Chapter 11: SetDef in Vacuo

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The line for the Embassy of Meridian to Vale stretched out the door and into the parking lot as it was full of Faunus, all of whom hailed from Menegirie. Outside the embassy doors were SATO marines guarding the place to keep order, prevent any issues, and make sure everything runs smoothly. You were inside the building with Shinya dressed in combat pants and a grey SATO t-shirt, accompanied by a Kevlar vest and black sunglasses.

Your only weapons being your pistols at your sides and a taser. You both had been guarding the inside watching the Faunus speak one on one with the dozens of diplomats and other embassy workers from Meridian. Meridian's governing body, ever since learning of the Faunus's existence, had been very much interested in the race on Remnant and longed to meet them face to face.

After learning of the discrimination its people faced throughout the years it had become the first human colony to open its doors to the Faunus from Menegerie, and they had gone to the embassy to get travel visas for the trip.

(Y/N): *talks to a Faunus* Bathroom is down that hall to the left.

Shinya: Hm? Blake?

You looked at one of the office cubicles to see Blake and two others beside her filling out applications for a visa, one of whom was a woman who looked a lot like Blake. You walked over to the desk and made your presence known, also noticing how Blake was wearing one of the shirts you'd gotten for her.

(Y/N):'re going to Meridian too? Aren't you enrolled in school?

Blake: Yeah, once I leave Beacon that is. I wasn't going to at first but my family insisted I should. Oh yeah, this is them by the way.

You introduced yourselves to Blakes mother and father named Ghira and Kali Belladonna.

Ghira: You're the ones responsible for protecting the academy my daughter goes to, correct?

(Y/N): *nods* Yeah you could say that. I take it you and your wife are heading to Meridian?

Ghira: Of course. However I can't help but remain skeptical of what it will be like.

Shinya: Why's that?

Kali: When SATO first arrived in Menegerie we had mixed feelings about humans being in our land, althought you had treated us with such kindness and respect that these suspicions were all but gone. Although my husband here being chieftain of the continent...

(Y/N): Chieftan? So you're in charge of the people there?

Ghira: Correct. When we received news that the UNSA offered a place for us on Meridian the people instantly excepted, however I personally made the decision to your governments leaders.

As you continued to talk with them you were tapped on the shoulder by another SCAR pilot with news, he explained that SCAR Team 9 would soon be deployed to Vacuo, a kingdom neighboring Vale. He stated that the Front had been spotted in the region and were most likely up to no good.

(Y/N): Great...

Blake had gone to another area of the room and had gotten her photo taken for her soon to be passport, as did her parents. The rest of the day had gone smoothly as each Faunus within the embassy were able to obtain visas for the soon to be trip to Meridian.



(Y/N): No! Light that motherfucker up!

You peeked over the rock you were hiding behind and fired your assault rifle at the SetDef soldier armed with a machine gun entrenched in a fortified position, beside you were your brother, Rio, and several other SCAR soldiers and marines. You were within the kingdom known as Vacuo conducting an offensive against the Front that had been located there. Vacuo had been under siege by the Settlement Defense Front for weeks now and the SATO military had finally found them.

As the firefight had died down for a few seconds you noticed in the distance a group of people fighting SetDef bots and soldiers, the same ones you were engaging.

(Y/N): Look! The southwest side! Who are those guys?

You used your helmets camera to zoom in and noticed they were teenagers, most like hunters and huntresses. They'd been hiding behind a structure as you were and one of them, a ginger-haired girl firing what looked like a grenade launcher. Shinya had taken a sniper rifle he'd been carrying and fired at one soldier that had gotten around their defenses.

Rio: You think we should help them?

(Y/N): They're firing at our enemy, what do you think?

You ran from cover with the marines providing cover fire for you and the othes, joining the teens by their sides you pulled the blonde one aside and asked for some information as to how they got there. They were a hunter team from Beacon Academy named Team JNPR and were on an assignment when out of the blue, they were ambushed by SetDef soldiers.

You reloaded your weapon and fired at the remaining bots alongside the students and others, each member of Team JNPR showed their skills as hunters in training and students of Beacon. Once the fighting had settled you and the other marines surrounded one SetDef survivor.

You grabbed him by the collar and drew your pistol, demanding to know how many of them were in the kingdom. He only laughed and replied saying more than enough. And that soon this planet will know what true power is. Out of the blue he revealed in his hand to be a grenade he intended on setting off, but before he could pull the pin he was shot dead by the black haired boy holding the green guns.

Ren: *pants* And stay down...

Shinya: Whoa...nice work kid...

Once the dust had settled the marines had taken full control of the base SetDef was using, the students then properly introduced themselves as Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrah Nikos, and Lie Ren.

Jaune: You're SATO? That military that arrived last year...

(Y/N): Yes. More inportantly you said that you saw more of them along the way.

Jaune: Yeah. Me and my team first encountered them in the woods nearby and tried to talk but...

Nora: I broke one of their legs...

Pyrrrah: *sighs*

Ren: We had to flee because there were too many of them and that's how we ended up here.

You looked back and Shinya and nodded in agreement.

Shinya: So the Front is here in Vacuo.

(Y/N): Looks like we know where the marines are heading soon...

You directed the marines to call for an extract and reinforcements given that the Fronts location had now been revealed.

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