Chapter 4: Invading Army

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SATO continued to make itself known to Remnant and continued to strengthen its ties with Vale, they even offered to assist in any major domestic problems within the kingdom as a means to keep peace. One such victory of SATO was putting an end to the White Fang and various criminal organizations. A man by the name of Roman Torchwick was currently in UNSA custody inside a prison room on a UNSA moon colony.

The establishment of permanent SATO forces on Remnant also lead to the creation of the SATO Remnant Command, or REMCOMM for short. The unified combatant command of the UNSA military responsible for operations in and around all of Remnant.

A military police by SATO had even been established as a means of further protection. SATO marines equipped in light gear with rifles strapped to their backs made it a daily routine to march about in the city looking for any signs of trouble, as well as protecting major important places in Vale.

You were slowly riding off of Beacon's campus with your motorcycle, waving to some of the students when Ruby stopped you.

Ruby: Hi (Y/N). What's going on?

(Y/N): What are you talking about?

Ruby: You know...all of what's been happening these past few weeks. The military's been appearing a lot more in town.

(Y/N): Somethings...happened.

Ruby: *takes your hand* Care to explain?

(Y/N): No. Sorry it's sort of confidential. Let's just say we've run into some trouble.

Ruby: *concerned*

(Y/N): By the way how have you been-

You sentence was cut off by the sound of a SATO ship flying over you, it was a destroyer from the navy. It looked oddly familiar as you had once seen in on Meridian, then it hit you.

(Y/N): Admiral?

Ruby: Who?

(Y/N): My teacher...wait...Why is she here?

You started the engine of your bike and was about to ride when Ruby suddenly hopped onto the back.

(Y/N): What are you doing?

Ruby: I'm bored. Mind if I come with? Please?

(Y/N): *sighs* Fine. Just don't cause any trouble.

You rode toward the Vale port where the ship was hovering above, after a bit of a drive you arrived at your destination and got off the bike. You both walked towards the port to see SATO military officers dressed in uniform, among them was your former flight school instructor and big sister.

Miya: *notices you* Sergeant (Y/N). What a surprise. 

(Y/N): Admiral ma'am.

Miya: *hugs you* Oh come here you.

You returned the hug until you remember Ruby was watching you, you then introduced Miya to her.

Miya: Beacon. That academy I've heard about that teaches its students to fight those things? What were they called again, Grimm?

(Y/N): Yeah. Anyway Admiral, what's with the sudden visit?

Miya: Moving in. The higher ups have assigned myself and several other officers to Remnant as part of the naval fleet, establishing its presence on this world. *looks around* So this is Vale. Looks rather old. I also believe that you and your unit had recently came into contact with an SDF unit. That's also one of the reasons I'm here and I believe we've much to discuss at your base.

You nodded in reply as you escorted Miya back to your base.


You were inside the briefing room with your brother Shinya and other SCAR pilots listening to a brief on the recent SDF encounter.

Miya: According to the report I pulled from REMCOMM an SDF unit attack a group of students in that academy near by right?

Shinya: *nods* We were conducting a patrol of the area when they appeared on our radar, and when we saw they were SDF we couldn't just ignore them. 

Miya: Then this indicates that there must be some SDF presence on this planet then, possibly remnants from when they first arrived here and SATO stopped them. Our first step tonight is going to try and scout out any possible military installations they have around Vale, maybe even further from the kingdom. If we can get an idea on their numbers we can better come up with an immediate counter attack. *looks at clock* The recon operation will begin at 20:00. You best get ready now.

Everyone: Yes ma'am!

(Y/N): *sighs* 畜生 (Damn it.)


Dressed in your combat gear you were atop a cliff crouching down to keep out of sight, alongside Shinya and Owen. It was now the dead of night with the moon out and the area silent, in the skies above you flying out of range from the radar were Jackals monitoring you from above.

You were in one of the lower parts of Sanus far from the kingdom of Vale, conducting a covert reconnaissance mission trying to locate a supposed Settlement Defense Front base. You looked through binoculars and saw in the distance SDF patrolling a massive structure surrounded by SDF robots. It looked like a home base for an army and was armed to the teeth with energy-based AA guns.

A few smaller ships hovered around the area as well and even could see a SDF Navy destroyer hovering in the sky.

(Y/N): Overlord this is Recon Team 4 we have visual on the enemy, large scale SDF forces patrolling an AA-type weapon. You seeing this Shinya?

Shinya: Yeah. I count at least 25 ships and that destroyer. *looks through binoculars* SDF army men armed with energy-based weapons and guard bots. Bigger than the first force that arrived here if I had to guess.

Overlord: Yeah I see it. They've got a freaking army down there don't they? 

Owen: That's a base for weapons. They could eradicate Vale almost overnight with this kind of force.

Shinya: That's not just base it's a full scale invading army, if we're gonna smash this thing we have to plan and go in hard and fast.

Alan: Fine...all recon teams disengage and fall back. 

Shinya: We've got a lot of planning to do brother.

(Y/N): You're telling me.

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