Chapter 17: An Old Enemy

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(Y/N): *fires rifle* They're moving.

You fired your rifle alongside the group of marines forcing the SDF soldiers back to their defensive positions, eventually they retreated in what little vehicles they had left and abandoned the area. Reloading you watch the battalion-sized unit drive away. But not before getting a few ore shots on you and your team. The battle had died down and you looked towards the marines beside you.

(Y/N): *breaths* You good?

SATO marine: *nods* I'm good.

You were still within Vacuo as part of the SATO military force sent to liberate the kingdom which had fallen to the Settlement Defense Front. Before the siege had begun, Vacuo, like the other kingdoms, had a governing council in which the people identified with. But you soon learned that the citizens of the kingdom had disregard for law and order and that the government there did little to maintain it.

In fact the only source of law and order was the kingdoms Shade Academy.

Due to this lack of governance the UNSA took over complete control from the previous council and gave SATO the authority to govern and handle the kingdoms crisis.

You summoned you Jackal and hopped into the cockpit. Closing the canopy you flew away towards the outpost where the rest of your team was. As youi continued to fly you received several messages through your phone, which you used your jets on board computer to read. One of them depicted a picture of your family back on Meridian saying hi, the other was a photo of Ruby.

Ruby was dressed in a swimsuit and smiling into the camera with the text below reading "Miss you".

(Y/N): *blushes* You too.

You arrived at your destination and landed on the LZ platform alongside the other Ravens. You got out and walked towards the partially demolished structure that used to be Shade Academy. Surrounding you were SATO tents and medical personnel tending to hunters and huntress's that had been injured in an earlier engagement, as SDF bots and Grimm attack the campus. In the chaos the schools headmaster had been unfortunatley killed.

(Y/N): *takes off helmet* You guys alright or what?

Shinya and Rio turned around noticing you. You brother gave you a light hug and Rio gave you a hand shake.

Rio: We're the only SCAR unit left in the kingdom. The others had to retreat or were killed off.

Shinya: I heard the explosion all the way from here. You good?

(Y/N): Always. How's the hunter population here?

You each began to walk through the camp while talking.

Shinya: Last group of students were found under some rubble but we managed to get them out, they're being treated for their wounds now. Just can't believe that this kingdom's governing council at first did little to nothing.

(Y/N): I did hear one time that the people here because of its harsh envoirment had disregard for law and order. Therefore it onkly makes sense that SATO took over. Rio, how about you?

Rio: What?

(Y/N): Did you manage to find anything when you went out there with the rest of SCAR team?

Rio: *shakes head* No not really.

As you arrived at one of the tents and watched a doctor tend to an injured hunter one marine staff sergeant came by, he sounded frantic and out of breath. The marine stated that a platoon was pinned down on the frontlines in Vacuo's eastern coast. You looked at Shinya and stated that you and the others should head out.

Shinya: *puts on helmet* Let's move. Rio, you up for some labor?

Rio: Always.

You each went to your Jackals and took to the skies once again. You caught up with Masaru along the way who was headed to the front as well.


You emerged from the clouds and separated from the others as you arrived over the body of water that SetDef fought from, within the skies beside you were Skelters flying about. You locked onto one of them and shot in down initiating a dogfight, Shinya provided cover for the marines below as well as air support. Masaru and Rio and flew further into the sky to engage the SDF super carrier.

One Skelter had managed to get behind you and fired a flurry of missles. You activated your flare countermeasure system and rose further into the sky, managing to get around the Skelter and unleased your turrets on it. You proceeded to shoot down 5 more of them before joining Shinya and the others above. Arriving at the SDF ship you opened fire on the vessles defenses which, once they spotted you, instantly fired back.

(Y/N): Shit! *dodges missile*

Masaru: This things is too fucking strong!

You and the others dodged attack after attack that the ship threw at you. Pulling the controls of your jet back you kept trying to find a weak spot in its defenses but to no avail.

Shinya: What the hell...?

(Y/N): What?

Shinya: There's something tapping out comms...

You looked towards the canopy frame of your Jackal and a small video window appeared before you, depicting a man dressed in SDF clothing. The same type that an SDF Navy Admiral would wear. Your eyes widened once you saw his face as you recognized him.

(Y/N): no we killed you!!

Admiral: *laughs* Such idiocy from you Earthling cats. Did your optimism get the best of you so much that your actually thought you'd gotten me?

You knew who this was. You first remember encontering him sometime after you became a SCAR pilot. Admiral Riah, commander of a whole SDF fleet and known war criminal.

Shinya: You...! Son of a bitch!! *fires missiles*

Shinya's missiles were all deflected by the ships anti-aircraft defenses. Before you knew it reinforcment Skelters began emerging from the vessle. Far too many for you and the others to tackle as they numbered in the hundreds. It became clear that the odds were now against you and you made the decision to retreat.

Rio: But we have a chance on him.

Shinya: Retreat! That's an order!!

Rio eventually complied and you each joined each other side by side and flew in unison, the marines below you eventually began to retreat as well after dozens of them were being slaughter by SDF ground forces. Covering their escape you fired on the SetDef armor below in order to protect the marines fleeing the coast line and into the kingdom.

After what seemed like forever the evacuation was succesful and you all made it out. Although the image of Riah remained in your mind for the entire way back.

(Y/N): What the hell is he doing here....?

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