Chapter 20: Nightmare

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Colonel: So you're telling me that not only is the package gone....but that the SetDef army that's on Remnant is planning to weaponize it?

(Y/N): *nods* That grenade Riah threw at me was filled with the stuff. And get this: it actually increaded its kill radius compared to the normal ones we use.

You then pulled out your phone and showed the Colonel a picture of the Faunus you encountered. His eyes widened as he knew who it was, explaining to you that he was the former leader of the now defunct White Fang. Adam Taurus.

The Colonel's face sunk as he looked up at the holographic screen that depicted Remnant, he continued to think on the subject until the door to the room opened. In stepped Karen, a female wolf Faunus and intelligence officer for SCAR, with a tablet. Karen was one of many Faunus within SATO who didn't serve a combat-related role and instead worked in a support role, in her case intelligence gathering.

Karen: Colonel sir, you need to see this!

Colonel: Talk to me.

Karen: We cracked the incryption on that drive we captured a while back. You're seeing here plans for an attack, potential targets. Settlement Defense Front is planning to send out an invasion force for Vale at some point but the issue is we don't know when.

(Y/N): Wait...a direct attack on Vale?!

Shinya: Not the first time it happened. I'm still amazed that they managed to use that Dust in their weapons.

Winter: Well to be fair, Dust can be used it any kind of weapon on Remnant. It shouldn't be all too different with yours.

Colonel: Then we'll be having Jackals in orbit around Remnant monitoring the planet, in the event of an extra-solar attack. Karen, is that all that was on the drive?

Karen: No sir. We also found blueprints for what appeared to be some type of weapon the Front intends to use, though we're still debating on what exactly it is. I can get to work on digging for more information on it and hopefully crack what's left of this thing.

Colonel: *nods* Make it happen. I trust you entirley Karen, you Faunus sure are skilled with technology other than combat. Don't over look the smallest detail.

Karen: *salutes* Yes sir!

(Y/N): Sir...that's not the only issue we encountered. The former White Fang leader Adam Taurus made an apperance during the operation.

Colonel: The one with the horns that we weren't able to find when we first stopped them?!

Masaru: Yes sir.

Rio: He appeared to be working with Riah and we haven't got the slightest clue as to why.

Colonel: *sighs* I see....that will be all.

You each saluted and left the room, then walked out onto the base to the sound of music playing as SCAR operatives had been relaxing or working.

Winter: So then...what happens now?

(Y/N): Now we just relax and wait for further orders.

Winter: I see...

???: Hey, (Y/N)!

You looked behind you to see Kaleb, a male dog Faunus and SCAR operative your age, walk towards you. You each caught up for a second before he turned his attention to Winter.

Kaleb: Hey uh...Winter.

Winter: *smiles* Lieutenant.

The two of them had begun to suddenly flirt with one another much to your surprises, with Kaleb taking both her hands and Winter moving closer to him. You and the others looked at one another and decided to leave them alone.

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