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A/N: Ahhh! It's the last chapter uwu
But this is NOT the last thing you'll hear about me.

No One's POV

Once the dinner ended, everyone went to their respective home. Except for Yu, who was walking Tian to his house even when Sally offered to take her home, she wanted to be with him so the youngest girl didn't insist. After all, she can always call her driver.

They suddenly arrived to the Making Café when Yu stumbled and almost fell to the ground, then Tian held her arm.

They suddenly arrived to the Making Café when Yu stumbled and almost fell to the ground, then Tian held her arm

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—Be careful—he said.

—I'm fine since I'm sober. I'm not drunk at all—she answered.

—I ain't drunk either.

—I'm not even the less bit drunk—Yu sighed—. Somehow... we made our way back here—she twirled so she could stare at everywhere since she noticed where they were.

 we made our way back here—she twirled so she could stare at everywhere since she noticed where they were

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If it weren't for Tian, she would have stumbled again.

—How did we get here? —the girl wondered and some seconds later, they stopped walking.

But right in the deep, she always knew the answer.

Ming Tian sighed as he had memories about the night when they confessed their feelings for each other. Especially that kiss he pulled her into. Then he smiled.

 Then he smiled

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