Chapter 24: Mountain Flight

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After returning to Vale and delivering Ren back to Beacon the operation was a success, but it was only a minor victory in comparision for what was to come. You and Shinya delivered the news Ren told you to Admiral Miya who in turned, met with SATO Remnant Command's military cabinet to discuss future plans. If what Ren said was true, and an invasion of Vale and Remnant's orbit was iminent, then SATO needed every asset it had avalible to answer the call of duty.

The situation with between SATO and Atlas was still tense and a bit uneasy, but even so both sides agreed to not fight given the circumstances. Back in Vale the kingdom was actively preparing for an invasion as SATO marines collaborated with the city police and the hunters of Beacon. Should you and SCAR fail then they were the kingdoms last home defense.

SATO officials also kept what was going on under wraps from the general public due to fear of having widespread panic on their hands.


(Y/N): *kills SDF soldier* Shit!

You fired at the contingent of soldiers guarding the camp being used as a home base for SDF recon troops trying to find a way into Vale, the operation had been to locate and destroy this camp by any means necessary. As well as others. Shinya boosted into the air and killed another soldier joining you by your side behind a crate of cover. Rio had been on a cliff overhead providing overwatch with a sniper and Masaru had been using C12 rockets to destroy an SDF battle tank.

You were with the team within the mountains surrounding Vale that acted as a natural defense for the kingdom, one that the Front was now trying to break through in order to pave the way for an invasion force. You peeked from cover once again and fired on two more soldiers before leaping into the air and scaling a rock for a better view.

(Y/N): Fuck! *reloads* They just keep freaking coming!

Shinya: SCAR's to Command, where's the-

A buzzing sound soon went off in your comms for a few moments. You were being jammed by an unknown source, a vitual window soon appeared on your HUD displaying a man dressed in an SDF Admiral uniform.

Riah: This is Admiral Riah of the Hunter. You are defeated here and now. These natural defenses will not protect you forever. We will march through them and take the rest of your city.

(Y/N): *grins* Try it asshole...

The transmission soon ended but things only got worse from there as a lound noise from the sky emerged. Way in the clouds you could see what looked like two SDF naval ships descending. One destroyer and the other a super carrier. Your heart skipped a beat as you radioed command for backup. For now you had to end this quickly before they had a chance of reaching Vale. After killing the remaining soldiers you each called down your Jackals from above.

Once you closed the canopy you got airborne and boosted into the skies above with Shinya beside you, you continued to climb and climb until you were eventually within a layer of Remnant's atmosphere. In front of you side by side were the two destroyers.

(Y/N): Command, we're engaging the destroyers! Where's the SCAR teams?

Command: Roger that SCAR's, reinforcement pilots are en route to your location. ETA 5 minutes. Out.

Rio: *activates weapons* We're on our own then for now.

Masaru: Let's go, Rio you're with me! Target those AA guns.

You split off into two teams with you and Shinya taking the super carrier and Masaru and Rio taking the destroyer. Fortunatley you weren't entirley alone as behind you there were two SATO Navy destroyers that just so happened to be near the area of operation, the Terra Nova and the Endurance.

You flew down towards the deck of one destroyer as it was firing a high power laser at you and released a flurry of missiles on it, then shifted your Jackal to the right and opened fired on several machine guns. With Shinya behind you the two of you then decimated a whole section of its AA weapons, sending them up in smokes.

(Y/N): Hell yeah! *flys higher* Now let's...Oh shit! Dodge!

The destroyers laser gun had begun to charge and soon sent out a stream of energy towards the Endurance, damaging its side severley. Thankfull the ship was still flying. Your on board computer then began to blink as the alarm systems went off signifying that your Jackal was damaged partially.

Shinya: There here!

SCAR Pilot: Team 9, we've arrived.

You looked out of your canopy window to see 10 more Jackals flying over your position and open fire on the SDF destroyer you were engaging. They were the recently formed SCAR Team 10, comsposed entirley of Faunus. As they engaged the destroyer you flew over to where Rio and Masaru were still fighting to back them up.

Rio: They're releasing Skelters! Take em down!

Masaru: *fires weapon* Missiles! Pop countermeasures now!!

You Jackal vibrated intensely as your flares flew from lower half to distract the missiles. The dogfighting was now heating up as all around you were nothing but lasers and bullets flying in every direction, the atmosphere in which you were fighting in was lighted up and explosions from both ships soared through the sky.

(Y/N): All SCAR's keep fire on that super carrier!!

Endurance: SCAR Teams, Endurance is about to fire once again. Danger close!

You and Shinya flew from the destroyer and watched as a barrage of missiled from the Endurance battered the SDF ship, it then exploded into a ball of fire that shook your Jackal.

SCAR Pilot: It's down.

Shinya: Haha! Fuck those guys!

You each directed your attention towards the super carrier as it was almost destroyed. Before you could open fire on it again the ship was surrounded by a blue light at its front, the next instant it was gone.

(Y/N): It jumped. Command, SDF super carrier has left the AO. Let's just get to the ship for now. Terra Nova this is SCAR Team, requesting permission to land.

Terra Nova: Roger SCAR your clear. Runway 4 is available.

You and the team made way for the runway and soon landed.


After the operation you had time to relax for a bit. You were back home at your barracks sitting in front of a mirror at your desk, placing medicine on a small wound you received earlier. Shinya had been behind you watching TV while Masaru and Rio made dinner.

(Y/N): Planetary invasion. You think the SDF would actually go through with that?

Shinya: They've done it before in the past so it shouldn't be any different. At least we got that kid out of there. *phone rings* Hm? Yang? Uh hey, what's up?

(Y/N): *turns around* Yang call back at another time, it's the boys only hour.

Shinya shooed you away as you chuckled and he looked away.

(Y/N): I swear they're made for each other.

Your phone then rang and you could see it was a text from Ruby, stating that she wanted to ask you something tommorow.

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