Chapter 13: Operation Snowflake

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After the attack on Vale by Atlas missile bots which not only injured several marines and dozens of cilivians, all bets were off. The attack had now caused SATO to snap and it was now war. Several hours after the initial blast Admiral Katsuragi attended a meeting with SATO Remnant Command and the United Nations Space Alliance officials. When REMCOMM asked for a declaration of war, the UNSA approved. SATO military began to scramble to gather its resources as bombers, Jackals, and soldiers had made way towards Atlas.

The bombers flying over the kingdom received the order to drop the bombs and devestate the infrastriucture, at the same time SATO's own missiles stationed in orbit on the UNSA Terra Nova were fired towards the kingdom. The bombardment would soon follow with a full scale land invasion of the continent and the capture of Jacque Schnee.

He had been a target of the UNSA ever since his treatment of Faunus was revealed to the organization, and this was the last straw. The Solar Associated Treaty Organization sent an invasion force to destroy the Atlesian military, although you and your team would be sent in to apprehend Schnee. At 11:23 AM on a cloudy day, the first missiles struck Atlas.


Admiral: Your objective is to capture Schnee and bring him in. Remember, you and Shinya are our star witnesses when we drag his ass in front of the world court.

(Y/N): Copy.

With that the transmission ended.

You flew your Jackal through the clouds alongside 49 other Jackals comprised of SCAR members, most of whom were Faunus and humans from Remnant. You each flew in a diamond-like formation before emerging from the clouds and coming into visual range of the kingdom of Atlas. On the ground below were SATO marines conducting the land invasion while you were attacking from the skies.

You had long said your goodbyes to Ruby and promised her you'd come back, and while Weiss knew you were heading to stop her father she stood behind your decision. Only under the condition that her sister and brother were spared. Today was the day of reckoning for you and SCAR as SATO was now invading Atlas.

The operation known as Operation Snowflake.

The goal of the marine force was to provide initial distraction for the Atlesian military and make sure you and the rest of SCAR Team 9 made it to the SDC headquarters. You activated the camera attached to your helmet as Admiral Miya and other generals from SATO Remnant Command were watching the operation live.

Arriving at the sight you could see the SDC HQ, where Weiss's father was most likely at. 25 of you landed your Jackals just above the ground and activated the auto pilot, then opened the canopy and jumped down to the surface. The remaining 25 SCAR pilots remained in the air to support the marines in the city, and dogfight with Atlas's fighters.

Each of the Faunus beside you, while dressed in the standard SCAR combat uniform, wore a flag patch on their shoulders. The flag of the former White Fang organization.

When SATO had brought down the terrorist group the surviving members were given two options by the UNSA: either be placed in a detention center, or join the military as an alternative. Many of them chose the latter as opposed to jail time, and had been allowed to keep their symbol as SATO saw it could be used for intimidation and morale purposes against the enemy. What had formerly been a terrorist organization was now a division within SATO.

(Y/N): This way- Shit!!

Atlas soldier: Fire!!

You and the others returned fire and killed several men in your way. The front entrance being heavily guarded by soldiers and Atlas robots alike. You and Shinya ran behind the cover of a destroyed tank and fired at the two soldiers guarding the main entrance. Once that was done you and other SCAR soldiers proceeded to kill every Atlas soldier in your sight as you made way to the building.

However your luck soon ran out as an obstacle landed before you. A human obstacle. She carried a sword and wore clothing different from the soldiers, you also noticed a symbol beneath her feet that began to glow. One that was all too familiar.

(Y/N): Wait...isn't she...?

You figured it out and realized that it was Winter Schnee, Weiss's older sister she mentioned to you a while back.

Winter: *draws sword* This ends now. Surrender or die!

Shinya: Tch! Weapons free guys! We don't die on our fucking knees! Not here or anywhere!

Shinya and the others fired a flurry of bullets towards Winter and the Atlesian soldiers behind her, all of which were blocked by a force field of some sort. She dashed forward toward your group and threw a sideways slash at Rio, he managed to dodge it luckily. You reloaded your rifle and killed five more Atlas soldiers and soon found yourself face to face with Winter.

Drawing your knife you blocked an incoming attack from her, then used your hand to hand skills to disarms her and flip her over your shoulder. She'd regained her footing and quickly rearmed herself, then presented you with a flurry of attacks. all of which you dodged and parried. You then saw an opening and disarmed her once again and proceeded to throw several punches all over her upper body.

While Winter was indeed strong, you and the rest of SCAR were trained in hand-to-hand combat extensively.

Finally you knocked her out after deciding not to kill her for Weiss's sake, you then ordered one SCAR soldier to take her to a prisoner vehicle and proceeded with the rest of the group.

Rushing into the HQ building you went from hallway to hallway, room to room, and stair case to staircase looking for Jacque. Killing soldier after soldier and nearly emptying your clips.

(Y/N): Up the stairs. *fires rifle* This way.

Shinya: Command we're nearing the target's location!

You each arrived at another large hallway to come upon another group of soldiers at the end, all of their weapons aimed. Once they fired Rio and another SCAR soldier rushed ahead of you and deployed their retraceable shields to protect the group, while at the same time firing their pistols in the other hand. Pushing forward you and Shinya killed the remainder of them

Climbing up one last flight of stairs you finally arrived at the targets door. Each of you stacked up on the entrance with Rio setting a charge.

Rio: Ready!

Shinya: Alright. 3...2....1..Breech!!

The door exploded and in you went. Through the debris and smoke you could see two guards guarding your target, of which you took care of quickly.

Jacque: What?!

(Y/N): *aims rifle* On the ground!! Now!!

Jacque: You animals! *draws weapon*

He'd drawn a pistol and fired a round towards Shinya at his helmet. Infuriated you fired a bullet at his gun hand causing it to bleed and him to cry out in pain. You jumped over the desk and punched him in his face repeatedly before knocking him down and ordering Rio to cuff him.

(Y/N): Shinya!! *pulls off his helmet*

You inspected your brothers head to see if he was okay, thankfully his helmet took most of the damage and left him with only a cut across his cheek.

Shinya: *sits up* I'm fine.

The rest of the SCAR team filled and secured the large office room. Rio radioed to command.

Rio: Command this is SCAR Team 9, jackpot!! The target is secure!! *puts foot on his chest* Aren't you ya son of a bitch?

Jacque: I should've know it was you filthy White Fang remnants.

Rio: Hmph...big talk for someone who got his ass handed to him.

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