Chapter 32: Sakura Festival

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The evening soon came as the moon climbed into the sky and the area was lit up with candles and flames, different concession stands that offered different kinds of traditional Japanese games and foods stretched for over a mile. And above all of you were Sakura trees, cherry blossoms in full bloom that had been sent to Meridian from Japan decades ago, and they were just as beautiful here as they were back on Earth.

You and the others were currently at the coast near the beach where the citizens of Nagato City were celebrating the Sakura Festival, an annual event to celebrate the arrival of the first ever cherry blossoms that arrived on the colony years ago. The park was filled with both humans and Faunus dressed in kimonos, with rising sun flags hanged everywhere and decorations. As well as music both modern and traditional.

Ever since the Faunus first arrived on Meridian and were being treated equally and with respect by other humans a new hope rose in all of them. It was a relieving feeling to them and they showed virtually no interest in ever going back to Remnant. A major perk for the Faunus that served in the SATO military was that they each now had Japanese citizenship, meaning that once their service was done they could legally live, work, and vote on Meridian and Japan back on Earth.

When you first arrived at the festival with the others Shinya and Yang both gave the news that Yang was pregnant with their soon to be son or daughter, earning a excited reaction from everyone.

You stood by a tree with your brother and the others waiting for the girls to finish in the changing room, the both of you dressed in black and red kimono with katanas at your hips. Once the girls finally stepped out your jaws dropped at how they were dressed. Each of them wearing kimonos matching their colors red, white, black, and yellow.

(Y/N): *takes Ruby's hand* You look great.

Ruby smiled as she adjusted the flower in her hair. The four of you walked into the festival grounds and decided to split off to do different things. You and Ruby went to a stand where they were selling yakisoba balls on a stick.

(Y/N): Want some?

Ruby: *nods*

You bought two sticks and gave one to Ruby who then took the first bite out of it, her eyes beginning to sparkle.

Ruby: Delicious!

(Y/N): *eats and smiles* Yeah. You can get these anywhere but they taste way better when at a festival.

Ruby: Hey I've been meaning to ask this. When you defeat the Front on Remnant...what's gonna happen next?

(Y/N): What do you mean?

Ruby: I mean like where will you go when it all over?

(Y/N): Eh. Wherever they send me I guess. I am a special forces soldier after all. Don't worry though you're still my top priority.

Ruby: *smiles*

(Y/N): *pulls her close* If you don't mind...I wanna take you back to Earth with me. *blushes* Show you what Japan is like and with you.

Ruby: (Y/N)...

You both walked over to where Blake and Masaru were at a stand that was selling books about Japanese topics and history, of course Blake had wanted a bunch of them.

Blake: I'll take these.

Masaru: *gives blank face* Uh....right. Sure.

(Y/N): It seems you're love of Japan hasn't faded. *stomach growls* Damn I'm hungry I need a full course meal.

Shinya: Ah! I know where we can go. Bro, you think he's around?

(Y/N): *thinks* Oh! He has to be...

Ruby: *confused*

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