Chapter 26: Incursion

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The Terra Nova soon emerged into the scene followed by several dozen more SATO Navy destroyers and a super carrier, before them in the distance was a fleet of SDF destroyers waiting to fire. You were beside your brother and the others all of whome were in Jackals as you flew towards the enemy in formation, ready to light up the void around you.

You and SCAR Team 9 were currently in the void of space above Remnant with the goal being to destroy the SDF fleet that had been sent to the planet.

You and the other SCAR's boosted towards the SDF fleet of warships as they began to deploy Skelters.

(Y/N): *Jackals computers go off* Shit! Missiles! Launch countermeasures!!

You sent your flares towards the void above you. The dogfighting had begun as you began to make chase to one Skelter, firing your minigun and sending bullets toward the target. You chased it for several moments and landed a few hits before demolishing the Skelter with a missile.

(Y/N): Target down!

Shinya: Evade! Masaru, take that cannon out!

Masaru along with several other pilots arrived at the SDF destroyer and laid siege to a cannon that had been causing him and Shinya problems, supported by Rio the three were able to destroy the weapon.

Rio: What the hell? *shifts Jackal left* Shit, it's charging up!

A massive ship destroying stream of energy shot from the super carrier through the void of space, leaving behind it a trail of destruction and a deathly sound. You and the others dodged the beam by mere inches and proceeded to speed towards the ship. But what shocked you the most was that the energy which attacked you wasn't just was Dust.

You then put the pieces together. This was the weapon mentioned on the drive you recovered prior. This was the super weapon that the SDF had most likely been developing.

Once within range you directed your jet down and opened fire along the ships deck, flying and gunning down as many weapons as you can.

The deck was lit up with fire and explosions as you and the others continued to retaliate with everything you had. You reached the end of the ship and swung around for another gun run.

Endurance: Endurance is engaging SDF destroyer! All SCAR's danger close!!

The Endurance naval ship opened fire on the SDF fleet and managed to destroy two of its destroyers.

Owen: Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about!!

Rio: *laughs* Get fucked!!

(Y/N): *gives thumbs up*

Several more Skelters emerged from the super carrier prompting SCAR Team 10 to emerged on the scene from the Terra Nova that followed from behind, the SCAR unit made entirely of Faunus had appeared before your team and opened fire on the fleet of Skelters. In the mean time you and your brother had made way to the super carrier and began to wreak havoc onto its deck.

You couldn't help but be amazed at the amount of skill that the Faunus pilots displayed, bringing a unique fighting spirit that SATO had never seen before.

(Y/N): *fires weapons* Focus on the cannons, I got the bridge!!

Shinya: *nods* Just be careful.

You flew toward the bridge area of the bridge only to get knocked away by the blast of a missile which managed to hit your jet, the red sirens around you indicated of danger. Keeping control of it you swung around for another attempt just as the Terra Nova came into visual. The SATO ship suddenly drew closer and closer towards the super carrier.

(Y/N): Wait! You're not thinking of colliding with that are you?

Terra Nova: Captains orders! Danger close!

Shinya: No!

Rio: Wait don't-

The SATO ship rammed into the side of the SDF super carrier delivering heavy damaged to the vessels side and cannons, while at the same time suffering its own major fatalities.

(Y/N): Shit!

Terra Nova: Multiple casualties aboard!

SCAR pilot: No shit!

You joined up with the others after destroying another Skelter in your way just as the super carriers laser fired again at the Terra Nova.

Endurance: All SCAR teams, going again for a gun barrage. Danger close!

The Endurance unleashed another barrage of fire and fury onto the super carrier to further damage the space craft. By now the vessel was in deep trouble of exploding as its hull and overall decks were on fire and sparking. Seeing this opportunity Shinya order all SCAR's to focus fire on the super carrier. With a heart pounding war cry you each boosted towards the ship and rained down fire.

Rio sent a barrage of missiles toward the bridge area while you and Shinya damaged its decks, Masaru and the other Faunus pilots delivered blows to the carriers weapons and lower half causing bits of it to catch fire. Before you knew it the super carrier had exploded into a ball of fire. Parts of the ship flying in each direction. You and the others cheered for a few moments.

Shinya: We're not out of the woods yet.

Your communications had soon become hacked and you could then hear the sound of General Riah over your comms, telling you and the others that he'd been one step ahead of you.

Riah: Your kingdom will lie in ruins soon enough....*transmission ends*

Rio: What did he mean by that....?

(Y/N): *looks at computer* What the hell...?

You received a transmission from the surface of the planet coming from a panicked soldier stating that SDF forces have breached Vales airspace. Pictures and live video feed appeared on your computer as you could see citizens fleeing, soldiers fighting, and huntsmen fighting Grimm that had breached the kingdom. Your heart sank as your fears were now coming to life, Ruby was possibly in danger.

(Y/N): No no no!!!

SCAR pilot: SCAR Team 9, head down to the surface and respond to they mayday call, we'll take care of the remaining Skelters here in orbit.

After agreeing you directed your jets toward Remnant below you, and began to punch through the atmosphere.


Ruby: *fires weapon* 

Ruby and Weiss were surrounded with SDF soldiers on all ends with Grimm attacking them at the same time. Luckily you landed onto their position in the nick of time and killed the threat in their way. They'd been on the outskirts of Vale in the desolate wasteland surrounding the kingdom fighting off the attacking SDF.

Ruby: (Y/N)!!

(Y/N): *hugs her* You okay?

Ruby: Yeah. 

Weiss: Thank God you guys came when you did. The people in Vale are evacuated and safe, the marines and police managed to get everyone out.

Shinya: *reloads weapon* Where's your sister?

Ruby: With Blake, back at Beacon.

Shinya: Shit....bro.

(Y/N): She's your woman, can't blame you. You and Masaru go after them and give the marines in Vale some armed overwatch. Rio, with me.

You and Shinya pounded fists before he jumped back into his Jackal and flew into the kingdom which by now was under siege, with both SATO marines and Vale police fighting the SDF force. You and Rio stood beside the girls and charged forward towards the danger.

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