Chapter 29: Voices from the Past

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The ship exited interstellar space and arrived in another nearby galaxy, you could see the faint star in the distance and an asteroid belt. On board were you and your brother along with Masaru and Rio and team RWBY, all of you heading to Meridian for a temporary leave. You were in the cockpit with the pilot named Dan, a male rabbit Faunus and SATO pilot, and Shinya.

(Y/N): Is this it? This doesn't look like our star system.

Dan: *looks at star map* Motherfucker...

Shinya: What?

Dan: My bad, I typed in the wrong damn coordinates. Shit.

Your ship floated through the void of space for a while as the pilot looked through a book to find Meridian's star system when you then looked out f the window, below you was a celestial body. A planet. But one that didn't look like any kind of planet that you'd seen before. The door to the cockpit opened and in came Weiss.

Weiss: Are we there yet?


Dan: We're somewhere. The jump drive won't be ready for another 30 minutes so we can't get to Meridian till then.

Shinya: What's that planet down there? It looks dank and...dark.

Dan: I don't know the star map can't make heads or tails with it. It's just some sort of desolote...I guess abandoned world. I'm not picking up any beacons.

(Y/N): Well since we have to wait 30 minutes....let's check it out.

Shinya: You sure about that?

(Y/N): Yeah, why not?

Shinya: Always adventurous.

You nodded at Dan and he began to make way towards the planet and you went back to the others to tell them, you traveled through the atmosphere for a few moments before finally breaching the worlds clouds.

(Y/N): A little detour till the jump drive gets back online.

Ruby: It looks boring...

Yang: Where is this?

Shinya: We don't know.

Looking out the ships window as it slowly flew you saw nothing but grey skies and no plant life of any sort on the ground, everything was rock and mountainous. You looked out another window when suddenly...something strange on a flat strip of land caught your attention.

(Y/N): Wait...what the hell are those...?

Shinya: Are those...spikes...sticking out of the ground...?

The so called spikes looked as if they stretched for miles. You went back to the cockpit and told Dan to land the ship far from where the spikes started, after he confirmed the air was breathable. He landed the ship and gave you each the go ahead to departe, you all departed together and stepped out onto the planet. You and Shinya carried submachine guns with you just to be safe.

Looking around you could see nothing but rock and hills, no plants, humans, nothing. Nothing but the standing stones ahead of you.

(Y/N): *points* Shinya...look.

Shinya: What the hell....?

Blake: Guys...?

Masaru: Come on.

You each walked towards the standing stones and stopped just before entering the field they stood upon. You were each mezmerized at how tall they were and how each of them seemed to be pointing in all different directions.

Rio: Who built these...? Are they other people on this planet...?

Dan: No...I couldn't pick up any signs of life.

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