Chapter 19: Dust Weapons

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The missiles had begun being loaded into the ground as you and Rio had watched on, wearing normal clothing and having your sidearms at your hips. Surrounding the area were marines tasked with guarding the sight as SATO engineers had continued to work. You were at a large open field that was guarded by a tall gate given that it was where SATO's missile ordinence was stored. The engineers had been installing the military's new missiles to replace the ones that had been fired at Atlas previously.

Rio: Who fires those things?

(Y/N): The missileers of the SATO Navy. They're actually 75 feet below our feet underground.

Rio: *looks down* Seriously....?

Rio's fox tail waged back a forth a bit as he was surprised. Shiny walked over to your position alongside Masaru who then informed you of the upcoming mission.

Shinya: We got a situation.

(Y/N): What is it?

Shinya: Part of a shipment of Dust headed to Vale this week was just stolen 5 hours ago.

Rio: What?

(Y/N): いくら? (How much?)

Masaru: Enough for them to put some serious work into it. We need to lay hands on it. *shows phone* This photo was taken by one of our spy planes at the time of the incident. They loaded it onto this aircraft and flew off with it. We suspect its heading to one of several islands on Remnants oceans and we have an idea on which one.

(Y/N): Wait...Where'd you get this?

Masaru: Our Atlesian counterpart.

Winter: *walks over to you* Me.

You each turned around to see Winter Schnee as she joined your group.

Rio: You?

Winter: *gives a slight bow* Rio.

Masaru: Winter here is gonna help conduct this operation.

Winter: I'm not all too famililar with how this Settlement Defense Front operates, but with that amount of Dust they have who knows what kind of weapons they could utilize with it?

(Y/N): くそー。それは次から次へと一つだけです。彼らがそれで何をしようとしているのか、何か考えはあります? (Damn. It's just one thing after another. Is there any idea what they plan to do with it?)

Masaru: おそらく核を構築します?。あなたの推測は私のものと同じです (Probably build a nuke? Your guess is as good as mine).

Shinya: ダスト核 (A Dust nuke...).

Rio: Hey so um...let's pretend I don't speak Japanese and would like to know what your saying.

Winter: Japanese?

You each laughed.

Rio: *looks at Winter*'re telling me SATO just let you walk free? I mean aren't you still POW?

Winter: *sighs* Not necessarily....something happened...

Rio: What kind of something?

She suddenly looked away with a pissed expression until Masaru spoke up.

Masaru: You didn't hear? A few days ago she got into an argument with one of the marine officers at the embassy and well...during that fight she ended up destroying a C-12 battle tank.

Rio: *surprised*

Masaru: Yeah...take note those things cost $300,000 a piece, and I'm sure that's about the same as in your currency. And the military wasn't letting that slide so now she has to work for SATO for the next 6 years just to pay it off.

Winter: It was an accident!


The operation was now underway with you and the rest of SCAR Team 9, alongside Winter Schnee, currently fighting a division of SDF soldiers in your way. You were on the island with the objective to locate and secure the stolen Dust, as well as kill Admiral Riah if he made any kind of apperance. You and the team had been fighting in an outpost set up by the Front.

Instead of using your usual NV4 rifle you were equipped with the Erad SMG, an energy-based weapon.

(Y/N): *fires* He's down! Push up, the package is just ahead in that structure!

Shinya: *covers you* Schnee!

Winter: *nods*

Winter leaped into the air and using her power summoned a creature of some sort to deal with the bots firing on you, as you used your suits abilities to quickly slide and wall run pass the SDF soldiers keeping you from the cargo. Reloading your gun you fired another volly of energy rounds at an SDF soldier armed with an LMG blocking your way.

Arriving before the structure you were prepared to breech and enter, but was suddenly blown back by an explosion coming from the other side of the large door. Regaining your footing you stood up and could see, emerging from the smoke, a figure stepping towards you. He was dressed in a SDF Admiral uniform.

(Y/N): Riah...!

Riah: *chuckles* Still fighting after all this time, huh? No worries will all soon meet a gruesome end.

You fired your weapon towards him only for the energy burst to be blocked by another person, a man dressed in black and red and carrying a red sword. You used yout enhanced agility to jumped further back and put space between you and your enemy. This new figure also had horns protruding from his head indicating he was a Faunus and wore a mask to hide his face.

???: Hmph....pathetic humans. So you're the organization that brought an end to the White Fang...

Rio: Who the hell are you?!

???: *draws sword* Who I am doesn't matter. What matters is SATO does not interfere with our plans. And die! *charges towards you*

The Faunus struck at you with his sword which you managed to dodge. You fired your SMG at him but to no avail, as the energy rounds were all but deflected. He managed to knock your weapon out of your hand and slashed your plate armor on your chest. You quickly drew your combat knife and threw several slash attacks at him in all different directions, all of which were deflected or dodged.

???: This is too easy! *kicks you away*

Masaru soon joined you by your side as the Faunus walked towards the structure with the Dust.

(Y/N): *draws pistol* Hey! *fires it*

The bullets were cut down in a single slash. Admiral Riah then pulled out a device from his pocket which turned out to be a grenade, an odd type given that it glowed the same color as Dust. Pulling the pin he threw it towards you which caused you to react quickly, deploying your retractable shield to block the blast. When the grenade made contact it exploded with an unfathomable force greater than a standard grenade, sending you flying back and destroying your shield.

(Y/N): *grunts* What the...fuck...?

Admiral: This Dust is strong....

Masaru: What?

You saw the remnants of the grenade on the ground and quickly put two and two together. That grenade had been full of Dust and caused an explosion much more deadly than a normal one.

By now marine reinforcements had arrived and provided support for you and the unit, as well as more SDF soldiers. However this time most of the SDF were using not only energy-based weapons, but unknow types of rifles. Rifles you'd seen used by Atlas soldiers during the invasion given that they fired Dust. It was here that you realized that the Dust captured by the SDF was most likely going to be weaponized in some form.

After a lengthy gunfight Admiral Riah and the Faunus both escaped in an SDF dropship with the Dust. Eventually you had to retreat and returned back to Vale. The mission was also a failure.

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