Chapter 12: Breaking Point

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After Remnant Command received news of the Settlement Defenst Front in Vacuo the Solar Assiciated Treaty Organization mobilised a force of marines to the region, to hunt down the Front and submit them into surrendering. For Special Combat Air Recon, thing were not looking too great on your end as well. The cold war-like tensions with Atlas were now at a peak with both sides preparing for a potential invasion of the other.

Both militaries began actively developing their weapon systems and capabilities but not one of them had yet fired a single shot at the other, even so this tense atmosphere had reached a tip. Adding to this was the revelation to the UNSA that the Schnee Dust Company was indeed, using illegal slave labor of Faunus to aid in their Dust production. This to the UNSA on Remnant was unacceptable.

The commander of SATO Remnant Command authorized a limited blockade of SATO Navy ships around the far off coast of Atlas, to keep Dust reaching the kingdom and pressure the Schnee Dust Company into releasing the Faunus under their thumb. However this wasn't causing them to stop as it only infuriated them further. Jacque Schnee had urged the Atlesian leaders to launch an attack on Vale, in response Atlas began challenging SATO by sending drones to scout out various locations of SATO bases.

All of which were destroyed by SCAR and both sides contiunued to play this dangerous gamble. Sometme after the kingdom sent their drones to Vale 100 missiles belonging to SATO, which were stationed all across Vale and surrounding waters, were armed and aimed directly at Atlas. Waiting for the order to fire and decimate the Atlesian mainland. The situation was so dire that SATO bombers had been orbiting Atlas for several days ready at a moments notice to fire, as they monitored the kingdom.

You and the others for weeks had been training. Training for a possible all out war with Atlas in which SCAR would invade the kingdom and bring the SDC and military to its knees. Although despite the tense atmosphere no side had yet ordered an attack.


Ruby: They're that tall?

(Y/N): Yeah. The mountains all across Meridian's moon are kind of like the Ural Mountains back on Earth, they're like this giant stretch that goes on for miles.

Yang: *looks at Shinya* You guys get to see all of that?

Shinya: *nods* Also are you sure it's okay for you guys to be here? I mean...students hanging with soldiers at their barracks...

Yang: It's fine since it's the weekend anyway.

You were inside your barracks housing with Shinya, Rio, and Masaru after returning from a patrol earlier, in which you flew around Vale's geographic location in search of Atlas drones. The TV was on displaying the news and Rio had been in the kitchen making snacks for everyone. At some point after you returned Ruby and her friends suddenly showed up in front of your door, not having anything else to do you let them in.

Yang had been sitting in a recliner on Shinya's lap with Masaru getting to know Blake more and more. Masaru Hasegawa, like you and Shinya, was Japanese and born in Japan. He and his family also migrated to Meridian when he was young and was stationed to Remnant as well. As you continued to tell Ruby a story from your time back home the TV caught your attention, a newscast had been showing.

Reporter: In other news it has been weeks since the initial attack on a SATO drone by Atlesian military which ignited further tensions between the two militaries, this attack was only one of several more attempts in the year long feud with Atlas and the UNSA. Officials report that SATO has been closely monitoring the norther kingdom for fear of a potential attack, to keep order and defend the Valeian homeland. SATO Remnant Commands spokesperson stated earlier that the military would take further mesures and enact more sanctions on the kingdom.

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