Chapter 36: Battleships

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The Endurance floated just above the water as it was on patrol in one of Remnants oceans, the ship wasn't alone however. It had been followed by several Jackals as escorts, two of which were yours and Shinyas being auto piloted. As well as 15 other destroyers of a similar size and shape. You left the barracks area of the ship and joined Shinya and the others on the bridge.

Both of you were dressed lightly in SATO service uniforms and joining you was Ruby, Blake, Nora, and Ren.

Navy officer: External search complete. No contacts.

Ren: *looks at screen* So we're alone then?

Navy officer: Yes, we are alone. Which is good.

Blake: Are all of SATO's ships this big?

(Y/N): Just a few of them. We're on a destroyer right now so it's a smaller design.

Jaune: If you remember the ship you first saw when they came here that was a super carrier, those are way bigger.

A Faunus naval officer then walked into the bridge with a wireless phone.

Navy officer: Um...excuse me. Sergeant Shinya Kurosaki?

Shinya: *turns around* Hm?

Navy officer: You have a phone call from Meridian sir, someone by the name of Yang.

Shinya: Yang? *takes phone* Hey Wait...the doctor said what?!

You and the others watched Shinya closely as he spoke to Yang on the other end in a happy excited tone of voice, he put down the phone for a second and looked at all of you.

Shinya: It's a boy?!

You instantly smiled and hugged your brother congratulating him on his soon to be born son. Before you knew it the entire bridge was clapping and cheering Shinya on.

(Y/N): Congrats bro...*pats his shoulder*

Everyone gave him a hug and just as things were settling down the ships alarm went off indicating a threat was nearby, one naval officer went towards her radar and could see several ships converging on the fleet. The officers soon took battle stations and you and your brother ran towards the armory to get your gear. Once you stepped in you dressed in your SCAR gear.

After placing on your helmet and leaving the armory you went to the outside of the deck and called down your Jackals, hoping into the cockpit you took over controls and began to close the canopy. But not before Ruby suddenly appeared behind you and jumped into the rear seat.

(Y/N): What are you doing?

Ruby: Don't even waste your breath. This is my planet and you're gonna need all the help you can get. *fastens seatbelt* Let's go.

You sighed to yourself and closed the canopy. Then gained altitude alongside the SATO destroyer fleet until you were above the clouds, joining you was not only your SCAR unit but members of SCAR Team 10.

SCAR pilot: Missiles incoming! Launching counter measures!

Flares filled the air around you as missiles flew towards them and exploded on contact, sending vibrations throughout your Jackal. Ruby had sat up properly in her seat and looked around the canopy glass at the Skelters coming around again, this time in an attack formation.

Ruby: I have an idea.

(Y/N): *shifts right* Ok? Spill.

Ruby: Get this thing in front of them and fly directly towards that formation, once I give the signal open the canopy.

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