Chapter 18: Admiral Riah

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You knocked on the door to Miya's office and got the go ahead to come in, walking inside you saw that she was sitting at her desk using a computere.

Admiral: (Y/N). Welcome back.

You remained silent.

Admiral: The recent operation in Vacuo. Wanna tell me what happened?

You looked down at your feet which cause the Admiral to notice your discomfort. When she asked what was wrong you walked towards her desk and pulled out your phone. Then pulled up a picture taken from your Jackals camera.

(Y/N): We....have a problem. A huge...problem. *shows picture*

Admiral Miya's color from her face sunk as she knew who Riah was. She stood up from her desk and looked out of the window before looking back at you.

Admiral: It cant be him.......our drones took him out on Titan.

(Y/N): We never got a positive ID though....

Admiral: And Vacuo...?

(Y/N): Gone. SATO marines are still in the region trying their best but the odds aren't looking too well.

Admiral: *sighs* Shit...REMCOMM isn't gonna be happy about this.

Admiral Miya explained that she'll discuss what to do at a later date, with that you saluted her and left. You walked outside and made your way to Beacons campus that had been guarded by SATO military police. Since the attack from Atlas a while back the military made it one of their priorities to protect the campus.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

You turned around only to have Ruby envelop you in a hug. Happy to finally see her after fighting in Vacuo for so long you returned the love. The two of you walked off the campus and made way into Vale, the entire time Ruby asking what happened while you were in Vacuo. It was then that she sensed your fear as your voice often trailed off.

Ruby: You sure you're okay....?

Deciding now was better than later you told Ruby about your recent deployment to Vacuo and Admiral Riah.

Admiral Riah was your first major enemy when you first joined SCAR. It was just after you graduated flight school and was first deployed to an off world colony as part of a UNSA peacekeeping force. You were fighting a group of rogue pirates trying to sabotage UNSA cargo bound for a colony world, and it was during the chaos that he made his first appearance and wiped out an entire marine division in just a fellow swoop.

Ruby seemed surprised to hear this as she never knew someone with such power and efficiency existed outside of Remnant.

Ruby: So he's an old enemy then?

(Y/N): Yeah. He's reportedly one of SetDefs top Naval officers. He invaded several UNSA off world colonies and is pretty much a legend in the circles. Damn it....I'll make sure I finish the job this time. *balls fists*

Ruby: *takes your hand* I'm sure you'll figure something out. And plus you guys don't have to keep us in the dark with all this stuff going on. Remember we fight against Grimm so it's not like we can't tackle anything the Front may throw at us. I'm sure everyone else at Beacon would be more than happy to assist you in anything. After all you did save our city when you first arrived.

You blushed at her comment as you pulled her closer.

(Y/N): I guess. You guys seem pretty strong enough. I mean you did take out a bunch of SDF bots that day using that uh...thing you did. I never bothered to ask this but...what's your family like? You live with your parents outside of Beacon, right?

Ruby suddenly looked down as her expression turned from happy to sad.

(Y/N): Ruby?

Ruby: well....kind of. You see my mother well...she died when I was younger. So I only ever lived with my Dad and sister.

(Y/N): Oh! I uh...Im sorry. I shouldn't have...

Ruby: No no. It's cool. I've made my peace with it already. Plus I've had Yang over the years watching me so in a sense, she's like my mom. I used to read fairy tales when I was younger a lot and in a way...they kind of inspired me to become a Huntress. What about you? What's your family story?

(Y/N): Me? Well I don't know if I told you this but I'm adopted. Me and Shinya are brothers but not by blood. We have three younger sisters as well and all shared the same adoptive Mom and Dad. Dad's the vice-president of a major corporation and Mom's is a fashion designer.

Ruby: Yours sounds more normal.

(Y/N): *shrugs* You want to meet them? When I do get granted a temporary leave that is.

Ruby: I'd be honored to.

As you both talk to one another you attention was diverted to the circular area behind you where there was a fountain, a group of SATO military officers and civilians stood in a circle and appeared to be watching something. Accompanying this was the sound of pop music. Japanese pop music strangely. Curious as much you and Ruby got up and walked over to see what the hype was about.

(Y/N): Excuse us...

You pushed through the crowd and arrived at the center to see an odd sight. Yang and Shinya dancing to Japanese music coming from a boombox situated on a bench. The two of them drawing cat calls from everyone around them and some using their phones and scrolls to record the scene. You looked to your right to see Masaru and Blake watching, as well as team JNPR.

(Y/N): going on?

Masaru: I...don't....know.

Blake: We were taking a walk and we just so happened to come across this.

(Y/N): *looks at Ruby* Is your sister always like this....?

Ruby: Sometimes. What about Shinya?

(Y/N): No...

The two of them continued to dance for a few more moments before ended in a final bridal-like pose. The crowd of soldiers around them cheered. You and Ruby both clapped as well before your brother noticed you.

(Y/N): *chuckles* She made you do it, didn't she?

Shinya: *blushes and nods* Yeah.

Yang: Don't pretend you didn't like it~ *kisses him*

You walked onto the circle and got everyone's attention.

(Y/N): Let's give another hand for my brother and his girl here!


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