Chapter 31: Tour

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You sat on the couch in the living room watching the news for the morning hours, one story displaying the arrival of the Faunus weeks prior and the huge welcome party that Nagato City threw for them. Ruby sat beside you while Yang sat in one of the recliner chairs, both of them still dressed in their sleepwear.

Shinya: *walks in and yawns* Ohayou.

(Y/N): Ohayou.

You sisters Sora and Asuka soon stepped out dressed in school uniforms preparing to leave.

Sora: *looks at Yang* Don't you think you're getting a little too comfy?

Yang: What? I can't make myself at home in my boyfriends house? *touches her skirt* Nice uniform by the way.

Asuka: *sighs and looks at you* Hey bro. I'll be at my club later after school today.

(Y/N): *nods* Be careful.

The rest of your family walked in as well preparing to leave for the day. Including your father Hayato Kurosaki, vice president of Suzuki Corporation, a multinational corporation specializing in weapons development and commercial space vehicles. While he was vice-president he was head of the branch on Meridian.

Hayato: Come now girls, to the car. *looks at you* We'll be gone for the day so you and the girls have the house to yourselves. *looks at Yang* I overheard your talk with your sister earlier in that you "slept" in my son Shinya's room last night, correct?

Rei: Hayato!

(Y/N): Pfft! *burst out laughing*

Yang: *blushes* I swear we didn't do anything! I was just too tired from staying up for most of the night and I just fell asleep....

Shinya: *blushes* Oh damn it....

Hayato: *laughs* Reminds me of when I was your age. Still with all due respect try not to make it a frequent habit during your time here, I've a ten year old in the house and the last thing I need is for Yuna to walk in on something....indecent.

Your parents and sisters bade you farewell then left for work and school, leaving the four of you by yourselves for the day.

Yang: *sits on Shinyas lap* So what do we do now?

Ruby: Why don't we see what the others are doing?

(Y/N): *shakes head* I'm pretty sure they're off doing their own thing. I got a message from Rio that he and Weiss were visiting the aquarium for the day. Masaru is taking Blake to the museums that Nagato has. We're on our own basically.

Ruby: *moves closer to you* Why don't you show us around the city too?

(Y/N): *thinks* I don't know. Nagato is fairly big and you can get lost in it easily if you're not careful. *looks at Shinya* What do you think?

Shinya: *shrugs shoulders* I don't care.

Ruby: Then it's settled. *stands up* I'll go get ready.


You walked into the store that displayed dozens of fashion clothes for both men and women, as well as accessories and bags too. The store intercom overhead playing Japanese pop music. Earlier the four of you had left into Nagato City and were now inside one of the many malls it had to offer. The mall being run by both people and advanced A.I technology.

Ruby: Whoa...!

Yang: Why can't Vale have something like this?

Shinya: *pulls out wallet* You see anything you want?

Yang: Wait really?

Shinya: *nods* I mean your currency is pretty much useless here.

Yang: Shinya, you're the best! *kisses him*

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