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In 2225 the United Nations Space Alliance discovered a world far out of bounds from the Solar System but close to their outer colonies. The world was known as Remnant and was home to three races. Humans, a human-like race with animal features known as the Faunus, and monsters known as Grimm. The planets surface was being attack by a Settlement Defense Front unit and, left with no reason to look the other way, SATO sent a force of 5,000 marines to defend the area which SetDef invaded. A place called Vale.

After the discovery by a SATO Navy ship the UNSA government from Meridian took matters into its own hands. That same year in 2225 ambassadors from the United Nations and the Prime Minister of Meridian had met with the high council of three kingdoms called Vale, Mistral, and Vacuo. After learning about Remnant, its history and inhabitants, the UNSA offered a proposition to Remnant after taking an interest in the world.

They offered that Remnant become a colony world under UNSA jurisdiction and welcomed the planet into the interplanetary sphere, in exchange Remnant would have access to new resources, technology capable of space travel, be able to migrate to other worlds, and above all, guaranteed protection from extra-solar threats.

The leaders of the three kingdoms soon agreed to the plan. Remnant would soon be a colony to Earth but it would be a while before a treaty between the two worlds would be signed. Even so SATO would still defend it.

Note: This all happens before the events of RWBY ☝🏻


Meridian, 2226

Inside a SATO Naval Base

Miya: You did well sergeant in finding those stolen chemicals.

(Y/N): So SetDef is in that newbie planets air space then huh...?

You were speaking to your commanding officer Miya Katsuragi, an Admiral of the SATO Navy and powerful military woman. She was also your primary instructor in flight school when you enlisted and at times often acted like an older sister to you. She had taught you everything you knew from flying a Jackal, to fighting boots on the ground.

She was also someone you looked up to and respected, as did your brother. The two of you had been discussing a recent operation in which you found stolen chemicals, chemicals that SetDef allegedly intended to use on a human colony in the Andromeda system.

Miya: According to STRATCOM, yes.

(Y/N): So then why not just fly in and blow the whole damn unit up? What's the point of all the intelligence gathering we've been doing in the past two weeks? *sighs* Ma'am....

Miya: *sits* Go on.

(Y/N): We don't stand a chance in hell with these rules of engagement Admiral. You taught us hesitation is a hole in the head back in flight school, to work the problems and respond. And here SetDef is just poking their nose in our business.

Miya: I know (Y/N). You and your brother were always fast learners. But until we have confirmation that the Settlement Defense Front seeks war, the warriors aren't in charge yet.

(Y/N): *sighs and nods* Yeah...okay.

Miya: Also, it's come to my attention that you're being stationed on Remnant in two days. You'll be part of the first ever SCAR unit to set foot on the planet.

(Y/N): Yeah. Guess this is goodbye to Meridian for a while.

Miya: Aw don't worry, I'll be in touch with your unit down there. Anyway, I've some business I have to tend to with the other Admirals. Dismissed.

You saluted her and stepped out of the office. Waiting for you in the hallway was your brother Shinya Kurosaki, dressed in the same clothes you were. A SATO military jacket with the SCAR emblem on one shoulder, and a Japanese flag on the other. A pistol at his side as well.

Shinya: Well?

(Y/N): Chemicals. It was them.

Shinya: The Front?

(Y/N): *nods*

Shinya: Shit. And we're being stationed to some rock when we should be up in our Jackals hunting those bastards.

The both of you exited the building and onto the courtyard filled with other military personnel, SATO engineers, marines, and Jackals. In the distance on an air field was the SATO Navy ship you would be boarding in two days to Remnant. You looked up to see two Jackals flying and speeding off toward a mountain.

The two of you aimlessly walked the grounds talking. You and Shinya were both SCAR pilots and were on the same team, as well as the same base.

(Y/N): So what do we tell Mom? That we're being stationed to some recently discovered planet that we welcomed into the UNSA? And we won't be back for God knows how long?

Shinya: I guess if you wanna be a debbie downer with it...

(Y/N): And the girls?

Shinya: your job.


Yuna: *looks down* When are you coming back...?

You looked down at your younger sister and picked her up for a hug, you hated making her sad and seeing her cry. You were at your home with your family all in the living room, your mother Rei Kurosaki and your three younger sisters Asuka, Sora, and Yuna Kurosaki. Asuka and Sora were both 16 and Yuna was the youngest being 10.

(Y/N): I don't know Yun, but you know I'll be back right? I call you when we get there.

Yuna: *blushes*

You kissed Yuna's forehead and you and Shinya hugged your sisters and mother. While Asuka and Sora understood why you had to leave, Yuna was the most affected.

Yuna: And you promise you'll be back soon.

Shinya: Cross my heart and hope to die, squirt. *kisses her head*

Rei: Oh you boys. I'll be holding you young men to that. Come now though, dinners ready.

You each went to the kitchen and sat at the table and ate began to eat dinner, you had asked your mom where your Dad was to which he replied that he had urgent business to take care off.

Rei: His company is holding a series of events next week and unfortunately he won't be home till then. But I've already told him you both were leaving and he says he loves you.

You and Shinya nodded. You looked back at Yuna who still seemed a bit upset.

(Y/N): *pats her head* Hey, when I get back I'll take you to see Fleet Week again.

Yuna smiled with stars in her eyes as you continued to eat with the family.

Remnant's New Knights (Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare X RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now