Chapter 34: Alliance

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The marine convoy had arrived not only with more reinforcements for an upcoming operation, but supplies as well. You and the others had been inside the tactical command post of one marine battalion outside of Vacuo's urban areas where the Front was operating from. As the marines stepped off the armored cars one by one you noticed one of them who looked oddly familiar with his blonde hair.

(Y/N): Wait...isn't that...?

You stepped closer a bit and realized that it was Jaune dressed in full SATO combat gear and carrying a rifle.

(Y/N): *takes off helmet* What the hell is he doing here?

Ren: *taps your shoulder* It's a long story. While you were gone he ended up enlisting into your military, he wanted revenge against the SDF for what they did to Vale.

Nora: And Pyrrah...

Shinya: *shakes head* I he alright?

Ren: Yeah. I think. One day he just came to us and said he was leaving.... we found out a few hours later that he'd dropped everything to join the marines.

You walked over to him as Shinya pulled out his phone to call Yang back on Meridian.

(Y/N): Jaune.

Jaune: *turns around* (Y/N). Hey...

You looked onto his shoulder patch which had the JTF Wolverine symbol on it, one of the toughest marine battalions in SATO. His right shoulder displayed a flag patch which happened to be the flag of Vale.

(Y/N): Heard you signed up to be a jarhead while we were gone.

Jaune: Yeah...let's just say I had a lot on my mind. Hope my family's not too mad when they find out. Anyway the supplies are here so grab what you can.

You walked over to the supply truck and grabbed a medkit for you and Shinya to use in the event you two were to be injured, once the truck was cleaned of stuff Admiral Miya ordered you each to the tent. Once there she explained the next course of action in Vacuo which was to proceed into the city and make your way towards a structure to rescue a group of hunters that were being held by the SDF, as well as secure intelligence on something that the SDF was planning.

Miya: It won't be easy...but we do have a head start as to how you guys will be deploying thanks to Atlas.

(Y/N): Huh?

Miya: Due to the crisis we're currently in both SATO and Atlas have put their differences aside for the greater good. I know most of us still have an axe to grind with Atlas but for the sake of the mission, I expect you to keep those feelings out at all times. *looks at Ruby and the others* You Hunters and Huntresses for the meantime will be on standby until the hostages are secured, then you'll role in to cover their exfil.

Everyone replied with a "Yes ma'am".


You jumped from the transport aircraft alongside your brother and the others, as well as a few Atlesian special ops soldiers as this was a joint operation. You landed in a rural area of Vacuo where nobody from the outside world would come looking for anyone, an area taken over by the SDF. The base that had been set up was small but well defended with bots patrolling the place, and satellites watching the skies.

(Y/N): *looks through binoculars* Primary entries through the front door. We may need to call one in...

Atlesian soldier: And then what...?

Rio: *loads weapon* We fight like hell and get the hostages out of there. Shinya, I'll call a drone strike.

Shinya: Check. Masaru keep here on overwatch. Guide us in till we find the Hunters.

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