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I was talking with XiaoHua and XiaoDuo while we were going downstairs through Zhengze's building. I also heard that Tian and Yu had to clean the pool as a punishment for what happened in these last days. The president—who I made sure he's my godfather because of a photo I had from my mom, him and me—denied Tian's request and Yu's proposal. That means that Tian will stay here at Zhengze and Yu won't fight him at the tournament.

 That means that Tian will stay here at Zhengze and Yu won't fight him at the tournament

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"You must have fallen in love", I heard XiaoHua saying.

Oh my God, XiaoDuo has a crush?

"Are you sure?", the one with glasses asked.

"Perhaps it's just attraction, we don't know", I commented.

"Then let's see", the tallest one with light brown hair added in. "Do you think of him from time to time?"

"Yes!", XiaoDuo responded confident.

"Do you want to get close to him without any reason?", XiaoHua asked again.

"Of course! Every time I look at his eyes, nose and lips", I turned around and saw Fang Yu while XiaoDuo was talking and then I walked towards them, noticing she looked at us, "it feels a young doe is about to leap out from my heart!"

"Of course! Every time I look at his eyes, nose and lips", I turned around and saw Fang Yu while XiaoDuo was talking and then I walked towards them, noticing she looked at us, "it feels a young doe is about to leap out from my heart!"

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"Girl, that's your heart racing", I declared pointing at her one. "You do like him. By the way, who is him?"

"It's true, who's the lucky one?", XiaoHua tickled my other classmate, making both of us laugh.

Me because of how they look, and XiaoDuo because she's ticklish. Then the affected one freed herself.

"Stop! It's someone who doesn't study here, that's everything I will say", she crossed her arms.

"Okay, let's not insist", raised my hands. "XiaoDuo will tell us whenever she wants to. I have to leave, bye!"

"Bye! Good luck at work, Sally!", both of them cheered while I was leaving the place.

When I was walking outside the building, I saw Sun Hao also leaving the place. I heard he lives way too far from here, so he'll be tired if he just walks home.

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