Chapter 2: Welcome to Remnant

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Today was a special occasion for the SATO forces on Remnant with the planet now being a colony under the UNSA. You, alongside a force of marines were attending a parade hosted by Admiral Hauling as a means to introduce the United Nations Space Alliance to Remnant, as well as represent Earth and humanity.

One of many festivities that would last for a few days. At the same time the SATO forces stationed in Menagerie were having their own little celebration to introduce themselves to the Faunus.

The parade's festivities were also prepared by some of Vale's citizens and even the mayor, as a thank you for the defense of their city when you first arrived.

You were dressed in your Navy dress uniform alongside Shinya and a number of marines and other SCAR operatives. The marines being dressed in the casual marine corps dress uniform similar to the ones that marines in the past wore. The Raven ship you were riding in to the city had landed and the rear door had opened.

SATO Marine: Here we go.

From there, lined up in formation with a rifle that you held from the stock, you marched out of the ship and onto the street. Straight into the crowd of civilians along the sidewalks cheering you on. A band behind you began to play music as hundreds and hundreds of marines marched out onto the streets.

From there the SATO soldiers continued to march down the street as people cheered them on, the Colonel lead the unit in the far front alongside other admiral of the Navy dressed in white. SCAR, SATO, and United Nations flags flew in the air as you marched alongside flags of Earth and other colonies.

Looking around you could see confetti raining down from the air as SATO ravens and Jackals hovered high above in a parade-like manner and some soldiers were even riding APC's and motorcycles. A few tanks with soldiers saluting the crowds of people rolled down the street as well.

SATO Navy Officer: Eyes....Right!

You and the others looked right while marching down the long street. People then began to toss flowers to you guys, a majority of the flowers came from girls.

(Y/N): Huh? Is that...?

You looked ahead and could see a large number of Beacon students attending the parade as well, and within the crowd you could see Ruby and the others waving at you. Smiling you lightly waved back.

Shinya: Whoa whoa, get a load of this.

Looking in Daniels direction you could see females from the crowds running towards a few of the marines with flowers in their hands. Ruby and the others from Beacon came into the streets as well as most of the female students beginning to hug the soldiers and give them flowers. Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang each attached a different type of flower to yours and Shinya's chests. Each one being Red, White, Black, and Yellow.

(Y/N): Oh uh....thanks girls.

Shinya: *nods* Yang...

RWBY: You're welcome heroes!

They said with flustered cheeks.

Before you knew it almost all of the marines had flowers from the people attached to their chest. You continued down the street in formation with your rifle strapped to your back, a bouquet of sweet smelling flowers attached to your uniform.


After the parade small festivities began as soldiers all around chatted with the people of Vale and students of Beacon. You had been talking with Ruby and the others to get to know the four of them better as you five sat on a park bench. Although Yang had been with Shinya speaking with him one on one, and most likely flirting with him.

Weiss: So how did you end up in the military anyway?

(Y/N): I wanted to become a fighter pilot when I was younger after seeing them at an air show. After me and Shinya left high school we enlisted in the Solar Associated Treaty Organization together. Well us and all the guys we hung around with back in Japan.

Blake: Japan?

(Y/N): It's the country I was born in on the planet I came from, I'm Japanese. Although we moved to a colony world called Meridian when I was like 15 and we've been there since.

Ruby: And you guys are like actual badass pilots and spec ops soldiers?

You nodded in reply.

???: Hey (Y/N)!

You turned to see your fellow squad member Owen, a SCAR soldier like you, carrying a girl on his back, a girl from Beacon Academy who had.....rabbit ears....protruding from her head.

(Y/N): Owen, hey. Uh...who is that?

Owen looked back at the girl on his back.

Owen: Oh this is Velvet. Velvet Scarlatina who happens to be one of those Faunus beings.

The girl named Velvet waved to you.

(Y/N): You seem to be getting along well with her.

Owen: You could say that.

Velvet: *pulls out camera* How about a few photos for memories sake?

You had taken a picture with each member of team RWBY individually and a group photo afterwards, you signed each of the pictures for the girls as well. Owen had taken one with Velvet, and the festivities had continued on for the day.


The festival had ended for the day and was set to have another ceremony tomorrow, Ruby had ended up dragging you to their dorm room within Beacon. Each of the girls were dressed in their pajamas. You still wore your dress uniform and continued to speak more on your military career with SCAR.

(Y/N): I was assigned to a SATO peacekeeping force on one of my planets moons. I really for the most part fought pirates trying to hijack UNSA cargo being sent to Meridian and Earth.

Ruby: *sits on your lap* Whoa...have you actually seen combat?

(Y/N):'s not all fun and games though.

The rooms atmosphere went dark for a few moments as the girls realized your career was dangerous, you assured them you were alright though. After talking a bit more your phone rang and you could see it was your brother.

(Y/N): *answers* Shinya.....What? When?.....tell the others to get ready for a busy day. I'll be back there soon. *hangs up*

Weiss: Who was that?

Blake: What happened?

(Y/N): *stands up* My brother. I have to go back. Somethings come up.

Yang: Tell that hottie I said hey.

You sighed and hugged Ruby before leaving.

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