Chapter 21: Grimm Memories

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The operation to retrieve the classified information in Mountain Glenn had proved to be a failure, by the time you arrived to the base it had already been gone. With SetDef most likely having stolen it. Once this news was reported to Remnant Command the military leaders scrambling to figure out what to do next. If the Front really had the information you were sent to retrieve, who knows what they would be capable of now?

What's worse is how Admiral Riah would most likely use in to create some new kind of dangerous weapon. That terrified you the most.

(Y/N): Shit...we fucked up big time....

Shinya: No. We were ambushed by those things along the way. There wasn't any other option for us.

You nodded at your brothers response as you both sat at a table in a cafe in Vale, Rio and Masaru both attending as well. The waiter had came back with your meals and you began to eat as you continued talking.

Rio: Yeah.

Masaru: We'll just have to one up them next time.

(Y/N): *looks at Rio* Thanks for saving my ass back there.

Rio: *nods* Sure. I've been meaning to ask this for a while now, but has the SDF always been like it is?

Masaru: What do you mean? *drinks coffee*

Rio: I mean like have they always been fascist like SATO says? They're some totalitarian state?

(Y/N): Yeah. They pretty much don't have the ideals for freedom and democracy like the UNSA does.

Rio: *looks down* I see. To think such a force worse than the White Fang existed....the universe is full of surprises.

Masaru: You guys...I've been meaning to ask this. How do you think Blake is gonna feel if she finds out that Adam guy is still alive, and working with SetDef?

You each looked at each other and agreed that it was best to keep it classified from her as you didn't know how it would effect her. To know that someone who she thought was gone forever is now working with a more stronger and powerful enemy.

(Y/N): *yawns* So now what?

Shinya: Hmm....*sips coffee*

Masaru: Oh yeah I forgot you have to finish the story you were telling us. About the field trip in high school.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, we were laughing too damn much we got off course. Where was I...? Oh right. So we get to the place and we're having a blast. I think it was a lake we went to....and we notice this one guy and girl in our class were missing, and our teacher asked me, Shinya, and a few other guys to find them. We looked all around until we went to the changing building. And uh...well we opened the door to one of the locker rooms and caught them....*laughs*

Rio: What?

Shinya: We caught them getting it on.

Rio: *surprised* Seriously?!

(Y/N): Yeah we went to a crazy ass thirsty high school on Meridian.

Rio: What do you mean thirsty?

Shinya: We told you our school was right next to a university where college girls would be. There would be college girls from that building that would hang out in the park next to our school during our lunch break, and all the guys in our class would just hang out with the college girls.

Rio: Jeez.

(Y/N): Yeah. It pissed off the girls in our class a bit actually. Also what I can tell you is this. Like my entire second year of high school, I used to ditch school every single Friday to go into the city and hangout.

Rio: *eats* And you never got caught?

(Y/N): Nope. I used to leave during our lunch period and didn't come back for the rest of the day. I'd go into the commercial district in Nagato and hang out at the internet café for a bit until 15:00 came, and I would see Shinya walking by and we walk home together.

Shinya: And of course I'd have to give him the notes he missed in the afternoon. Only times he ever stayed was if we had a quiz or test to take.

Rio: That's extremely lazy.

(Y/N): Hey if I'm gonna maintain a 3.6 GPA and above then I'm entitled to some leisure.


You washed your face with cold water and looked into the mirror at yourself, a few bags under your eyes and you wore shorts and a t-shirt. Your mind had been occupied with the thought of Admiral Riah as during a recent patrol of the waters far off of Vale, you encountered him and his fleet again before they returned to orbit. He was like an angel of death constantly looming over you and you hadn't the slightest clue on how to stop him.

During the battle he ended up taunting and belittling you and your unit about a past encounter with him, in fact it was the first time you encountered him when you were part of a SATO peacekeeping force. You were fighting a force of pirates on a small peaceful colony until he showed up. During the engagement he ended up destroying the small world with a chemical blast, killing every civilian in sight. It was your darkest memory of him.

(Y/N): I'm gonna kill him this time....

You stepped out of the bathroom and walked outside and towards the nearby park for a bit to clear your mind, once you arrived you saw Ruby by herself under a light post.

Ruby: *notices you* (Y/N).

(Y/N): Hey...

You walked over to her and was greeted by a hug.

(Y/N): Why are you here by yourself?

Ruby: *shakes head* I just needed some air was all. Thinking about everything that's happened so far.

(Y/N): You too huh?

Ruby: What do you mean?

(Y/N): Ah...nothing.

Ruby: You're thinking about that Riah guy, aren't you?

(Y/N): *shocked* How'd you know?

Ruby: I've seen you stress lately about it in private. Also in the little time I've known you I've kind of picked up on some things. What's the matter?

You relented and told her about your past memory with Riah during your first encounter with him, describing everything that happened down to the smallest detail. From the mission, to the massacre of the civilians. Ruby during the entire time had her hands cupped at her mouth and eventually brought you in for a hug, telling you that what happened wasn't your fault.

Ruby: Don't you ever go blaming yourself for anything about that. You did what you could and no one in existence came hold that against you. I'm sorry all that happened to you but...just remember this. *whispers in your ear* If you ever want to talk...I'm here.

Your heart beat rose a bit as her cute and flushed face made all your troubles disappear. You stepped closer towards her and placed your hands on her waist.

Ruby: Ah! I should be going-

You held her in place to keep her from leaving. The moon shining brightly through the trees over the both of you and the wind blowing gently, Ruby's silver eyes stared into your soul as your face heated up and your arms shook a bit. She then suddenly stepped onto her tippy toes and moved closer to your face and her arms wrapping around your waist.

Before you knew it she gave you a peck on the lips. You returned the favor by giving her a slightly longer and more romantic kiss.

(Y/N): We....kissed...? Does that mean we're now...uh...

Ruby: Uh...yeah...if you wanna...

The two of you shared yet another kiss before you escorted her back to Beacon.

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