Chapter 16: Grimm

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(Y/N): *knocks on door* Shinya, we gotta get ready.

Shinya: Oh uh...I'll be out in a sec.

(Y/N): What are you doing in there?

Shinya: Uh...looking for something.

You could've then sworn you heard a female voice.

(Y/N): So...I come in anyway?

Shinya: N-no!

(Y/N): I come in anyway. *opens door*

You walked into your brothers room to a shocking...or rather hot sight. What you saw before you was you brother and Yang laid out on his bed with the blanket only covering their lower half, both of them completely naked. Their clothes and underwear thrown everywhere on the floor as you could see Yang's yellow bra and panties on top of your brothers pants. As well as a bottle of what looked like oil on the nightstand beside his bed.

(Y/N): *stares* Seriously...? This couldn't wait till after we got off?

Shinya: *curses in Japanese* The fuck? You have no respect for me! Holy shit!

Yang: *covers herself* I was uh...just passing by...*blushes*

(Y/N): *sighs and looks at Shinya* The Colonel wants to see us about the chemical weapons we encountered, so move it ya pervert.

You walked out and shut the door behind you. Soon Rio and Masaru stepped out of there rooms.

Masaru: Oi (Y/N)-san, what's going on in there?

(Y/N): Uh...*looks back at the door* Business. Come on let's head out, he'll catch up.



Rio: *looks through binoculars* That's it.

Shinya: It would seem so.

You and the team were now station on a cliffside overlooking the area ahead of you, a base operated by the SDF military and bots patrolling the area. Soldiers forcing what looked like civilians to work and dig for what you assumed to be raw materials. You took your radio and contacted Karen back at the control center.

(Y/N): Karen we have eyes. Multiple military bots and personnel. They seemed to be digging and moving crates possibly filled with weapons.

Karen: Perfect. Marine QRF is inbound. You have execute authority...

(Y/N): Rules of engagement?

Shinya: Everyone's hostile.

Rio: Ain't that the truth.

You looked and Shinya and nodded, indicating that you were ready to execute. He ordered Rio and the others behind you to take positions across the ridge and stay low, they each separated and aimed their weapons at the SDF bots below. The ambush was now set to commence.

Shinya: Now!

You pressed a button on your wrist computer and out of the blue a missile from your Jackal stationed above came crashing down, smashing into the factory and alerting the SDF soldiers.

Masaru: Fire!

You and the group began to reign fire as bullets from your weapons gunned down the soldiers caught off guard, the bots and surviving men soon caught wind of your location and retaliated instantly. They could now see your location along the ridge.

(Y/N): *fires rifle* They know we're here now, keep your heads down.

Rio: *fires sniper rifle* SDF rocket inbound!

An explosion in front of you went off causing you and Shinya to fall down, thankfully the rock you hid behind was sturdy and took most of the damage.

(Y/N): South side! They're pullung back towards the tow- *an explosion goes off* Woo!! *fires rifle*

You stood alongside Shinya as you both continued to fire shots towards the enemy ahead of you, eventually the marine QRF arrived and joined you by your side.

Shinya: Hold up, hold up they're moving....

Youy each stopped fire.

Shinya: Guys come on. Rio stay here and keep overwatch

Rio: On it.

You and the rest of the team proceeded towards the site only to get ambushed by more SDF soldiers, you soon found cover behind a demolished tank and returned fire. Ahead of your group you could see what looked like a large cage-like containment that was being defended by the soldiers you were fighting. As you reloaded your rifle and shot down several bots they began retreating suddenly.

Rio: Huh? W-where are they going?

Shinya: Who cares? Keep firing.

You continued to fire until eventually, the containment box opened. What emerged from the cage both confused and shock the group, monsters all black and razor sharp teeth gnashing. Their eyes red and filled with murderous intent to kill. You remembered encountering one of them for the first time a while back and lived to tell the tale, and yet here it was again. A Grimm.

SCAR soldier: Holy fuck!! What is that?!

SATO marine: *fires rifle*

You and Shinya fired at the Beowulf's as they rushed towards you and lost their footing, but still had gotten back up and managed to throw a slash with their claws. Rio had still been above you on the ridge firing his sniper rifle and providing overwatch. You ejected the clip and loaded in your last mag until one of the Beowulf's showed up behind you.

(Y/N): What the-

That was all you managed before it knocked you to the ground and let out a terrifying growl. You emptied the last of your mag into the Grimm before it attack you again. Regaining your footing you drew your pistol and fired a round into one of its eyes, temporarily blinding it. Shinya behind you then delivered a final blow to the creature with a rocket launcher.

Eventually the Grimm were all dead and silence returned to the area, beneath you were several marines dead or wounded.

(Y/N): *takes off helmet* Shit....bro..

Shinya: Yeah..?

(Y/N): We have to get them out of here....

Shinya: Yeah....okay.

Rio came down from above and soon called an evac. Eventually after the APC and medics came to collect the dead you called down your Jackals from above.


Miya: Those things showed up?

You could only nod as Admiral Miya slumped down in her desk. You and Shinya stood before her explaining the details of the recent operation, mentioning the Grimm you encountered as well.

Miya: What were they called again...? Grimm?

Shinya: Yeah. What baffled me the most was that they came out of a cage the SDF were using, one soldier has pushed a button and the doors opened. And out they came.

(Y/N): Why the hell would they lock away those things?

Miya: I think we may have found the reason why that marine unit in Vacuo last week was wiped out last week, the survivor stated that those Grimm things were sent down by an SDF ship in orbit above the sight.

(Y/N): Sent down....? You mean that....

Miya: *stands up* Yes. The Front may be using these beasts to their advantage. Take note that's just a theory. Well investigate it further.

With that you had concluded your report of the battle and saluted the Admiral before leaving.

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