Chapter 40: Space

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You and the rest of SCAR Team 9, as well as Ruby and the others placed on your breathers and depressurized the airlock, the space elevators door opened and you hovered out of the craft and onto an asteroid. You were each now in the vacuum of space above the planet Remnant and in front of the station you were sent to destroy, which was surrounded by a ring of satellites each carrying missiles aimed at Remnant.

The space suits that Ruby and the others wore unlike yours were civilian models used for orbital mining work, but were nonetheless durable and flexible. 

Ren: *looks down* Holy crap....I'm in space.

Nora: Remnant's so pretty from up here.

Blake: *adjusts helmet*

(Y/N): Admiral Miya we've made it into space.

Miya: Copy SCAR, your only goal now is to take that satellite down. Jaune and his marines are on their way with a bomb, once it's planted set the charge and get out of there. If any of those missiles are fired before you get to the station our EMP systems in the atmosphere will stop it before it touches ground. But we only have a few of them so make it count. Winter, have you destroyed their early warning system?

Winter: Indeed. You should be clear.

As you floated through the asteroids in front of you trouble soon arose with energy bursts passing your group, SDF soldiers dressed in vacuum suit emerged from the satellite.

(Y/N): Contact get to cover!

You flew over to one of the asteroids to avoid being hit. Ruby remained behind you while Ren and Nora hid behind another asteroid.

Ren: Hope these things work up here. *fires weapons*

Miraculously their Dust weapons did work in a vacuum. You and Shinya emerged from cover and flew towards a group of soldiers firing your rifles and keeping the others behind you, you grappled onto one of them and smashed open their helmet. Another one appeared behind you but was soon decapitated by Blake.

Blake: *hits asteroid* Ow! How do you guys fight like this?

Masaru: Use your pack. It'll help you move around.

(Y/N): Keep pushing. Protect your suits.

Rio: SDF Skelters flying over us.

Masaru: Team 10 will take care of them. *uses radio* SCAR Team 10, we're heading towards the station. Keep these Skelters off of us.

SCAR pilot: Copy, we'll hold them off. Just make it fast Team 9.

Weiss had used her glyphs to clear a path through the asteroid field straight towards the station where the satellites were being controlled from, flying through it Rio had thrown several grenades killing SDF troops in your way. Once you made it to the station you could see in the distance the satellite, it had fired three missiles and they were now headed to Remnant's surface.

Weiss: No!

Rio: It's okay. The EMP blast will take care of them.

Continuing on your path you received a transmission from Jaune stating that he and his unit were close to your position, at the same time you arrived at the station at one of the airlocks where the control room was. Setting a charge on the door you blew the device and vented the occupants inside into the vacuum of space.

Ruby: *floats inside* We're good.

Shinya: Clear!

Masaru: All clear!

Jaune and is team arrived on time with the bomb and set security for the exterior of the station.

(Y/N): Ground team be advised, we have control of the satellite.

Winter: Copy SCAR, there's been a change of plans however.

Nora: What happened this time?

Winter: Several SDF destroyers entered Vales airspace and are on their way towards the kingdom. Unless you stop them in their tracks with their own missiles.

Shinya: *looks at you and nods*

(Y/N): So use the targeting controls....?

Winter: Exactly. But make it quick.

Jaune: *looks at marines* You guys, set security.

You came to a decision and went ahead with Winter's idea. Sitting down on the platform you pressed a button and sent down a set of missiles that you'd be controlling. You then pulled up a live feed of Remnant's atmosphere and could see the destroyers en route to Vale. After marking two of them you directed the missiles and destroyed the ships with ease.

(Y/N): Holy shit!!

Blake: They felt that.

You sent down more missiles from the station and destroyed several more destroyers, along with a few Skelters that had been guarding them. Before you could send another payload down Skelters soon emerged onto your position. One of them fired a missile towards your group sending you each away into the vacuum. Fortunately you dodged it enough to protect your suits from depressurizing.

Ruby held onto you with all her might as you each floated endlessly in the blackness of space.

(Y/N): *breaths* You okay?

Ruby: *gasps* Yeah. Wait. The others.

A transmission came through to your helmet and you heard your brothers voice letting you know he and the others were okay, Jaune had also managed to place the bomb to the station before they were blown away.

(Y/N): Terra Nova, we need birds ASAP!!

Terra Nova: Copy, sending Jackals now!

Before you knew it your Jackal had arrived at you location with the canopy open. You and Ruby hoped in and after taking control you joined with the others. SCAR Team 10 had soon rendezvous with your unit and you each found yourselves en route towards another SDF destroyer.

Rio: Jaune!

Jaune: I got it. Everyone clear the station, I'm setting the charge.

After a few moments of fiddling with his denotator Jaune pressed the red button. In the next instant a faint and muffled explosion went off in the void of space just above Remnant, fire and lights formed into a spherical cloud of dust and debris. You looked over to see that the station which controlled the ring of satellites armed with Dust-filled missiles...was now nothing but dust itself. Destroyed.

(Y/N): No way....

Ruby: Babe...we...

Shinya: We did it.

You received a transmission from Admiral Miya on the surface.

Miya: SCAR, give me a sitrep.

(Y/N): Command this is SCAR....we did it. The station is destroyed.

A moment of silence followed. Miya then spoke into the radio.

Miya: Copy. Fall back to the Terra Nova.

Rio: Negative ma'am. We're going after Riah. I've tracked his location close by. He's on a super carrier orbiting the moon.

Shinya: Admiral....

Miya had though about the decision for a few moments before speaking.

Miya: *sighs* You better come back alive. Out. *transmission ends*

You each looked at one another through your on board screens and nodded.

Blake: Let's go.

(Y/N): *nods* Ruby. You don't have to come with me. I can take you to the Terra Nova-

Ruby: No. Remember what I told you? I said I'd be behind you no matter what.

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