Chapter 37: Riahs Message

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The cold water ran down your body as you washed all of the dirt off your hair and upper body, cleaning away the stress from what happened over the water. Once you were done with the shower you quickly dried off and changed into sweatpants and a SATO Navy t-shirt, then went towards one of the barracks to see Ruby and the others there. Your brother, Rio and Masaru had were also dressed the same way as they'd showered as well.

(Y/N): *looks at Ruby* What?

Ruby: Ah, nothing. It's just smell nice.

(Y/N): *smiles*

Blake: Ruby you know what you did back there was a bit overboard.

Ruby: I'm pretty sure everything we do is overboard.

(Y/N): Rio. How's your condition?

Rio: I'm starting to feel better. The plasma burns still hurt but I can still move my arm at least.

Weiss: *hold Rio's hand* Try not to push your body too much. *looks at scroll* Also are you eating right? Your heartbeat went up pass 100 earlier today.

Rio: Can you quit monitoring my vitals?! It's creepy!

Blake: *looks at Masaru* You too Mr. You have any idea how scared I was when you didn't let me know you were alive?

Masaru: *pecks her lips* Love you too.

You all left the room and went to the lounge area where you noticed most of the SATO soldiers watching a TV screen, on it displayed not military information...but a person. You were shocked to see that it was Admiral Riah most likely hacking SATO's network system, behind stood Adam.

Riah: This is Admiral Riah of the Settlement Defense Front to SATO with a grim warning. Make no mistake. We will continue to fight you in your fading world, your people will know power and obedience as we will not stop until this rock is ours. Your history will burn as you will soon enough. Broken and weak....Mars Aeturnum.

The transmission ended. You looked down at Ruby who looked a bit frightened.

(Y/N): *takes her hand* We'll get his ass. Count on it.

Shinya: Adam....*clenches fist* His life is mine.

The soldiers and Hunters began talking amongst themselves about the message leading Owen to call for everyone's attention, he then gave a short statement of how everyone shouldn't let Riah's propaganda get to any of you. That at the end of the day you'll all take back Vale and Remnant and that nothing is stronger than SATO. The SATO and Atlas soldiers and huntsmen in the room clapped.

Weiss then suddenly stepped onto a crate and caught the attention of all the soldiers in the room.

Weiss: Sorry if I seem off but...I just wanted to take the time to say thank you. To SATO specifically, you know despite the tension you may share with us at Atlas I think it's safe to say that we're in this together. You've been doing so much these past few months to stop the SDF and all we can be is grateful. And um....I also really want to shout out someone who's in the room with us now....standing next to Shinya.

You all looked over towards Rio whose tail and ears perked up when Weiss called him out.

Weiss: Thanks for saving me that day from that SDF energy blast that could've killed me, you're honestly the luckiest person a girl could ask for. And um...*blushes*...I love you.

Everyone in the room let out an exasperated "Awwww" sound as Weiss stepped down from the crate and towards Rio, the two of them then locked lips with one another followed by another round of applause.

(Y/N): Today's a good day.

Shinya: *nods*


Lemon Scene!!! 🍋🍋

Night had fallen and after a long day of patrolling the outskirts you were finally alone together with Ruby. After closing and locking the door you pushed her onto your bed and pinned grabbed her by the thighs. The black shorts she was wearing along with a light blue sleeveless shirt made a tent in your shorts form rather quickly, as her clothes showed off all her curves.

Ruby: Don't just stare. Do something already.

(Y/N): Of course.

You moved closer to her and plugged your lips against hers, then placed your tongue forward and the both of you swapped saliva for a few moments. When you pulled apart for air your hands made their way towards her butt and gave it a tight squeeze, causing her to moan out and place one hand on your crotch. Once she squeezed your member you turned a bit more aggressive and gently bit her neck leaving behind a hickey.

Ruby sat up and stripped away your shorts to reveal your member which sprang free. You turned her around and began to massage it using her butt. Ruby's voice had gotten slightly louder and to avoid being noticed, you covered her mouth. Her rear completely smothering your crotch along with the smooth fabric of her skin tight shorts. 

Ruby: Quit teasing me and hurry up already...

You slipped down her shorts and underwear and lined your member up with her entrance. After covering her mouth you pushed forward and was soon gripped by her insides. Her moan being muffled by your palm. You started moving back and forth and with each mover her walls were getting tighter and tighter. 

You didn't want to say it aloud, but despite her have a small butt, it was firm in every direction. 

(Y/N): *moans* You okay?

Ruby: Yeah...don't stop.

Doing as she said you continued for the next several minutes. When you began to feel your  juice build up you cupped both of her breast and gently bit the back of her next.

(Y/N): I'm about to...

Ruby: Yeah! Do it!

With one more push you blew your load into her.


You woke up around 4:30 in the morning and stared at the ceiling for a bit, the room being dark with the only light coming from the moon. Ruby was beside you sleeping. Both yours and her clothes were thrown over the floor and the two of you naked under the blanket. The base was quiet for the most part with everyone sleeping, the only ones up were SATO soldiers doing the night watch.

You peck Ruby on the cheek as you pressed your face into her chest, trying to go back to sleep.

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