Chapter 42: Sunset

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(Y/N): *wakes up sweating* Ruby!!

You sat up straight in the bed you laid in panicked, looking around frantically you calmed down as soon as you saw where you were. A medical room. A sharp pain shot through your abdomen as you clutched your side to find bandages wrapped around you. But how? You felt death's embrace after the battle and felt yourself exposed to the vacuum of space.

(Y/N): *looks around* Where is everyone...?

The door to the room opened and in stepped Shinya dressed in a black and red kimono.

Shinya: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Shinya..? Where...are we?

Shinya: Mistral. A hospital. 

(Y/N): What about Ruby? Where is she?

Shinya: Outside with the others.

You nodded in reply. The door opened again and in came a doctor to check on you, standing beside him was Admiral Miya dressed in normal clothing. She walked over to you and ruffled your hair.

Miya: Hell of a job (Y/N). You save thousand, if not millions of lives. And everyone knows it.

You smiled at her comment as you tried to get out of bed. Shinya had helped you dress in a yukata and sat you down in a wheelchair. While you could still walk your legs were increasingly heavy and only added to your pain. Shinya rolled you out of the hospital and into the gardens behind it for some air.

Shinya had explained to you that the remaining SDF forces in Vale and Vacuo were either killed or captured by SATO. And that SATO would help the people pick up the pieces.

As you passed by the flowers you noticed some of the trees were oddly familiar as they were pink, with the pedals falling gently.

(Y/N): Those are...cherry blossoms.

Shinya: Yeah.

Shinya rolled you to a circular area full of flowers that also had a view of the city. You two had chatted the whole time as you took in the sight.

(Y/N): How long was I out...?

Shinya: After the super-carrier exploded Ruby and I found you on the lunar surface. Your oxygen was depleting and you were passed out. Luckily we revived you and re-entered Remnant's atmosphere. We landed in Mistral and brought you straight here. It's been a week and we're still picking up the pieces.

(Y/N): But did I...?

Shinya: Yeah. He's dead. Remnant's safe. You took a huge bite out of that one bro. Everyone can't wait to see you. 

You smiled to yourself. Riah was dead. You long time adversary finally silenced. A gentle wind suddenly picked up as Shinya walked over to you and patted your shoulder. 

(Y/N): This's beautiful.

A female voice sounded behind you. You turned around to see Ruby standing under a cherry blossom tree, her eyes wide as they were trained on you. Eventually after a few moments everyone else had shown up behind her. Rio, Masaru, Blake, Weiss, Nora, Ren, Winter, and Jaune. Everyone who'd fought alongside you.

(Y/N): *smiles* Hey...

Ruby slowly walked towards you and fell to her knees. Tears streamed down her face as she placed her head into your lap and cried. You bent forward and kissed the top of her forehead.

Ruby: (Y/N)...

(Y/N): I told you I'd never leave you alone...and I always meant it.

Both of your faces met and you began to blush. You then leaned forward. Pressing your lips against hers.

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