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A/N: I'm so so so sorry for delaying this chapter the lot, and even more when I already got it done since some weeks ago. I had some problems with my teachers so I could only focus on my homework. But now I can update more currently and the chapter 35 is on process 😉

Li Sally's POV

I opened my eyes and I finally found myself where I was supposed to be. The first thing I saw was the ceiling, so I smiled, because right then I knew I was on my body again and not oustide of it, or inside my mind. I even looked around to check this was reality, and then I heard Zhou crying. He hid his face on the bed, still holding my right hand, until he suddenly didn't. He climbed his head just for wiping his tears, and I rapidly closed my eyes when I felt he was about to look at me.

I know that was cruel, but I want him to be calm before he notices that I woke up.

I felt his head on my belly, and when I opened my eyes he was right there, hiding his face again. Then I took advantage of the situation and stroked his hair with my right hand.

—Interesting—I nodded and he looked at me surprised—. Tell me more—chuckled.

—Sāi—he pronounced, his eyes turned out to be teary again—... Is this real?

—Course it's real—I responded while wiping his tears with my right hand—. My mind and neither yours are that cruel for tricking us like that. I tell you this by experience. By the way, you really think I am your savior and only God would know what might happen to you if you suddenly lose me? You're so nuts and weird, Cutie—shook my head while chuckling.

—It's really you, Sāi! —he hugged me, and when I corresponded him I felt my left shoulder getting wet.

—Sorry—he pulled away to wipe his tears and suddenly started to kiss my forehead, my cheeks and every part of my face except my lips—. I would kiss your lips if it weren't for the fact yours have alcohol on them.

—Oh—I pouted and he kissed my forehead—. I'll clean it later.

—Are you okay?

—Yeah, yeah. I just... feel a pain in the back of my head but I guess it's for that hit.

—... You should see a doctor.

—No—I grabbed his wrist before he even stood up—. Please stay. You are my savior too, you practically helped me to wake up, you and my conscience. I also feel like... I didn't see you in a long time, even when I practically did in the last days—he frowned at me—. Long story.

Sally! —Sadie entered with a flowers bouquet and ran towards me to hug me—. You're finally-!

Zhou and I shushed her before any of the nurses or doctors or anyone who worked here noticed I was wide awake.

—I missed you all.

My boyfriend and my best friend smiled.

—All of us too—the green eyed girl said—. Long time no see.

We giggled.

—I woke up finally, now everything's okay. What about Tian? Did he...?

Sadie and Zhou looked at themselves and they denied some seconds later.

—I'm sorry.

I'm sorry—Sadie pronounced it almost at the same time than Zhou.

—No... It has sense. He might be on his mental journey—I nodded.

—... Yeah, perhaps—my best friend commented while putting the bouquet on a nightstand once she understood everything.

—What do you mean with "mental journey"? —Zhou frowned again.

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