Chapter 27: Fall of Vale

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The city by now was but a full blown war zone as soldiers from both SATO and SetDef lit up the streets with bullets and fire, police falling to the SDF and marines continuing to hold out. The situation was so dire that Atlas had sent in reinforcements to support SATO, the leaders having put their differences aside for now.

You and Ruby raced towards Beacon which by now was most likely destroyed, but even so your brother and the others were there. You fired on another SDF troop before giving the go to cross the street, when suddenly you were ambushed by a Grimm. Before you could react Weiss had summoned a glyph  to shield you from its attack and, with Rio's help, destroyed the beast.

(Y/N): Thanks...

Rio: Come on.

You continued down the street for another few blocks before coming upon a group of SATO marines inside a partially destroyed building. You stepped in to see marines injured and bleeding on the floor laying on medical stretchers, with other marines healing and guarding them.

SATO marine: You SCAR?

(Y/N): *nods* What happened?

SATO: SetDef battalion ambush. Lost 38 marines trying to cover another unit as they made way towards the academy, every non-combatant in Vale is evacuated but those students at that damn school are still here.

SATO marine: Marines, we're heading out.

You instructed Ruby and Weiss to stay and protect the marines here from any remaining Grimm and SDF troops that may be in the area, while hesitant at first they eventually agreed. You kissed Ruby goodbye before getting onto the APC and driving towards Beacon. Once you got down towards the commercial district the APC suddenly stopped after a small explosion at its front went off.

SATO marine: IED!!

(Y/N): Shit, everyone take cover!

A group of SDF bots spotted your position from the buildings above in fortified positions and began to fire on you, you retalieted with force and soon found youself beside Shinya in cover. After reloading one clip of your weapon you leaped into the air and used your booster to run up the wall of a building to get to higher ground, then grabbed a grenade from your hip.

(Y/N): Eat this! *throws it*

The grenade exploded on contact killing several of the bots and wounding a few others, the marines with you and finished them off. Left with no choice you continued on foot and ran into another partially destroyed building. The wall behind you caving in and trapping you inside.

SATO marine: We're blocked in now.

Shinya: Keep it tight.

Rio: *kicks down door* This way, up the stairs. There may be another way out.

You followed Rio up the stairs keeping the formation tight and ready with guns pointing at every angle, arriving at a balcony of sorts you stacked up at its door and got a full view of the streets outside.

(Y/N): Raven this is SCAR, we have enemy convoy running parallel to our position blocking our path.

Raven: Copy SCAR I see them. Coming around for a gun run, danger close!

Bullets soon rained down on the SDF convoy prompting you and the group to fire as well. You walked out onto the balcony and jumped down to street level. Clearing out the area the marines behind you called for reinforcments. However your luck was soon to run out.

SATO marine: *looks up* Huh...?

Rio: *looks up* What the hell is...that?

A bright object had been freefalling through the air above you and landed onto your position, sending you and the others to you knees. The smoke had then cleared to reveal a dangeroudn threat. An SDF battle tank standing before you. You and the others became paralyzed with fear as you had no firepower to tackle it with, no rockets, nothing. It lifted its weapon and aimed it towards you.

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