Chapter 22: Request

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You were dressed in your white navy dress uniform next to your brother, Rio, and Masaru, and several other navy officers and SCAR pilots all dressed in white. In your hands was a ceremonial rifle attached with a bayonet and before you were other SATO military officers slowly walking down the path you each formed on both sides, as they carried the coffins drapped with Japanese flags. You were near Vales port where a SATO dropship was waiting to pick up the dead marines heading down the line.

The marines that died fighting the SDF in Vacuo who's remains were able to be recovered. You were responsible for seeing them off as they were being returned back to Meridian, to their families. Meridian had been the closest human world to Remnant in terms of distance and therefore most of the SATO forces stationed on the planet were Japanese, with only a few foreign soldiers from Britain, Russia, and France.

Behind you along the sidewalks were a few civilians and Beacon students, Ruby and the others among them. Once the bodies were loaded onto the dropship an officer stood atop a small stage and gave a short speech. Once he was finished the dropship flew off into space.

The small ceremony had ended and you began to disperse.

(Y/N): *places rifle on back* Shit sucks....

Shinya: *pats your shoulder* Yeah...

Rio: *removes cap* Peace to the fallen. I'm still new at this at bit and I've never attended one of these things before...sorry if I seem off.

(Y/N): *pats Rio's fox ears* Eh don't worry Rio. You eventually get used to it.

Masaru: Yeah. All we can do is ride the wind.

Ruby: Hey, you guys.

Ruby and her friends soon joined you as most of the SATO soldiers began either leaving or chatting with nearby civilians.

Ruby: *touches your chest* Sorry about your loss...

(Y/N): *hugs Ruby* Don't worry about it. It's what we signed up for so you can only expect stuff like this.

Ruby: *hugs you* For the record you look good in this uniform.

You continued to flirt with Ruby for a bit while Shinya was occupied with Yang, who began taking pictures with her scroll of everyone and the soldiers together. Eventually she caught your attention as she aimed her camera towards you and Ruby.

(Y/N): *smiles*

You stood behind Ruby and held her waist in a bridal-like pose as Yang took the photo.


(Y/N): What do you mean kidnapped? Ren was taken?

Pyrrah: Yes. We were outside of Vale when it happened. For whatever reason Ren had gone into an SDF-occupied region and told us to leave without him. Before we could go back Grimm had ambushed us and we were forced to retreat.

Nora: It's been...two days since...

Jaune: Damn it...

You and your brother looked at one another as the two of you and Admiral Miya listened to their explanation, Ruby and her team were also present. Beaconbs headmaster Ozpin had given further details and explained that the reason he called you was to request your assistence in rescuing him.

Ozpin: We could very much find him on our own but given that it's a more poweful enemy you're engaged with...I felt it best to relay this info to you.

Miya: *sighs* What would he be doing there first of all?

Shinya: We won't find out standing around here. I say we go.

(Y/N): Second.

Ruby: We're coming with you this time.

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