Years Later: (Part 1)

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15 Years Later

Tsushima, Japan

(Y/N): *wakes up and stretches* Mmmm. Hm?

You woke up to the smell of cinnamon pancakes emerging in your room. Getting up out of bed you went to the kitchen to see everyone there. Your red haired beauty of a wife Ruby Rose Kurosaki, and you two kids.

(Y/N): Morning.

Ruby walked over to you and pecked your cheek.

Ruby Morning hubby.

You turned your attention to your kids and ruffled their heads.

Jin: Hey.

Misato: *chuckles*

You had two kids with Ruby. Your eldest was your son who was 16, Jin Kurosaki. He had both Ruby's black and red hair and silver eyes. Your youngest was your daughter Misato Kurosaki who looked exactly like her mother and was 12, her nickname was "Misa". As you sat down to eat you started to reminisce on everything that happened. 15 years and counting had come and gone.

About a year after you defeated the Front on Remnant you had proposed to Ruby after you found out she was pregnant with Jin. The two of you married sometime after and moved back to Japan where you settled down on Tsushima Island after Jin was born. Four years later your daughter Misato was born and the four of you lived a quiet but happy life.

Given that Jin and Misato weren't born and raised on Remnant they didn't posses a Semblance like their mother, and were just normal humans.

When Remnant was saved it was once again an official colony world of the UNSA with each of its kingdoms being absorbed into the UNSA's sphere of influence. All except for Atlas who opted to remain independent, and SATO was okay with that. The two militaries down the road eventually signed the Treaty of Tsushima which ended all hostilities between the two powers and established diplomatic relations.

After leaving the military you found work back in Japan as a pilot for a company specializing in deliveries of items all across Asia, you also offered your own services as a freelance pilot. Ruby had abandoned her huntress life and operated her own bakery on the island, one that was popular with all the locals. Everyone else had also long forged their own lives and paths.

Masaru and Blake had gotten married down the road and now lived in Tsushima as well. Weiss's older sister Winter and her Faunus husband Kaleb stayed behind to live in Nagato City on Meridian, and Shinya and Yang moved back to Japan settling down in Naha, Okinawa.

Weiss had gotten married to Rio down the road and remained on Remnant to run her family company. Although the two of them made occasional trips to Meridian for visits to Winter.

With everything you had you couldn't have asked for more.

Once you were done with breakfast you and your family dressed and left the house.


Blake: Now this is where the funny part comes in. I give her a chocolate cookie and just at that moment, a rabbit comes out of the bushes and walks up to her.

Shino: Mom...please!

Blake: The rabbit puts his mouth near her face and...*laughs*... It snatches the cookie out of her hand.

Jin: *laughs*

Shino: Mom...

Blake: Before I can give her another one she gets angry and picks up her net, then proceeds to chase the rabbit down the street for five blocks. Shouting "Give me back my cookie!"

Jin chuckled as Blake had handed him a glass of lemonade. Beside him sitting in the living room was Shino Hasegawa, Masaru and Blake's 16 year old daughter who also happened to be Jins girlfriend. Both of them had been dating for a year now.

Shino was also a bit of a celebrity in her school given that she was the only one of her kind there. In addition to her cat ears she was endowed with Blake's good looks, figure, an excellent GPA, a seat on the student council, and a gift for naginatajutsu. And like Jin she spoke English as a second language.

Blake: Jin, thank you for taking care of Shino by the way.

Jin: Oh sure. She's practically the queen of our school being vice president of our student council and all. Oh yeah Shino, I'll be at kendo practice tomorrow afternoon so go on home without me.

Shino: *nods* Oh. Okay.

Blake: Hm? You do kendo Jin?

Jin: *nods* My Dad makes me do it. Said he grew up with it and it helps me stay in shape. I play for our towns kendo team cause our schools got disbanded a year back. That and I own my own airplane.

Blake: Huh? I'm sorry did you say you own an airplane....?

Jin: *nods* I won it in a contest a while back actually and I was pretty lucky, it's a small three seat electric plane. Aside from doing kendo I like flying. And I got a pilots license before I even learned how to drive.

A loud thud sound was then heard from above them causing Shino and Blake to stand up, Jin followed them upstairs and the three arrived to see a young Faunus boy sitting on the floor. A ladder beside him and rubbing his head.

Shino: Shigeru! *kneels beside him* What are you doing up here?

Shigeru Hasegawa, Shino's younger brother who was 12.

Shigeru: *rubs head* I was trying to grab a spare pillow case from the closet was all.

Blake: *sighs* Haven't I told you not to climb things? I don't want you hurting yourself.

Shigeru: Yeah yeah I know. I didn't wanna bother anyone.

Jin helped him up and brushed off a bit of dust from his shoulders.

Jin: You're one of those guys huh? Always wanting to do thing yourself.

Shigeru: *shrugs shoulders*

Jin: Reminds me of myself.

Blake: *rubs Shigeru's head* Come on sweetheart, let's leave these two alone for a bit and head out to get your father. Shino we'll be back in a while so you two will be alone for a bit. Now no funny business while I'm gone~

Shino: Mom!!

Blake chuckled a bit before taking Shigeru and leaving both Jin and her alone. The two of them went to her room and taken off their school jackets.

Jin: You know I've already done my homework, I did it during our lunch break.

Shino: *sits on Jins lap* Really? Then you mind sharing the answers for our geography class? Please, just this once? *kisses him*

Jin: *blushes* You know I can't say no to you. By the way I was wondering something. My plane is actually capable of cross continental travel and I was planning to take it up to Sakhalin in Russia. You wanna come with?

Shino smiled and nodded giving Jin another peck on the lips. The two of them had then snuggled up to one other on her couch and began to watch TV on the flat screen on her wall. Jin had scratched her cat ears for a bit which she loved a lot.

Shino: *purrs like a cat*

Jin: *smirks*

Shino had then suddenly turned around and began to make out with her boyfriend for a bit, during their session Jin's phone rang and he turned to see a text from you. You had told him to bring home some milk if you could, you also reminded him of his kendo practice tomorrow.

Jin: *sighs* Yes papa.

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