Chapter 33: Operation Remnant

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You had long arrived back to Remnant after your temporary leave expired, and long had said your goodbyes to your family and Yang. While Ruby, Weiss, and Blake had returned with you to assist in taking back Vale and stopping Adam and Riah, Yang had stayed behind on Meridian.

You mother and father allowed her to stay in your home for her safety until Shinya returned for her, as she was very much in no condition to fight or be in any kind of hostile enviornment. And Meridian was the safest place she could be.

You were dressed in your combat gear inside a briefing room at Mistral, alongside dozens of other SCAR pilots and SATO marines both human and Faunus, beside you were also Ruby and her friends and even Weiss's sister Winter with several marines beside her. As well as various other Hunters and Huntresses from Vacuo, Atlas, and surviving ones from Vale.

Miya: *displays map* Team, we have the green light for Operation Remnant.

Operation Remnant, the codename for the plan to not only retake Vale and Vacuo, but eliminate Adam and Riah as well.

Miya: To aid in our offensive we'll be receiving intelligence from the Atlesian military on their movements and thanks to that intel, we know where Adam will be in 4 hours. Now I'm sure everyone still holds deep feelings against Atlas but for the sake of everyone and Vale, you will keep those feelings out of the mission at all times.

Miya had continued to explain how you will first drop into an area infested with Grimm and destroy three AA weapon systems to allow the marines to advance forward, from there you and the rest of SCAR would advance ahead towards the kingdom to destroy any remaining obstlcles

Miya: For all you Hunters and Huntresses in here let me be clear, our forces are slowly but surley dwindling here on Remnant because of the SDF presence. And we are entrusting you with this serious task in assisting the marines and SCAR against them. Your unique abilities should enhance their effectivness and if we play our cards right, then Vale with soon be in our hands once again. Within the next few weeks you will be included in whatever SATO operation we will be conducting. Take care not to falter in any way.

Ruby and the others nodded.

Miya: Do you understand your mission as I have explained it?

Everyone: Yes ma'am!

Miya: All right. Without further delay, here's the plan.

Miya walked over to her desk and grabbed a tablet, then displayed in the center of the room a holographic projection of Remnant. What caught your attention however was a long piece of metal sticking out of the planet and into the void of space above it, an elevator that led to a station of sorts in orbit.

Blake: Is that a elevator....?

Miya: Appeared last month in a short time span when SDF ships arrived with reinforcments.

Weiss: It's a space elevator.

Jaune: And it's for...

(Y/N): Transfering supplies from the surface to above us. *looks at Miya* Why would they have this?

Miya: Accorind to our intelligence they're using it to ship Dust into orbit above and load it into a network of satellites that fires missiles...but not the kind you'd think. *changes display* These missiles are capable of being fired from orbit and are specifically designed to explode once they reach the ground.

Rio: *looks at Winter* Winter....hypothetically what kind of damage is that amount of Dust capable of doing...?

Winter: A lot. If they're loading it into missiles...then I'd say they have the power to strike any target on all of Remnant.

The atmosphere in the room changed as everyone suddeny got chills down their spines. To think the SDF had gotten this far during your temporary leave. You looked at Ruby whose eyes were wide as she stared at the projection with fear, her hand shook a bit and she looked up at you. You interlaced your fingers with hers to calm her down a bit.

Weiss: And there's no way to stop them? Surely Atlas would have the resources for a defensive position.

Miya: Indeed they do and so do we....but from what I saw of Atlas's tech, they are strong but nowhere near as powerful enough to defend against the kind of technology the Settlement Defense Front posesses. SATO does have missile defense systems placed in Mistral, Menegerie, and Vale. And we very well could intercept and shoot them out of the sky...but...

Shinya: We'd only be delaying the inevitable...

Miya: *nods* Exactly. Which is why Operation Sakura is broken into four phases:

Phase 1, the initial invasion. We invade Vale from the east and west sides of the kingdom and establish a base of operations on both sides for both ours and Atlas's troops.

Phase 2, push into the kingdom and take control of the space elevator.

Phase 3, A team will ride the elevator into space and infiltrate the station controlling these satellites, destroy their orbital defense, set charges, and blow them out of the sky. Make sure they never get the chance to use this shit.

The huntsmen and soldiers each looked at one another with optimistic smiles and spoke words of encouragement and pride.

Rio: This is brilliant.

Weiss: We can totally take him down with this.

Ren: *nods* If we play our card right then Remnant will fall back into our control in no time.

Shinya: This sounds all fine and dandy but what about Phase 4?

Miya: *smirks* Phase 4, Kill Admiral Riah and Adam Taurus.

Each of the SCAR operatives in the room, yourself included, nodded at her comment. You'd been wanting to kill Riah for a long time now and you could tell that chance was soon to come.


You stepped out of the shower dressed yourself in a SATO navy shirt and sweatpants. You placed on your shoes and jacket and left the base for a short walk to clear your mind, making your way to the park you found your brother and Masaru sitting at the benches. As well as Rio. You joined them as they'd been talking about how Operation Remnant would take place.

Rio: You know I have to admit. I didn't expect my first few months with SCAR to be this...deep. Having to face such a strong enemy. What happened to Vale...and Beacon.

(Y/N): Yeah...we each feel the same.

Rio: *looks at you* This sort of thing happened to you?

(Y/N): During my first year with SCAR on a peacekeeping operation.

Masaru: You focus too much on the past. Look ahead. Worrying about ghosts isn't going to kill Riah.

Shinya: Or Adam...

(Y/N): *looks at Shinya*

Shinya: That asshole is gonna get what's coming to him.

(Y/N): Yeah.

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