Chapter 9: Atlas

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Shinya: How long you think it'll take them to crack that drive?

(Y/N): Your guess is as good as mine.

You and Shinya were walking through Vale after leaving the Embassy of Meridian, the diplomatic mission of the colony and the UNSA to Remnant. While SATO became Vale's new standing military and all of Remnant was a colony of the UNSA, the organization still wished to keep diplomatic relations with the planet to maintain peace. A few nations from Earth and several colonies were in favor of placing embassies within Vale, but so far Meridian is the only colony to have done so.

Shinya: What's in the tote bag you're carrying by the way?

(Y/N): A present for Blake.

You arrived at a café to see Ruby and her friends sitting at one of the tables still dressed in their school uniforms, the both of you made your presence know. Ruby had jumped onto you and you enveloped her into a hug.

Ruby: What happened? I heard you went to space from one of the marines here.

(Y/N): Yeah. There was an issue on board a space station was all. It's fine now.

Yang: Hey love.

Shinya: *blushes*

Shinya and Yang both pecked each others lips indicating that they were officially a couple now.

(Y/N): Oh yeah before I forget....Blake. *hands her tote bag* This is for you.

Blake: Me?

You handed her the tote bag and Blake pulled out its items, she was shocked and happy at what you'd given her. Inside was a book titled A History of Japan and several other Japanese-related merchandise. The bag contained a few Japanese snack foods, a CD with J-pop music, a few shirts with the language written on them, and even a Japanese flag.

After meeting team RWBY and revealing to them you were Japanese they were more than curious about what Japan was, although Blake out of each of them was the most. In fact despite her not being Japanese, when you first met Blake you learned that Japanese culture complemented her rather well.

Blake: Oh my God, this is all for me?

(Y/N): *nods* If we ever find the time to we'll take you there some day.

Blake thanked you a thousand times over before the girls had gotten up and began to leave the café, as you and Shinya followed them closely a loud sound caught your attention. You each looked up to see several Jackals flying at supersonic speed towards the outskirts of the kingdom, they seemed to be in a rush. Judging by the formation they flew in you senses danger.

Ruby: What's all that about? *looks up at you* (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I don't know.... 

Yang: *grabs Shinya's arm* Shinya, look.

You each directed your attention to the street to see several SATO APC's and buggies rolling down the street, each of them carrying marines both human and Faunus, dressed in their service attire. As they stopped at the intersection a Vale police officer began to direct traffic to make way for the military vehicles to go through. Ruby clung to you a bit tighter as she noticed each of the marines were carrying firearms.

Ruby: I've a bad feeling...

(Y/N): Yeah...*phone rings* Hm?

You answered to hear Rio on the other end who sounded as if he was out of breath. Asking where he was he explained that he was just outside of Vale's border that separates it from the outskirts of the kingdom. Rio also mentioned of how a drone flying over the ocean conducting a practice drill was shot down by Atlas. When you asked how he explained that no one was injured and that to their understanding, it was within Atlesian waters. Although SATO didn't know that.

(Y/N): Understood. We're heading back to HQ. *hangs up*

Shinya: What's the matter?

(Y/N): Atlas...they shot down a drone of ours and have several more flying right towards us.

Shinya nodded. You both looked at the girls and explained that you needed to leave. While scared at first they understood.

Ruby: *hugs you*

Yang: Don't do anything stupid. *kisses Shinya's cheek*


Reporter: Turning to international news a drone earlier today belonging to the Solar Associated Treaty Organization has been mysteriously shot down by Atlesian military, this is the first direct action of the kingdom towards the SATO military following year long bitter relations between the two groups. The drone was reportedly flying within Altesian waters officials say when the kingdom fired the first missile towards it. The UNSA has been informed of the attacks and have stated that they will take proper measures against the kingdom, imposing sanctions on the nation and monitoring its movements.

The briefing room was filled with SCAR members as you and the others watched the Vale newscast describing the attack earlier, you looked towards Shinya and Rio who both had looks of disgust on their faces.

Shinya: This sounds like an awful lot like a declaration of war.

The door opened and in stepped Admiral Miya.

Miya: Gentlemen...I'm sure you're aware of the situation. REMCOMM is aware as well and our attention is going to have to shift towards them.

(Y/N): *curses in Japanese* First SetDef and now this?

Miya: SetDef is still on this planet and most likely up to no good, although they haven't caused any trouble since the situation at the facility, and now we have another threat. That drone Atlas shot down was carrying important cargo towards Menegerie and luckily for us it self-destructed once it hit the water.

Rio: You mean it blew deny Atlas an advantage in obtaining it for themselves?

Miya: Exactly. Good job Rio, you're learning just how SATO works. Now in regards to Atlas they clearly are now hostile to us unlike the other kingdoms here, and we have to do something about it. For the next few weeks we're going to be monitoring them, I'd like you to track their movements. If there's any indication that an imminent threat is heading to Vale....stop it.

(Y/N): *nods*Understood. But...what about the Front? To my knowledge they're still on Remnant most likely in one of the other kingdoms.

Shinya: Wouldn't it be wise to have the marines deal with Atlas? After all that is the navy's policy for a gun fight.

Shinya's remark cause the Faunus in the room to laugh for a bit before Admiral Katsuragi ordered silence, she further explained that the SATO marines will take care of SetDef. And that given that SCAR was an elite unit the UNSA would need their skills to tackle Atlas. After several more moments of briefing the meeting came to a close and you each departed for the day, after giving a formal salute to the Admiral.

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