Chapter 25: School Dance

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After the attack SATO forces across Remnant took in upon themselves to bolster the planets defense. More SATO ships were brought in as reinforcements and were strategically placed across the planets grid to counter strike any SDF destroyers that may return. For now the job was done and you were taking some time to relax after that mission.

You and the others were now on the base dressed in your SCAR gear inside one of the many barracks where soldiers slept. Inside with you was Charlotte who was a female mouse Faunus and SATO engineer who loved working with machines and creating equipment for SCAR to use. Right now she was testing a new technology for SCAR teams to use.

Charlotte: *attaches device to your back* And there. Okay you're all set. Try it now.

You pushed a button on your wrist computer and suddenly your entire body became invisible, your weapons included. Shinya and the others were blown away at the new tech that Charlotte had created.

Winter: Impressive. I have to say Atlas doesn't even have anything remotely close to this.

Rio: You hardly even notice him. This is what you've been working on for a month?

Charlotte: *nods* It's a way to make you guys less easier to be detected. Although keep in mind if the enemy is using sensors then it's pretty much useless.

You returned to normal and removed your helmet. The door to the room then opened and in stepped Admiral Miya and Kaleb.

Miya: Huh. So you actually got that thing working. Good work Charlotte.

Kaleb: Active camouflage. How long before we all get those?

Charlotte: Well this is just a prototype. Once this is properly tested then I'll build the real ones.

Winter: Kaleb. *blushes*

Kaleb: Winter? *takes her hands* Where have you been this whole time? I missed you.

Winter: *hugs him* You as well.

(Y/N): Oh boy here we go again...

The others laughed as they watched Winter and Kaleb get all lovey dovey with one another for a few moments, to the point where they even kissed. Masaru and Rio couldn't help but crack a few jokes much to their annoyance, even the Admiral chuckled a bit as well. As you each were having fun your phone vibrated in your pocket, you pulled it out to see a message from Ruby stating that she wanted to see you and the others.

You and the others left the base and made your way to Beacons campus and came upon the groups of students dressed in their uniforms. As you walked onto the campus the students each gave you a salute and greeting as an act of respect for being in the military. You returned the favor and found team RWBY sitting on a bench.

(Y/N): Hey!

They each got up and hugged the four of you. Of course Yang had showered your brothers face with a thousand kisses.

(Y/N): So what did you want to talk to us about?

Ruby: Here.

Ruby handed you what looked like a flyer describing a school dance that Beacon was holding this week, one that was being held within a dance hall in the city somewhere.

Masaru: A dance?

Blake: Yeah. We were talking about it earlier and was wondering if know...*blushes*

Ruby: If you guys wanted to come with us.

Rio: *surprised* sure? I mean isn't this for your school?

Shinya: Yeah wouldn't it be off to have a bunch of military guys at a teen dance?

Weiss: *touches Rio's fox ears* Don't you worry about that. Beacons staff says that SATO marines are more than welcome to attend, with all that you guys do with protecting Vale.

Rio: Wait really?

Weiss: *nods* I'd appreciate it if you'd accompany me Rio.

Rio: *smirks* If a commoner like me is good enough for you, then I'd like to.

You and Shinya looked at one another and decided to join them.

(Y/N): Why not? It's not like we have anything else to do this week. *looks at Ruby* If you really want me to then I guess.

Ruby: *blushes and nods*


The hall was packed with students that filled the main room that was decorated with lights and candles, a stereo playing music and punch table situated on the far side of the room. Keeping your word you and your brother were attending Beacons school dance within the city that was hosted by its headmaster Ozpin. Around you were not only Beacon students but also SATO marines and navy officers as they had been invited to attend the event.

Each of those marines dressed in their formal uniforms and being flirted to by most of the female students. Each of those marines were very young and just a few years older than the students, being around 19 to their early 20's. But for some reason that only made the female students want them more.

(Y/N): *looks around* This feels...illegal for some reason.

Shinya: *fixes collar* Yeah...who'd have thought girls on this planet were into military men a few years older than them.

Author's Note: The FBI doesn't exist anymore in this story.

Given that you didn't have a regular tuxedo you instead wore your SATO Navy dress uniform, a white one similar to what an Admiral would wear and displayed on your chest were your ribbons and medals you'd been awarded with overtime. One such award that stood out from the rest was the Hero of the Russian Federation, the only foreign honor you have given to you after you saved the lives of several SATO soldiers from Russia.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see Ruby and her friends standing before you, each of them wearing dressed that matched their color scheme.

Ruby: You came.

Yang: *hugs Shinya* These uniforms look nice on you.

Shinya: *wraps arms around her waist* You look great babe.

Rio: *kisses Weiss's hand* Ms. Schnee.

Weiss: *blushes*

Masaru: My kitty...

Blake: *blushes* Oh stop.

The six of them went of leaving you and Ruby alone.

Ruby: I heard on the news that the marines fought against the SDF again. Is Vacuo going to be alright?

(Y/N): *shrugs shoulders* I don't know. I hope so.

You moved a bit closer to Ruby before reaching down to touch her hand, she jumped slightly but eventually interlaced her fingers with yours. Your other hand found its way to her slender waist causing her to press her chest against yours. Music began to play throughout the hall and students began to flock to the center to slow dance with either each other, or with the SATO marines that had arrived.

You walked towards the dancefloor with Ruby and wrapped both arms around her waist, in turn she placed hers around your shoulders. The two of you begun to slow dance casually while talking.

Ruby: *touches your cheek* What's this?

(Y/N): What?

Ruby: Your cheek, you have a scar.

(Y/N): Oh. Yeah I cut it on a sharp piece of rock during one mission, it hurt like hell.

Ruby: Then let me make it better.

Ruby leaned closer to you and suddenly kissed your cheek where the scar was which made you blush, and look around to see if anyone had noticed. Fortunately no one did as Shinya was busy dancing with Yang, as was Rio with Weiss, and Masaru with Blake. You pulled Ruby closer to your chest and came within inches of her face, her cheeks were bright red and her lips mere inches from your.

Seemingly out of instinct, you decided to kiss her.

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