Chapter 28: Reconciliation

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Days had gone by after the attack and Vale was all but ruins as Grimm wandered the kingdom and all forces were eventually withdrawn. All SATO forces within the kingdom abandoned their barracks and posts and relocated to either Menegerie or Mistral. Not only did Riah and Adam succeed in the invasion but many lives were also lost during the initial attack. While the majority of Vales population was successfully evacuated, others weren't.

For instince Pyrrah, a huntress from Beacon and member of Team JNPR, was killed during the attack. Sending Jaune and his other friends into a depression. Ruby and her team managed to escape the chaos but not left un scarred. You and SCAR Team 9 were evacuated to Menegerie where you stayed for the next few days healing. Although today you were heading to an island, not to fight, but to pay a visit to someone.


You and Shinya stepped out of the car after parking it near a tree and locking the doors, then slowly walked up to the house located in the forest you were now at. Ruby's house. Both of you were dressed the same way wearing your white formal navy uniforms although you left your caps in the car. You each also carried a bouquet of roses, one red and the other yellow.

Shinya: This is the place?

(Y/N): It's what Ruby told me.

Shinya closed the door and suddenly clutched his side with a tight grip, the area where Adam had stabbed him. While he could still move it had still caused him much pain, and you used your free hand to help him stand up straight.

You knocked on the door a few times and waited for a response. The door then opened slowly and standing before you was a man with short hair and dressed in casual attire a hunter would wear.

Tai: Um hello. Can I help- Wait! Are you...?

Shinya: *nods*

Tai: Holy shit! Shinya? (Y/N)? You're those special forces Yang and Ruby mentioned to me one time in a letter. Oh my, where are my manners? Please come on in.

He introduced himself as Tai Xiao Long, Yang and Ruby's father. After introducing yourselves you spent the next few moments getting to know him.

Tai: You were there at the attack on Vale, huh? Thank you both for saving my girls when you did, really. With all that's happened, everyone's gone their separate ways.

(Y/N): Of course. We're fine as well. We just wanted to know that they were okay Mr. Long.

Tai: Please, call me Tai. Considering what you boys have done you've earned that right at least.

Shinya: *nods* she here? Yang I mean.

Tai: Yeah. Upstairs in her room with her sister. Not doing too well. *pats his shoulder* Calm her down for me yeah? They may be happy to see you.

You both bowed and thanked Tai as he directed you upstairs. You arrived at the room and knocked gently on the door before opening it, standing beside Yang in bed was Ruby. They both noticed you and were shocked.

Ruby: *starts to tear up*

You walked inside and wrapped your arms around her as she started to cry into your chest, her tears soaking your uniform a bit as you set the roses on a nightstand behind her. Shinya had walked in and sat on the bed beside Yang as she grabbed her blanket to hide her injury from her boyfriend, scared at how he would react. Although Shinya was already aware. During the attack Yang had lost her right arm.

Yang: Don't look at me...! *looks away* Just go away.

Shinya: *hugs her* You sexy beautiful know that's not happening.

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