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—There is this guy, Wang ShiWei, who is trying to pursue my grandchild.

—Wang ShiWei? —raised my eyebrows and Zhou's eyes widened—. Ugh, that guy... Sorry for interrupting. Please, keep on talking.

—He said he met you guys and told him to stop looking after Young Yu. He also... suspects that Ming Tian doesn't have good intentions with her and neither with you, Young SāiLí.

I frowned.

—So... Just because of that... Well, I also have something to say. Wang ShiWei... He's trying to pursue me too.

The grandpa was in shock.

—It's such a long story.

—Huh? Did you both... meet before that evening at the restaurant?

—No—I denied quickly—. Tian and I saw him for the first time that evening. When your granddaughter and Wang ShiWei left the salon for a while, Tian and I also left. He had to threw some trash and I had to go to another salon for while—lied in the last thing—. We accidentally overheard a conversation they had, Yu actually knows this since some days later.

—Sally and I already met before that dinner—Zhou followed me—. Ming Tian was supposed to deliver me a KFC WOW Bucket, but he got late since seven men assaulted him. Sis, two of her classmates and Sally saved him. When he arrived, Ming Tian told me a co worker had almost thirty minutes to arrive with another order. Sally immediately arrived, having thirteen minutes left, that's how we met. And for that dinner night she and I already turned into friends since I noticed she didn't have hidden intentions and I was the one who approached her.

—So, when ShiWei and Yu talked, he asked her to go to his birthday party but she said no since he called her a "monster"—I made quotes—when they were kids. And when she left, ShiWei got a call and said that if it wasn't for you and his father, he wouldn't try to pursue that monster.

—Did he really say that?

—I said with his own words. That's the reason why Tian threw wine on his pants. He just wanted to defend her, getting fired in the end.

—What about you?

—When ShiWei talked to me and gave me those tips, I noticed-

—ShiWei wanted to spank her—Zhou interrupted, mumbling a "sorry" for me later—. That's the reason why she left the salon with so much anxiety. And according to his spot, the fact Uncle Wang saw it is probable.

—I was going to say that was suspicious.

—So I went to the kitchen and told Sally to quit, but she said no. Then I proposed her to be fired because of me, and... you know what happened later—Zhou scratched his head.

—... So the scene that you guys made about the suitcoat was actually fake.

—Yes—I nodded—. I bought him a new one after that since the wine stuff was my idea.

—That's how I noticed she's rich too.

—So you humiliated SāiLí even more since you preferred that instead of defending her from Wang ShiWei? —scolded Zhou.

—I preferred to be fired because if I quit for ShiWei, I would had given him more power—I defended my boyfriend—. But anyways, that's not it. I was there when he took Yu to a dinner, he escorted her from the academy. And since she didn't got outside yet when he arrived, ShiWei saw me first. He tried to flirt with me and when he saw Tian, ShiWei didn't recognize him. He just said he couldn't understand how Yu and I and other girls like combat sports, Tian immediately defended us and then ShiWei said he found out why girls like me are so attractive.

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