Chapter 1: A New Home

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Remnant, 2126

Inside SATO Naval Base Amethyst


You had walked through the courtyard of your new home base. Remnant was not yet a colony to the UNSA, but SATO had continued to establish a military presence in two places. One in Vale, the kingdom SATO first encountered, and the other in a place called Menegerie where the Faunus lived. Each base had around 10,000 marines.

Your barracks where you slept and ate at were special compared to the other marines stations on Vale, given that it was built specifically for SCAR members. Everyone that lived on it was a SCAR pilot. On a guarded airfield located near the port in Vale were all the Jackals that you and the others flew. Your barracks were also located within Vale and were in a public area, allowing for virtually anyone to visit.

The UNSA ship Terra Nova had returned to space and begun work on a space station on Remnant's partially destroyed moon. It was also where the ships nuclear weapons would be stored for fear of a certain kingdom on Remnant trying to lay hands on them.

You came upon a crowd of marines at the gates. You were the shortest one on the base so you had to jump on top of a crate to see the outside of the gate. You could then see a crowd of young teens dressed in school uniforms.

They were students of Beacon Academy, the school that the barracks you were living on was built near, that being at the foot of a mountain overlooking the area. You had guessed curiosity got the best of them for being in front of a base meant for UNSA personnel only.

You had found Shinya and asked what was going on.

Shinya: Beats me. What do you think?

(Y/N): Curiosity I suppose.

SCAR pilot: Clear the area, UNSA personnel only!

SCAR pilot: This area is off limits!

The students had not yet moved despite the soldiers waving their guns. Shinya had contacted the colonel from inside his office.

Shinya: Sir...? ....Yes....Well they just came out of nowhere......Yes sir.

He hung up the phone. You asked what you were gonna do. Following Shinya to the gate he calmed the students down in the front.

Shinya: *sigh* Let em in. The commanders words not mine.

Confused as much the pilots open the gates to the students, letting them each come through in a single orderly fashion. The students looked in awe at the military equipment and AA weapons set up around the base of the UNSA, as well as the barracks where the soldiers slept, ate, and relaxed.

Among the crowd you ran into a girl that oddly looked familiar. Immediately you recognized her, along with her three friends behind her.

(Y/N): You! Ruby.....was it.....?

Ruby: Ah! You remembered me!

You had met her along with her friends a few days prior while you were flying your Jackal alongside your brother, doing a survey of the lands surrounding Vale.

She threw her arms around you, you stood there confused and frozen for a bit until you just decided to return the love.

Letting go of Ruby you realized something you hadn't thought of the first time you met them. You never told them your name. As the other marines behind you chatted with the students from the academy you introduced yourself.

(Y/N): Sorry, I forgot I never gave you my name. My is Sergeant (Y/N) Kurosaki, SATO SCAR Team 9.

Ruby: Kurosaki...I like that.

(Y/N): This is my brother Shinya. He's a pilot like me.

Shinya tried to introduce himself but soon caught the eye of Ruby's yellow-haired sister Yang, who stared at him in a sort of trance-like state. She walked up to him to where she now stood before him with her face just inches from his.

Yang: you...have a girlfriend...?

Ruby: Yang!!

Shinya: Why?

Yang: *blushes*

She suddenly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and told him that he was hers now. You sighed at the fact that she started falling for your brother, despite only just meeting him. Finally the Colonel arrived on the scene to speak to the Beacon students.

Colonel: Alright listen up kids, as you can see our.....little infrastructure is situated far behind your academy. But even so you must understand this area is off limits to non-UNSA personnel.

Everyone of the students in the crowd lowered their heads.

Colonel: But...since your here and since I'm in a good mood, I'll be a little generous and have some of the boys here show you around.

SCAR Pilots: HUH?!

You went to the Colonel and saluted.

(Y/N): Sir, are you sure about this?

Colonel: It'll be fine trooper, this'll give us a chance for SATO to make friends with the inhabitants of this world...well this and the parade we'll be holding this week.

After that the SCAR men on base began to take groups of students and show them around, except to the places considered top secret. You had volunteered to take Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang around since they were the first and only ones on this planet you knew. You lead them throughout most of the base explaining a bit about the UNSA. You also told them a bit of the war with the Settlement Defense Front.

Eventually after the short little tour the headmaster of the academy, Professor Ozpin, came to the base and reclaimed his students. You had said your goodbyes to team RWBY, but not before Ruby would drag you and Shinya into a group photo with the 6 of you. You place an arm around both Weiss and Blake.

Ruby: Smile!

She had taken the photo. After that you'd return to your non combative duties.

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