Chapter 5: First Encounter With A Grimm

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A/N: Apologies for the slow updates. As stated this may not be as frequent as the last.


Shinya lowered the altitude of the Raven to fly within visual range of the forest below, in the bay of the aircraft were a platoon of SATO Marines. You were the copilot and you were both flying from the mountains back to Vale after a training exercise in the mountains. Watching the radar you continuously looked for any signs of hostile forces but found nothing.

The two of you had been speaking to one another in Japanese for most of the time. In fact the two of you only spoke Japanese when you were alone together as opposed to around the others, given that not all SATO personnel understood Japanese, and Ruby and her team had never even heard of Japan until you arrived.

(Y/N): *yawns* 月のベースについて何か聞いたことがありますか? (You hear anything about the moon base?)

Shinya: 彼らは、それが2日以内に行われ、稼働すると、SATOが軌道防衛で惑星を上から守ることができると言いました。そして、私たちが貨物と船のほとんどを移転できる場所

(They said it'll be done in like two days and up and running, that way SATO can guard the planet from above with orbital defense. And a place where we can relocate most of our cargo and ships.)

(Y/N): Finally, so we don't stick out like sore ass thumbs. By the way have you talked to mom and the girls recently?

Shinya: Yeah. They're doing alright. I felt like she was crying a bit while I talked to her though. You really need to be the one to call home every now and then. Yuna probably misses you like hell.  正直に (Honestly)

(Y/N): Yeah yeah whatever. What about you and Yang?

Shinya: *surprised* What about her?

(Y/N): I saw you two in Vale the other day at a café when I was driving by with Owen. Did you hit that yet?

Shinya playfully punched your arm while blushing causing you to laugh out loud.

Shinya: Don't be stupid. She dragged me against my will. Gave me the puppy dog eyes and everything.

(Y/N): Sure she did-

The radar in front of your seat suddenly went off and you could see a dot ahead of the Raven, it was closing in fast. You both looked up into the windshield to see something in the distance. It was a giant black bird-like creature heading straight toward your ship. Screeching with its beak wide open.

(Y/N): Pull up!!!

Shinya pulled the controls back and rose into the air dodging the creature, knocking the marines in the bay out of their seats and onto the floor.

Shinya: What the hell is that?

Your brother stabilized the ship as the creature continued to follow you from behind.

(Y/N): I think it's one of those "Grimm" things.

Shinya: Those ugly monsters native here?

The Grimm bird appeared in front of the Raven again and Shinya dodged the monster, then proceeded to fire the ships mini guns at the beast. After landing a few hits the monster screeched in pain and soon began to tail the ship from behind.

(Y/N): Shit.

Shinya: *turns left* This thing's gonna kill us!

(Y/N): *thinks* No it's not. I got an idea. 

Shinya: Any day now before we're lunch. 

You opened a locker by your seat and pulled out a rocket launcher, after loading it you gave your instruction to your brother.

(Y/N): Keep it following us. On my signal I want you to open the bay doors. We're gonna take this thing out here.

Shinya: Is that even possible mid flight?

(Y/N): *ship shakes violently* Would you just trust me?

Shinya: *sighs* Fine. Just be careful.

You nodded and joined the marines in the bay. After explaining the plan you each positioned yourselves in front of the bay door with weapons at the ready, your rocket launchers locked and loaded. After signaling Shinya to open the door you each aimed your weapons at the bird. 

SATO Marine: Fire!!

You all fired simultaneously and the rockets each hit the Grimm in various places across its body, instantly it vanished after letting out a death screech. But not before landing a final strike on your aircraft's wing causing it to fall out of the sky.

Shinya: Hold on!

Shinya leveled the plane as you each held onto something and crashed into the forest below, the Raven skid across the land for a few seconds before halting to a slow. Destroying a line of trees in its path. When the dust had settled you got up and crawled out of the ship and ran to the cockpit, Shinya had fell out after kicking through the canopy windshield.

Shinya: *coughs* Shit...

(Y/N): *helps him up* You broken?

Shinya: *shakes head* I'm good. The marines.

(Y/N): They're fine.

You both went and check on the surviving marines. Thankfully each of them survived the crash and none of them were hurt. You looked up into the sky to see no more Grimm and that you were each successful in stopping it.

Shinya: What the fuck? You saw that thing?

(Y/N): Yeah I mean, what the hell was that about?

???: (Y/N)!! Shinya!!!

You both turned to see Ruby and her team suddenly running towards you, Ruby had thrown her arms around you once she was in your presence.

(Y/N): Ruby. What are you guys doing here?

Ruby: *hugs you tighter* Are you okay?

Weiss: We were on a school mission when we saw your ship fly by and get attacked by that Grimm.

Blake: You crashed too and we just followed the smoke.

You assured the girls you were okay and looked to see that Yang had instantly ran to your brother, taking his hands in hers.

Yang: Are you okay?

Shinya: Yeah yeah. Relax.

Yang: *blushes and hugs him*

(Y/N): So they are that way then...

Blake: Uh...guys...? 

You all looked in the distance to see a group of robots marching towards you followed by what looked like men armed with rifles. Once they were within range you recognized them as SDF military.

SATO Marine: Oh shit!! SCATTER!!!

 You each ran into cover behind the destroyed Raven as the SDF soldiers and bots fired on you, the marines pulling Weiss and Blake down to keep them from getting hit. You grabbed your NV4 rifle and fired back onto the SDF soldiers and bots alongside your brother. A few of the marines running to a nearby boulder to flank them.

Shinya: Where the hell did they come from?

(Y/N): I don't fucking know!!

Ruby had suddenly hopped from cover and ran straight into the fray of bullets, her scythe at the ready. She seemed to dodged the incoming energy fire from the SDF soldiers as she moved at a speed too fast for your eyes to follow, before you knew it she'd already cut down several of the robots and soldiers.

Shinya: *reloads* What the hell was that?

Blake: It's her Semblance.

(Y/N): Her what?

Blake: Basically a special power we all have.

One of the SDF robots had suddenly appeared behind Shinya about to strike him with a blade, before you could react Yang had destroyed in entirely. Hey eyes red and fist glowing.

Yang: Stay away from him!!

Shinya: *shakes* Uh...thanks...

The fight continued for another hour before you finally achieved victory.

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