Chapter 15: A Schnee Reconciliation

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(Y/N): *walks inside* Sir, the first marine division is en route to Vacuo. Settement Defense Front reinforcements have arrived in the kingdom.

Colonel: Understood.

Shinya: *looks at Jacque* Hmph...

You, Weiss, and Shinya were currently inside of the UNSA Embassy of Meridian to Vale inside of an interrogation room, Jacque Schnee had been cuffed to a table as the Colonel had been questioning him. Wishing to know where the remaining Faunus under hus thumb were located. So far Schnee had been defiant until he gave him what he wanted, telling Weiss what they wanted.

Weiss had only been there to act as a mediator between both you and him, but still stood behind SATO's decision to invade Atlas previously.

Jacque: *looks at Weiss* I cannot believe you'd betray the family like this.

Weiss: You betrayed youself. Using slave labor to get what you want. Sure it gives our family a high status but you give us a bad name.

Rio: *walks inside* Colonel, we're set to go.

Jacque: No matter how many obsticles may lie in my way, Atlas will continued to resist. My people will come for me. *looks at Weiss* And you missy....will be punished severly.

Rio had suddenly drew his sidearm and pressed the muzzle against Jacque's head.

Rio: Don't you dare talk to her!

Shinya: Hey. We're indoors....

Shinya lowered Rio's weapon.

Two marine guards, one human and the other Faunus, stepped in and then grabbed Schnee by the arms and escorted him back to his cell.

Admiral: Ms. Schnee I understand this is a lot for you to take in.

Weiss: Not at all. Also Rio...thanks.

Rio: *blushes* Uh...sure. Yeah.

You each left the room with Rio requesting to escort Weiss back to Beacon. You and Shinya followed Admiral Katsuragi to the buildings situation room where inside were several military officers and UNSA officials.

(Y/N): So now that Atlas is crippled for a little bit we can breath easily and focus our attention on the Front, still we'll be ready in case they come back. We get orders from REMCOMM yet, ma'am?

Admiral: We're being deployed to Vacuo.

Shinya: Vacuo? SetDef owns it now.

Admiral: Which is why they want us for a search and destroy op, locate the Front's command in the region and eradicate it there. We've also been receiving word from our intelligence that the marines in the region are being wiped out by those...things.

You sensed the anxiety in her voice that something was wrong.

(Y/N): Grimm?

Admiral: Yeah.


Ruby: What?! You have to go again?!

You pulled Ruby closer to you as you both sat on the bench in the woods, her voice frantic and scared. You'd been telling her that you soon had to leave for an operation and you had no idea when you would be back. Despite trying to get her to understand she continued to playfully hit you. You calmed her down and took her hands.

(Y/N): I know I know, you don't want me to go. But I have to. I have to keep you safe, remember? If it makes you feel any better I'll messge you once I touch down over there.

Ruby: Mmmm....*looks down* Okay...

Ruby suddenly climbed onto your lap facing you. Her face was only a mere inches away from yours causing you to blush madly.

(Y/N): W-what are you doing?

Ruby: Promise me you'll be alright.

(Y/N): ....yeah..I promise.

Out of instinct the two of you started to move your lips closer. Before you could even do it however the voice of your brother behind you interupted your moment.

Shinya: (Y/N), the colonel wants to see-

(Y/N): *freaks out* Uh! This isn't...what it...

Ruby: Uh...*blushes*

Shinya simply nodded and left.


Embassy of Meridian to Remnant

You, Rio, and Admiral Miya escorted Weiss through the embassy until you both arrived before a door, after using a key card you walked inside to see Winter Schnee sitting beside a window. She been dressed in normal clothing rather than the ones she'd worn when you first encountered her.

Weiss: Winter!!

Winter: *turns around* S-Sister?!

The two of them embracced instantly. After a few moments Winter had looked your way with dark eyes.

Winter: What are you doing here?!

(Y/N): *sighs* I wanted to ensure your sister that you were alright. Remember I didn't have to take you in, under normal circumstances you'd have been shot dead. I only sparred you for Weiss's sake.

Rio: If you're still mad about the ass kicking he handed you, remember you technically were and still is his enemy. *chuckles*

Winter simply scoffed and looked away.

Miya: Rio came to me and asked if I could let you see your sister.

Weiss enveloped Rio in a hug making Winter raise an eyebrow.

Winter:'re attracted to a Faunus?

Weiss: *hugs Rio* He's not just a Faunus...he's my life now.

Miya: As for you Winter...well we shall see. *looks at Weiss* She is still a prisoner of war but since she's your sister...I guess I can try to talk to RENCOMM to be easy on her.

You each decided to leave Weiss and Winter alone for a few moments and left the room.

Shinya: Admiral, what's going to happen to that company?

Miya: I don't know. It's none of our buisness really.

(Y/N): Didn't Weiss mention that she's next in line to inherit that place?

Rio: Looks like she will now.

Miya: That's fine. Although if she does do what her father did then we're going after her.

(Y/N): What about those Faunus? What happens to them?

Miya: Well...alot of them want to be integreated into SATO. Half of them are going to Meridian and the others half are staying behind here to join the military. So you'll have a bunch of new backup I guess.

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