Chapter 39: A Fair Duel

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You sped through the air at supersonic speed only to have visual range of the city below, you then received word that the marines below had breached Vales defenses and were now actively engaging the SDF presence. Phase 2 of the operation had begun which was to gain control of the space elevator located where Beacon used to stand. But before you could join the soldiers and huntsmen on the ground you first had to deal with the SDF anti-aircraft weapons.

(Y/N): Take the two of the right. The pair on the left are mine.

Shinya and Rio broke off and engaged two of the four AA guns set up while you and Masaru took the other two, you lowered your altitude a bit to get close enough to fire your missiles. Doing only partial damage to the weapon as it charged its system up again. Masaru swooped down to your side and used his Jackals EMP system to jam the weapons defense temporarily.

Masaru: Now!!

You both opened fire on the gun until it began to burst into flames and eventually explode. Regaining altitude you turned your attention to the final AA system. Once it was destroyed you joined with the others and proceeded to the grounds below. A radio transmission coming to you had also stated that drones had found out where Adam was.

Masaru: He's located....right where Beacon is.

Shinya: Good....

You contacted Admiral Miya for orders on what to do next.

(Y/N): Ma'am....we have a shot on Adam. He's here in Vale.

Miya: *sighs* i see. If he's within range of that space elevator...kill him.

Shinya: Yes ma'am...

You joined up with Jaune and his marine battalion below after disembarking from your Jackals. Then proceeded to the elevator after killing a horde of Grimm.


SDF: Alert! We have enemy-

You fired your rifle at the SDF soldier killing him. You and the others converged on the steel gate that surrounded the space elevator and set a charge, pushing the button on your wrist computer you blew the entrance open and stormed into a courtyard in the city. Before you were SDF bots and soldiers that Ruby, Weiss, and Blake had cut down in just seconds. You and Shinya had walked onto the destroyed campus and before you was a gruesome sight.

The corpses of huntsmen beneath your feet and several dead SATO marines. Standing before you was your target. Adam Taurus. Dressed his usual black attire and holding his katana-shaped weapon. He took a few slow steps towards you and your brother before stopping.

Adam:'ve finally made it. *claps slowly* Congrats.

Shinya coldly glared at Adam knowing this wasn't only a was personal. After Adam had taken his girlfriends arm he wanted nothing more than to take his head. And today he would finally do that. It ended here or never.

Shinya: *takes off helmet and gloves*

Shinya had dropped his helmet on the ground and stepped towards Adam, looking over at one of the huntsmen's corpses he noticed a katana.

Adam: If you want to proceed to your objective....*slowly draws sword*...then pass me first.

Ruby and the others prepared to fight but you ordered them to stand down.

(Y/N): Jaune, take everyone and go get reinforcements. We'll handle this.

Ruby: What? (Y/N).

(Y/N): This isn't up for debate. Go!

Jaune: *nods* Marines, on me. Everyone let's go.

Reluctantly Ruby and the others left the area and back into the city. All except Blake.

(Y/N): Blake!

Blake: No...I'm tired of running from him.

Masaru: *sighs* Okay fine but don't get in the way.....and stay beside me.

Shinya: This ends more more bullets...and no more running. *picks up katana* Let's see what you're made of Taurus.

Shinya disarmed each and every one of his weapons and even his protective vest, his ammo clips, his wrist computer, everything. Leaving only the katana in his hand and dressed in only his under suit.

Adam: Fine. A fair duel it is then. Once I'm finished here then everyone else is next.

Shinya: *aims sword* I'll send your head to the Emperor myself.

You stood back a few feet as Shinya and Adam had walked to the center of the ground and stood a few feet apart from one another, both of them assuming sword stance. Adam had discarded any and all Dust-related tools he'd been carrying as well, leaving only the sword in his hand. Even though you wanted to intervene you knew better than to disrupt a swordsman's duel, one of many things your father taught you both.

(Y/N): Such elegance in fighting one on one.

Shinya: *charges*

Adam: *charges*

The two of them clashed blades and were locked for a few moments before separating, Adam followed up with a strong attack by throwing an upward slash. Shinya managed to parry it to the left and threw a downward strike onto his back. Regaining his composure Adam threw seven more attacks at your brother, each of them were wither blocked or parried.

Shinya stepped to the side and sent forth a jabbing motion with his blade to catch Adam off guard. It was parried to the right and Adam soon followed up with a strong slash towards Shinya's chest.

Shinya: Gah *falls to knees*

Adam: You're sloppy.

Shinya got back up and charged towards Adam again catching him off guard by parrying to the right, and locking swords with him.

Shinya: Careful can't kill me when you sound afraid.

Adam: Tch! Afraid of you?! *strikes again* Give me a break!

Adam came around with another downward strike which was blocked by Shinya. Shinya then was able to kick Adam in the gut and used his sword arm to land three lightning fast slashes on Adam's body, each going up, down, and horizontal. The two of them locked swords yet again before your brother spoke.

Shinya: Why'd you partner with that scumbag Riah anyway...?

Adam: Hmph. To kill you obviously. After you destroyed my organization forging an alliance with him was the only viable option. Once this planet is under our rule the White Fang will rise again. And you....*charges*....your friends will be joining you in death. As will you girlfriend.

Shinya's blade clashed against Adams once again. Having had enough of his talk Shinya decided to finally end this. Adam came around for another strike but his attack was parried by Shinya, your brother used this chance to knock him off balance and have him stagger. Shinya brought his katana up and slice Adam in several placed all around his upper torso.

Adam: *shrieks*

Adam turned around and struggled to stand up straight. Falling to his knees he looked at you and the others as Shinya stood behind him.

Adam: Don't think...I'm done yet...!

He tried to crawl on his knees towards you slowly.

Shinya: *grunts*

Shinya walked up behind him and drove the blade through Adams back and out of his chest. Adam tried to move but it was all in vain.

Shinya: *pulls sword out* Die!

Shinya made one final horizontal slash, decapitating the Faunus completely.

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