopped your Jackal midair and hovered for a few moments to catch your breath.

(Y/N): *lifts up helmet* You okay...?

Ruby: *breaths* Yeah. Effective flying babe.

You contacted Shinya to let him know that the Skelters were all dead and that the marine invasion wave were clear to move more inland, you sent him the location of your ship within an open plain that would be suitable for a base of operations for the marines. After contacting the invasion force from the east side of the continent and getting confirmation that they made it, you proceeded back to the beach.

Once you arrived however Grimm had begun to show up.


After about an hour of slaughtering the Grimm that blocked your way the beach was secure, thus concluding Phase 1 of Operation Sakura. While the invasion force was now situated on the beach you and the others established an operations center within the mountains. Small tents filled the area surrounded by rocks and soldiers of both SATO and Atlas.

You walked over to one of the tents where Jaune was with a few marines to see several Huntsmen injured and laying on stretchers, injured but not dead.

(Y/N): *takes off helmet* What happened?

Jaune: One of the Ravens got shot out of the sky. They're the only survivors....

(Y/N): *nods* I see.

SATO marine: Sergeant (L/N), your brother wants to see you.

(Y/N): Alright. Jaune, your men are waiting for you on the other side, standby for orders.

Jaune: *nods* Marines, on me.

As Jaune left with his team behind him you went to where Shinya was near a cliff side with Ruby and the others.

(Y/N): Shinya.

Shinya: *turns around* Look.

He handed you a tablet which displayed a picture of Adam within Vale, taken only a few hours ago.

(Y/N): He's there right now....isn't he?

Shinya: *nods* Not for long. Because his Japanese ghost is coming for him....myself if you didn't catch my drift.

(Y/N): *sighs* Yeah...just remember what I said. Don't loose yourself in your revenge.

Shinya: Yeah yeah. Just be there to back me up if I need it.

Ren: So now what? The marines are all here.

Winter: A scout team will locate an opening we can exploit to get into the kingdom, from there we begin Phase 2. My marines will ride in with (Y/N) and Shinya on this one.

Ruby: *confused*

Shinya: Your marines...?

Winter: *nods* Admiral Miya gave me command of a set of SATO marines.

SATO marine: Winter, we're ready.

Winter: *nods* Marines, on me.

Winter left with a group of marines behind her.

(Y/N): I guess we'll see how she handles herself...our Atlesian girl.

Shinya: *nods* 

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