Chapter 23: Hostage Rescue

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You and the others flew your Jackals through the clouds in unison towards the location in Vacuo, towards a partially destroyed city under partial contol by the SDF. Once you came within visual of the city below you, you each opened your canopys and made ready to jump.

(Y/N): Alright! Go go go!

You and the others jumped from your jets and began to free fall down towards the city using your booster jets attached to your back to increase your speed, as you fell through the clouds. Once you could see the ground below you slowed your descent drastically until you eventually touched the land. You stood up and looked at your surroundings as you were now within the city, in a demolished urban area.

In addition to your SCAR combat gear you wore a black half-face mask under your helmet with a skull print. Ruby and her team had taken a seperate Raven and were far from the main fighting as their job was to destroy the Grimm in the surrounding areas.

Landing in the thick of the action you caught the SDF bots off guard and instantly opened fire on them with your NV4 rifle, Shinya and Rio alongside you as you each made way into the building where Ren was supposedly at. A tall skyscaper-like structure.

(Y/N): *kicks down door* He has to be here.

Shinya: He is. The intel we got was solid. Still we don't know his condition so be prepared to carry him out of here.

You each continued to climb the staircases as Ren's beacon became stronger and stronger. You got to the top of another staircase and turned a corner when you were suddenly caught off guard by an SDF soldier, grabbing his knife hand youn managed to flip him over your shoulder and disarm him.

(Y/N): *draws pistol and shoots him*!

You continued down the hall until you and the group reached a dead end with a large door, Shinya and Rio both took positions on each side of the door as you prepared to breach. After attaching the detonator you blew it open and breached the room, killing several SDF troops through the debris.

(Y/N): Clear!

Shinya: Clear!

Rio: Command, this is SCAR Team 9. No sign of the package. He's not here.

Command: Impossible. He has to be.

As silence fell upon the room with you suddenly heard the faint sound of what sounded like beeping. Looking towards a closet you walked towards it and started to slowly open the door.

(Y/N): What the...?

To your horror you found a screen with a timer counting down from eight seconds, your heart skipped at beat as you quickly turned around and bolted for the nearest window. Shinya and Rio following behind you. Breaking through the glass you boosted towards the ground below just as the room above you exploded into a ball of fire. It was a trap.

You each landed in what appeared to be a courtyard in front of the building only to get ambushed by more SDF bots, you each took up defensive positions and retaliated with all you had left. Personally you didn't care what happened to yourself, as long as Ruby was okay. 

You each stood back to back as the overwhelming numbers of SDF troops poured on you from every direction, hope seemingly getting lost as energy shots flew everywhere. Suddenly a shot rang throughout the air and in an almost flash, a wave of Dust had taken out the advancing soldiers on your six.

(Y/N): Where did that come from?

You looked around to find the source and saw a figure standing atop a demolished vehicle, he jumped down to reveal himself as Lie Ren. Partially injured but still standing.

(Y/N): Ren!

Shinya: *reloads weapon* Where have you been this whole time?

Ren: When I first heard the commotion going on I used the opportunity to find a way out...*falls down*

You help Ren back up as he was still injured with a wound in his abdomen, placing him on your shoulder you ran to cover as SDF bots converged on your position once again. Rio tended to Ren's wound as you and Shinya returned fire. Before they could attack once again more Dust from a far off position struck the area once again, and Ruby and her friends arrived to help.

After a lenghthy gunfight and help from the huntresses you achived victory, marines soon moved in to secure the area as you joined Ruby at her side.

(Y/N): *hugs her* Thank God....

Ruby: *hugs you back* I'm fine (Y/N). More importantly what about you? I thought you were gone for sure...

You ruffled her hair and leaned towards her face closer to assure her you were okay, the two of you blushing madly at one another as you enjoyed this tender moment.

Nora: Ren!

Your train of thought was interupted as Jauned and his team were relieved to see Ren, injured but alive overall.

Shinya: So now that we've caught up it's time you did some explaining Ren. Why were you captured by SetDef?

Ren: My team and I were outside of Vale when we spotted them dicussing something. They pretty much caught us and we had to fight our way out, I told the others to go without me and that's how I ended up here. *shakes head* Look the details aren't important because there's a major problem ahead of us. I overheard one of their officers talking one day about something....big.

(Y/N): *takes off helmet* What kind of something...?

Ren: These guys...are planning some major offensive against Vale soon but we don't know when. Vacuo is just a start. They said something about sending more ships to Remnant to aid in taking the planet as a whole and...I don't know that's all I heard. Also they...mentioned something about some kind of super weapon.

You each looked at one another as Ren explained what you already knew. Ruby held you hand gently and stated that no matter what she'll help in anyway she could. As did the others.

Ruby: Vale is our home too and we've every right to defend it. No matter how you look at it we're a part of this now.

(Y/N): *sighs* I know...still just don't do anything until we say so. Somethings happens to you...*pulls her closer* I'd never forgive myself.

Ruby: *blushes* Oh...uh okay.

Shinya: Rio, contact command and-

Much to your surpise the entire time Rio had been kissing Weiss. When the two realized they were being watched they simply looked away with their faces red. You chuckled at them and called down your Jackals from orbit to take the group back to Vale.

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