Chapter 10: A Sudden Attack

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(Y/N): This is SCAR Team 9, we have visual of the kingdom.

You and Shinya flew closely together with the rest of SCAR Team 9 behind you flying in a tight formation, just below the clouds and with a perfect view of the world below you. You were flying your Jackals over the icy cold kingdom of Atlas conducting a reconaissence mission to gather intelligence, as well as to spy on their military. Ever since the drone shoot down SATO on Remnant has shifted its attention toward the kingdom, while still actively hunting the Settlement Defense Front.

Your job had been to observe and report, nothing more. Thankfully your jet was stealth capable and outside any radar system Atlas may have been using. Using your on board monitor and high powered cameras you viewed the surface below and caught eye of a field, it was full of what looked like ships and military equipment.

Shinya: You seeing this?

(Y/N): Yeah. Those look like rocket-based weaponry. Probably what shot the drone down...

Shinya: *takes photos* REMCOMM is gonna wanna see this.

(Y/N): Hey did you hear anything recently about Faunus's within this kingdom?

Shinya: No...why?

(Y/N): You know that natual energy this planet produces called Dust right? Well Weiss's father, some guy named Jacque Schnee, is the CEO of the largest company that supplies the stuff. Nothing wrong with that...except the way he's doing it. Rumor has it he uses Faunus as slave labor to extract Dust and make it into what it is today.

Shinya: Slave labor....that's just...something you don't do.

(Y/N): SATO wants to put a stop to it given that Remnant is officially a colony of the UNSA.

SCAR Pilot: But even so that company is still a civilian buisness not affiliated with the military.

(Y/N): That's where you're wrong. The Schnee Dust Company supplies a bunch of weapons to Atlas's military and has close relations with them. Even so we can't do much because we don't have any evidence he's doing this.

Shinya cursed in Japanese to himself. After flying for another five minutes you gathered the intel you needed and began to fly out of the kingdoms airspace. You arrived in the middle of the ocean that separated Vale from Atlas and began to suddenly get feed from your Jackals radar, something was tailing your unit.

Using a rear facing camera and zooming in you could see that they were ships. SetDef ships. Most likely they were scouts. They began to chase you and your team before firing several missiles towards you. You activated your Jackals flare defense system and turned the jet upward, initiating a dogfight. Shinya and the other piloits immediatley spread out and began picking individual ships to fight with.

Shinya: Great! Just what I needed.

(Y/N): The fuck did they come from?

You flew in a zigag patten before catching sight of a SetDef Skelter and opening fire onto it with your gattling gun, the ship blew up instantly. Shinya fired a set of missles towards another one sending it into the ocean. This dogfighting went on for a while before you finally managed to bring them all down.

(Y/N): I think that's the last of them.

Shinya: Yeah think again brother. I'm picking up reinforcements heading their way. They must have sent out a signal.

(Y/N): Shit...then we have to loose them.

You each plotted a course for an unknown location in order to loose the incoming SetDef reinforcements in order not to lead them to Vale, once you were all in the clear you made way towards the kingdom.


Owen: *punches him* You little shit!

You and your brother and Rio stood by a tree and watched as Owen knocked down a kid from Beacon Academy, someone named Cardin Winchester. The reason being that Owen caught him harrssing his new Faunus friend Velvet. You stood by and did nothing as he knocked some sense into the bully. Finally Owen grabbed him by the collar and pinned him against a tree.

Owen: Now apologize to her!

Cardin: *scared* S-sorry...!

Owen: Threats hurt kid, though not nearly as badly as hollow point bullets. So keep away from Velvet. *throws him onto the ground* Got it?!

Cardin had agreed and ran away in fear.

(Y/N): Hmph...idiots these days.

Owen: *looks at Velvet* Are you okay?

Velvet: *hugs him* Y-yeah...thank you...Owen.

You smiled at the sight of Owen and Velvet hugging for a few moments. You and the others decided to leave them alone for a bit and walked back to the base to continue your non-combat duties. After the surprise SetDef attack you reported it back to the Admiral after giving her the run down of the recon mission to Atlas.

While en route to the base Ruby and her friends caught you.

Ruby: (Y/N), hi.

(Y/N): *puts arm around her* Hey.

Yang: Where've you two been? You were gone all day yesterday.

Shinya: Yeah we had to do some spy work.

Blake: On Atlas?

(Y/N): How'd you know?

Blake: Ever since the news reported that drone being shot down you guys have been focusing your attention a lot on Atlas, at least that's what the news is saying. Is it true?

(Y/N): Yes...and no.

Ruby: What do you mean?

(Y/N): That's classified. Don't worry though we're not going to war with them or anything...I don't think we are. SetDef is still our top priority in tht we have to find where they're hiding on this planet.

Shinya has suddenly picked up Yang and piggybacked her as you each arrived at the base. Once you stepped inside you caught sight of a few Faunus SCAR members and Rio chatting beside a tank. You called them over and brought Weiss forward. Each of them instantly glared at her as she looked away.

(Y/N): I know what you're thinking guys. But her and Blake have made up. Weiss....I think you know what you have to say.

Weiss: Yeah.

Weiss stepped forward and issued an apology to each of the for the hurtful comment she made about Faunus the last time she was there, that she was sincere and apologized to each of them. You and Shinya smiled at one another as Ruby and the others were shocked to see Weiss in such a state.

Weiss: And I feel....horrible about it.

Rio: *nods*

(Y/N): Well guys...?

Each of them looked at one another and nodded in agreement, accepting her apology. Weiss looked up to see Rio who then patted her head.

Rio: *smiles* That's the first lady-like thing I've heard from you all day.

Weiss's face had turned beat red as Rio wrapped an arm around her, and the two of them walked off base and towards Vale.

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