Chapter 35: Revenge

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As you and Shinya walked towards the base returning from a patrol you noticed your brothers angered expression. In fact he'd been like that during the whole meeting much to your confusion, tapping his shoulder you asked what was wrong.

Shinya: (Y/N)...listen. If Adam's there....he's mine.

(Y/N): *shocked* What are you saying....?

Shinya: I'm saying that I'm gonna be the one that pulls the trigger on that asshole...

(Y/N): Come on're not thinking of going solo on this are you? If that's the case then you're making a stupid decision.

Shinya: I don't think you understand. This guy took my girlfriends arm from her, and he's gonna fucking pay for that shit with his life....

(Y/N): Shinya, I get what happened to Yang was bad and I'm equally as dissatisfied. But this isn't the time for you to go full out Muramasa.

Shinya: *sighs* What if it were Ruby...?

(Y/N): *frowns* What are you asking me?

Shinya: Would you feel the same way if Ruby was nearly killed....?

(Y/N): ...I don't know.

Shinya: *nods* Yeah you do. *looks away* I'm not asking you to join me, just know that for when we do invade Vale. This isn't up for debate, it's my revenge.

(Y/N): *sighs* For the record I don't approve but....whatever. Just don't loose yourself okay? Remember they're both waiting for you.

You were referring to both Yang and their soon to be child.

Shinya looked back at you with saddened eyes as he saw your worried expression, he knew what he was doing was a stupid move but it was his decision. You both gave a brotherly hug and promised to have each others backs for when the day of invasion would come. Shinya removed his helmet flashed a thumbs up at you showing a bright smile and stating that brothers always looked out for each other.

(Y/N): You know this reminds me of that day back in Japan, when we double teamed those delinquents in the park that day.

Shinya: They had it coming.

You both arrived at the SATO base and stepped through the gates after being greeted by the marines. The base had been operated by both SATO and the Atlesian military as a means of further conducting diplomatic relations, and easing the tensions the two governments shared. Each of them dressed lightly on only combat pants and t-shirts.

After changing out of your combat gear and placing your weapons in the armory, save for the pistols at your hips, you both went towards the lounge area created for the soldiers to relax furing off time and walked in to a room.

Most of the soldiers within the lounge and very much the rest of the base were either Korean or Japanese which is why there was a Japan flag and Korean flag hanging on one of the walls side by side.

Ruby: (Y/N). *hugs you* I heard you were out. You okay?

(Y/N): *hugs* Always.

Masaru had been occupied with Blake as you noticed him petting her cat ears which she seemed to enjoy.

(Y/N): Where's your friend Weiss at?

Before Ruby could give an answer you heard Weiss's voice down the hallway next to you which led to a medical wing, you and Shinya made your way towards her as she seemed to be arguing with a marine.

SATO marine: You can't go in here, this is SATO personnel only.

Weiss: But my boyfriend is in there, I need to see him. *sighs* Who's in charge here?

(Y/N): Hey guys, she's on our side. Let her though.

The marines stepped aside as you walked into the medical wing filled with stretchers and beds that held injured marines. Among them was your fellow operative Rio dressed in only a t-shirt and sweatpants. His head wrapped in a slightly bloody bandage covering one of his eyes. During a recent operation Rio had taken a blast of energy in order to protect Weiss from getting hurt.

He sat up on the bed as Weiss wrapped her arms around him.

Rio: Ow ow...I'm fine Weiss.

Weiss: *cries a bit* I thought you were dead.

Rio: *kisses her*

You and Shinya smiled at the two of them as the doctor walked over.

Doctor: He has a head injury but nothing life threatening. Still you'll need to rest for the next few days. You're free to walk around for a bit, get some of your strength back.

Rio: *stretches* Great.

You help pick Rio up by placing his arm on your shoulder as the four of you left the medical wing and back to the lounge area.

Weiss: Hey, be careful with him!

Rio: Weiss please, I can look after myself. As long as you're okay I can take anything.

Weiss: Hmm...just try not to make it a habit. Also...thanks.

Rio wrapped his tail around her waist as the two of them sat down.

Shinya: I'll be back. I wanna call Yang.

(Y/N): *nods*

As Shinya left you and Ruby went outside and began to take a walk through the base grounds.

Ruby: I'm glad your friend is okay.

(Y/N): *nods* Yeah. Hey uh...Ruby?

Ruby: Hm?

(Y/N): *holds her hand* I was uh...thinking about something. Back when we were at your Dad's place in*blushes*

Ruby: What's wrong...?

(Y/N): Were you serious about what you said...? That you'd stay beside me through it all....?

Ruby: *confused* Of course I was. Why what's the matter?

(Y/N): Because I...*blushes* I want you to stay with me when this is all over. As in us living together.

Ruby: *blushes* (Y/N)....yeah. I do too. If I could....I want a big house and for Zwei to live with us too. And I want two boys and three girls.

(Y/N): Then I'll remember.

Ruby: You better.

You pecked her lips and diverted your attention to a marine asking for everyone's attention.

SATO marine: All of you in the kitchen. This kid is making pancakes that are good as hell.

You and the others followed the marine towards the openly spaced kitchen where in the center at one of the tables, Ren stood their with an apron on. His hands covered in powder and holding a frying pan as he scooped a stack of pancakes into a plate. Lined up behind him were SATO and Atlas soldiers.

(Y/N): *walks up to him* What's happening here?

Ren: *hands you plate* I am performing culinary art.

Taking a fork you took one bite into the pancakes and fell in love with them instantly.

(Y/N): Cinnamon. Nice.

SATO marine: Mmmm...just like mother used to make.

For the rest of that evening Ren ended up feeding the entire base a pancake dinner. Even your commanding officer Miya couldn't resist them.

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