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A/N: Wattpad's getting annoying with me, I don't know why was this on draft 😐

—You knocked out a thief and saved yourself and your friend from being assaulted while you took him home? —the president and the director's eyes widened while the first one asked that.

—And he pointed you both with a knife before you knocked him out? —the director followed him.

—Sally, is this actually real? What happened with Fang Zhou? Are you okay? Is him okay? —Tian looked at me worried, he even went towards me to check if I got injuries and I nodded to his last question—. Alright, you are okay, you guys are okay. Why you didn't tell me? Don't go through alleys at night again, promise it—stared at my eyes.

—I already swore it to Zhou. And I felt I should tell you in person, not by a calling.

Yes, my godfather called me to his office, and when I arrived everyone was there. Basically Tian, Yu, Yanan and XiaoMi were here with me, the president and the director. If Zhou wasn't here it's because of his job and the fact he doesn't study here and neither at Zhiying.

—Fang Zhou? —Yanan's eyes widened  as she took me from the shoulders—. What happened with Cutie? He really went to the dance party?

Cutie? —I raised my eyebrow while freed myself—. Yes, he came. Yu told Zhou I was there and XiaoHua and XiaoDuo suddenly saw him going towards us. Well, towards me.

—You're such an evil girl as well as Fang Yu!

Then XiaoMi grabbed me from the shoulders and turned me around to see her since she was at my left and Yanan, Tian and Yu at my right.

—If you dared to let Cutie get hurt—pointed at me—I'm making you pay for it! —yelled at me while raising her fist.

—Wait a minute, why would I let Zhou get hurt?

—XiaoMi—the President scolded her—. I know you're actually worried, but you shouldn't blame Sally.

—Song XiaoMi, she was a victim too—Yanan reclaimed while pointed at me—. Haven't you heard?

—Sally took Fang Zhou home, she stayed the night since she didn't have enough gasoline to come back home. And he was okay, I made sure of that, XiaoMi—Yu defended me, her arms were crossed the whole time—. Both of them are actually fine.

XiaoMi glared at me.

—I'll be watching you—made the sign.

Is this even serious?

—You always rejected him—pointed at her—, why you take care of him now? —crossed my arms.

Her eyes widened.

—Uh... Well... Because... Because he's my classmate's younger brother! —looked for an excuse—. And that's none of your business, you don't even know him! —crossed her arms while looked at the other side and hummed.

—Don't judge a book by its cover, XiaoMi. It is my concern since we are friends—I said in response—. And I actually know him better than you, I can bet on it.

—It's true, XiaoMi—Yu pointed at me—, you and Yanan barely saw him but you guys got his number just in case.

—You shut up-!

—The thing actually is—my godfather interrupted our discussion while staring at the red haired girl, the one who said the last thing—that Sally indeed defensed herself and Fang Yu's little brother since the police found out the thief had weapons on his jacket. Sally, you let this in the scene—gave me the band.

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