Chapter 3: SetDef Attacks

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Commander: Attention!!

You each stomped one foot to the ground simultaneously and placed your arms behind your back, as you underwent inspection by the commander. You stood beside your brother Shinya given that, since you both were siblings you naturally looked out for each other. You'd been dressed in your combat uniform which was the battle gear worn by SCAR pilots.

Once the commander was done he assigned your duties for today which included field work. Your job would be to perform a patrol of the lands surrounding Vale from your Jackals, not only to protect the kingdom but to get familiar with the lands as well. After saluting you picked up your helmet and made way to your Jackal.

They'd been parked in the wide space near the barracks behind Beacon Academy and since it was a public place near the school, anyone could walk by and see them. Jumping onto your Jackal you started up the engine and the aircraft came to life.

Shinya: So much for getting to see the city today.

(Y/N): Yeah. What exactly are we patrolling anyway when we just got here?

Shinya: *canopy closes* To make sure there aren't any Settlement Defense Front military left on here. Remember they know where this planet is and it's still a newbie under the UNSA, plus they wanna keep it out of any conflicts.

You soon took off into the air and hovered over the school in the direction of the port. You were within eyesight of the students below who started to wave at you and the five other SCAR pilots, to which you waved back. Among them you can see Ruby and her friends. You smiled at Ruby before speeding off to the outskirts of Vale.

After a lengthy flight and high altitude climb you arrived at the kingdoms natural defenses which consisted of a mountain stretch, you flew up to them and stopped the Jackal mid flight and began to hover. In the distance you and the others could see what looked like gunfire upon a group of individuals.

Shinya: Who are they? 

SCAR Pilot: Are those kids? But who are they fighting?

You used your Jackals advanced camera to zoom into the scene and could see soldiers firing on a group of teenagers hiding behind a rock, soldiers armed with energy-based weapons. You recognized their uniforms and symbols and realized they weren't pirates. They were Settlement Defense Front.

(Y/N): Come on!

You and the others flew toward their position at lightning speed. Once you arrived there you opened the canopy of the Jackal and grabbed your NV4 rifle, jumping down to the ground you joined the kids at there side.

(Y/N): *fires rifle* Shinya!

Shinya: I'm on it.

Shinya fired a concussion round from his launcher to disable the SetDef soldiers temporarily as you reloaded, ordering the students to take cover beside you.

???: Wait...are you guys those marines?

(Y/N): No, special forces. What's your name? *fires rifle*

Jaune: Jaune. Jaune Arc. This is my team beside me.

(Y/N): Well Jaune, stay here. Shinya!

Shinya: *nods*

You and your brother alongside the other SCAR pilots emerged from the cover and laid down fired to the soldiers ahead of you, among them were a few combat robots. You got within range of one of them and drove your knife through the bots chest, pulling out its wires and severing its head. Shinya beside you killed another soldier with his pistol as the other pilots continued to lay down suppressed fire

The entire time Jaune and his team looked at you in awe, as you showed your skills as a soldier taking out the SetDef troops one by one. SCAR was after all feared for being able to do much damage for having small teams. Once the dust had settled the soldiers and robots were all dead.

(Y/N): *takes off helmet* Shit....

Shinya: *takes off helmet* SetDef Something isn't adding up.

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Shinya: If the Front really wanted to take Remnant, then why haven't they already? Normally they'd rely on brute force, right? Like they did with Titan in the past and the Jovian moons.

(Y/N): So what, you think this may be some new strategy they're using? If it is then we're fucked.

Shinya: I'm saying maybe they have cells across this world.

As you and your brother continued to talk you were interrupted by Jaune behind you who thanked you for the rescue. The rest of his team introduced themselves as Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren. Together they comprised Team JNPR

Nora: Whoa! Are you guys those SATO Marines?

Shinya: *confused* We're above the marines.

Nora: You sir were kicking some serious ass!

(Y/N): Anyway, what happened here? How did a SetDef unit find its way to you guys?

Ren: SetDef? Those animals that shot us with what looked like Dust.

Shinya: Dust...? What the hell is Dust?

SCAR Pilot: I heard is a source of energy on this planet. Apparently it's renewable.

Pyrrha: We were on a mission when out of the blue those armed men showed up and attacked us, asking where our kingdom was.

You looked at your brother and the two of you nodded in agreement, realizing that the commander would want to hear this. This info would also later be relayed to STRATCOM and SATO Command. You looked back at Team JNPR and told them that you'd escort them back to Beacon.

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