Chapter 41: Kill the Tyrant

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Your Jackal soared off of the Terra Nova as the small fleet of UNSA ships breached the airspace of Remnant's moon, Ruby had been sitting behind you the whole time as you flew in formation alongside the others. Huddled up in a base on the surface below was your target. The man responsible for everything Remnant had suffered in the span of months. And today was it. The day you'd finished what you failed to do years ago.

Ruby: What the...? Look out!!

You realized too late as your jets computer systems began to spiral out of control, the handles began to lock up and you couldn't steer the Jackal properly. The same had been happening to Shinya, Masaru, and Rio. You computer systems malfunctioning and your Jackals hull on fire. You realized too late that you were hit with an EMP blast.

(Y/N): SHIT!!

You turned around and grabbed Ruby by the waist, after placing on her helmet and life support you pushed the ejection button causing you both to fly out of the jet. Pulling Ruby closer you used your rig to slow your fall but still ended up suffering some damage. When you hit the lunar surface you blacked out for several moments.

Your hearing muffled and vision hazed. Once you finally came to you could see Ruby beside you holding her helmet.

(Y/N): *gets up* Ruby?!

You ran over to her as she laid out on the ground, much to your horror her helmet was cracked and air was escaping from her suit. Ruby had began to suffocate as you used your free hand to cover the crack. But it did little to nothing as the air continued to leave her suit.

(Y/N): No...! Stay with me!

Ruby: *struggles*

Your heartbeat rose dramatically as you hadn't known what else to do. Looking around the lunar surface you could see nothing but crashed SATO ships and debris. You tried to contact your brother but could only hear static. By now Ruby had completely passed out and her vitals were dropping significantly.


She said nothing as you continued to press your hands against the cracked helmet, a tear coming down your cheek. Ruby was most likely dead. As you began to give up hope and silently cry the sound of a ship pierced your ears behind you. You turned around to see Shinya and the others inside a dropship landing.

Shinya: (Y/N)!! Come on!!

Wasting no time you picked up the now unconscious Ruby and ran towards the ship. Once inside Rio shut the doors and pressurized the area. You pulled Ruby's helmet off and began to give her CPR for a few moments. Weiss, Blake, Jaune, Nora, and everyone else beside you watched in horror and praying for Ruby to wake up.

Shinya stepped in and used an emergency defibrillator to give Ruby a shock. After two shocks...Ruby's body jolted awake. She breathed in a large gasp of air and coughed several times. You pulled her closely to you as she stared into your eyes.

(Y/N): okay?

Ruby only nodded with a smile.

Ruby: *in Japanese* I'm alright...

Ruby had fallen asleep again and you placed her on one of the stretchers. After that Shinya gave you the run down.


The lunar surface was covered with debris from crashed ships and Skelters but it was enough to set up a small temporary outpost for SATO. Ruby had been sent back to the Terra Nova to recover and it was just you and Shinya. Rio and Masaru had taken the others to safety and to kill the remaining Skelters in the air.

You jumped from the dropship and onto the super-carrier. The one that held your target. After breaching the exterior hangar you proceeded inside and killed anyone in your way. All around you were flames as the ship suffered heavy damage from an earlier encounter and would most likely blow up soon, so therefore you had to act fast.

Once making your way down a narrow hallway the ships alarm system began to go off stating that the vessel was compromised, Admiral Riah's voice began to play over a loud speaker.

Riah: So this is how it ends? You will not take me today SATO!! This ship will soon explode and all of us will die together!! So much for a happy ending!!

The ship violently shook again knocking you onto your feet and dropping your weapon.

Shinya: *helps you up* Shit! He's set this place to blow!

(Y/N): *picks up rifle* We need to find him fast.

You arrived at an elevator and pressed the button that would take you to the captains bridge where Riah was. During your ascend however tragedy struck yet again as the elevators door exploded before you, the area depressurized fast and the contents vented into space. Fortunately you still had your breathers on but Shinya was trapped underneath a pile of steel debris while you were at the top of the bridge.

(Y/N): Bro, I'm coming.

Shinya: No. Go!

(Y/N): What?

Shinya: I'll get myself out. Just go, he's right there! If he gets away then this'll all have been for nothing!

You sighed to yourself and nodded, leaving your brother behind. Once you climbed the top of another piece of debris you hid behind a set of steel boxes for cover. In front of you were several guards protecting the door Riah was behind. You emerged from cover and killed them with your rifle and combat knife. Once they were dead you stood before the door that hid your target.

(Y/N): *attaches detonator* Alright...let's do it. *reloads rifle*

You blew the door opened and breached. Through the smoke and debris that flew in the air you gunned down two bots and two SDF troops. The smoke had cleared and you could see Riah running in the opposite direction for a weapon.

(Y/N): *fires rifle*

You shot him in the shoulder and he feel face forward. Slowly marching towards him you went to make sure he was dead. To your surprise he wasn't, as he turned around and, using an energy pistol, fired at your chest. You fell backwards and gripped the wound as it had breached your armor and touched the skin.

Blood seeped through your hands and onto the floor as he slowly walked over towards you, a look of happy evil in his face.

Riah: Pity. And here I though I was actually a goner. But no. Just lucky. *aims pistol at you*

You looked up into the barrel of the weapon.

Riah: Impressive stuff SATO. But not enough. Death is no disgrace...!

Before he fired however the ship shook violently yet again and knocked him off balance. Using this chance you used whatever strength you had left and tackled him to the ground, once wrestling the weapon away you punched him repeatedly in the face before drawing a knife.

(Y/N): *stabs him in the chest* for those people! *stabs again* This...for my brother! *stabs again* And this...for everyone!!!

After stabbing him once again he muttered his final words.

Riah: We...will be back.

(Y/N): are finished!

Grabbing him by the hair you swung your blade arm across and with a single slash, decapitated him. Riah was now dead. The fires around you continued to burn and the ship shook yet again, this time the wall behind you came out and the room depressurized. You were vented into the vacuum of space, floating endlessly before loosing consciousness. Your last thought of Ruby.

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