Chapter 30: Home Visit

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The UNSA spaceship eventually breached the planets atmosphere and coming within view, the surface below that you and everyone could see out of the window. You kept your luggage close by and prepared for the ship to land. After being stationed on Remnant for 6 months you and your brother were granted temporary leave from the frontlines, and used it to visit your family.

Joining you were Ruby and her friends as well as you offered to bring them along to meet your family. The ship eventually landed at an air field surrounded by other ships. You were now on the UNSA colony world of Meridian, a tropical resort world that had a stable and summer-like climate planetwide all year round. In fact Meridian was a one of a kind Earth-like planet that was rich in natural resources and largely devoid of natural disasters.

It didn't have earthquakes, it didn't see tsunamis, no pollution of any sort was in its atmosphere, there really was nothing that would make the planet uninhabitable to humans. The only thing citizens of Meridian ever saw were occasional thunderstorms.

Pilot: We have arrived.

The ships door opened and after grabbing you luggage you each departed and walked onto the black top. The ship then flew off and you looked around after stretching for a few moments.

(Y/N): *looks at Ruby* Well. Welcome to Meridian.

Ruby: *looks around* It's so different.

Yang: *holds Shinya's arm* You actually live here?

Shinya: *nods* Yeah. Come on.

You wach walked to the roadside and called for a taxi given that you didn't have a car yet, a van then pulled up to your position and, after paying the driver virtually, you each got in and drove into Nagato. Masaru had taken Blake in a second cab to visit his family in one of the regions countrysides. As did Rio whose family had longed moved to Meridian and he ended up taking Weiss in another cab.

Soon it was just you and Shinya with Ruby and Yang.

(Y/N): Don't worry about showing up unannounced. Our Mom and Dad already know you're coming. As do our sisters.

Ruby: You have sisters?

(Y/N): Yeah. Three of them.

Yang: Reminds me of another person we know. *looks out of window* Shinya, why does it seem that every person we pass by is your race?

Shinya: That's cause everyone that lives on Meridian is Japanese.

When the UNSA expanded beyond the Solar System and established its 30 colony worlds, several of the most prominent countries across Earth were given special privilege. The United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, Canada, Japan, China, Korea, and Switzerland, were granted complete control and sovereignty over 9 of the 30 planets colonized by humans.

In this case, Meridian was owned and controlled by Japan. Meaning that it wasn't just some extra-solar territory like other planets, it was a part of Japan back on Earth.

Nagato City was the planets largest and most populous as it was the same size as Tokyo, and the center of the planets economy. And everyone born on Meridian was considered Japanese and also used Japans flag, and could move in between the planet and the country back on Earth. The governor of Meridian was appointed by the Japanese Prime Minister and the planets military defense was the responsibility of SATO.

The landmasses of the planet were archipelago in style and while other cities were built on them, they were less densely populated than Nagato. Meridian was also rich in limitless natural resources such as oil, of which Japan back on Earth always had relatively poor amounts of. Due to this the majority of Japanese live on Meridian with only small amounts still living in actual Japan itself.

The planet was also orbited by one moon named Tsushima, named after the island sitting between Japan and Korea. It was a celestial body home to mainly civilian workers that dealt with space exploration and research gathering.

Ruby: Why are we taking a taxi anyway? Don't you have a car or something?

(Y/N): Pff! Please, who needs a car in Japan?

Shinya: I'll say.

You eventually arrived at your home in the region of Tsushima which was located by the coast and near a beach, of course it was a Japanese-style home with both Japan's and a rising sun flag handing outside. You walked up to the door and rung the bell. It opened and out stepped Rei Kurosaki, your mother.

Rei: *shocked* (Y/N)....Shinya...

(Y/N) & Shinya: Mom.

You both dropped your bags and hugged her as tight as you could as you wanted to see her for a long time, your adoptive mother who alongside your father raised you and Shinya. You both introduced Ruby and Yang and Rei welcome you all into the house.

Ruby: *bows* Thank you Mrs. Kurosaki...for having us I mean.

Yang: We sure owe you one.

Rei: My God Shinya she is beautiful.

Yang and Shinya both blushed at the same time. After she had gotten to know Ruby you could hear your sisters running down stairs to see you both. Your youngest sister Yuna had jumped onto you instantly.

(Y/N): Hey squirt. *kisses her head*

Yuna: Oni-san...

Shinya: Yang, Ruby, these are our sisters Sora, Asuka, and Yuna Kurosaki.

Each of them waved to Ruby and Yang. You then picked up your bags and escorted the girls upstairs.

Shinya: You can use the guest room. There's only one bed though inside.

Yang: Eh, fine with us. Though if you want I wouldn't know...using your room as well...

Ruby: Yang!! Best behavior!

You chuckled at her comment as Shinya sighed to himself. Once you were all situated you went back down stairs to the living room and all sat within the couches. Your living room was fairly big and spacious, it contained many traditional Japanese customs such as a Japan flag on the wall, a calligraphic frame, etc. Your mother Rei and sisters Asuka, Sora, and Yuna continued to get to know Yang and Ruby.

Rei: I'm glad my boy Shinya has found a girl he loves. You as well (Y/N), Ruby seems like the perfect type for you.

(Y/N): *blushes* Yeah...

Ruby: Y-yeah! We're just uh...uh...*blushes*

Rei: *looks at Ruby* Thanks so much for staying by my son, by all means please take care of him.

Ruby: *smiles* Of course.

(Y/N): Mom...!

Rei: *giggles and stands up* Oh shoot. I've to make dinner and your father comes home tonight. Why don't you two show the girls around a bit?

You and Shinya agreed and led Ruby and Yang to the outside to show them a Japanese style zen garden in your backyard, causing the two of them to gasp in awe. From there you took them to the beach you live near and various other parts in the area, eventually when night fell your father returned home from work and, after meeting Ruby and Yang, you all had dinner together.


You sat at your desk in your room with the virtual window displaying from a device on your desk, Ruby had been beside you sitting on your bed. You were video chatting with Rio and Weiss talking about the dance you had attended.

(Y/N): The funny part is that me and Shinya told everyone at the base, but we didn't actually expect any of the marines to show up. So there was a little bit of a crowd in that dance hall.

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