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A/N: Two chapters left! Oh my God, I'm getting sappy 😔 How you doin'? I still have a lot of homework to do, but at least I have this part 😋

No One's POV

Like one hour later, Fang Yu, her brother Zhou, Sadie Hopkins and Candy Smith were talking with the two doctors who saved Tian and Sally's lives until now. One was wearing glasses meanwhile the other one was shorter than the first man.

—Doctors, what did recently happened with them? —Yu didn't need to say the names. They already knew who she was talking about.

—Let's first talk about Ming Tian—the one who saved Sally–the one wearing glasses–mumbled to the other.

—... Seizures usually happen to the 30 percent of brain trauma patients. If handled properly, it won't be life-threatening.

—While Li SāiLí had a weird case of tachycardia. Unless... Did she ever experienced any kind of stress some days before this accident?

—Yes—Yu, Zhou and Sadie responded immediately at the same time, while Candy just nodded.

—Then now it makes sense. I fear—he took off his glasses—... that now Ming Tian reached SāiLí when it comes to the damage they might have when they wake up. If Li SāiLí had more probabilities of not waking up, now them both have the same level of probabilities of not doing it.

—Will these things affect them when they wake up? —Zhou asked worried.

—In principle, no—Ming Tian's doctor shook his head.

—In principle, no—Ming Tian's doctor shook his head

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—So why aren't they awake yet? —Yu complained.

—Miss, the medical field only has a basic understanding of the brain—the shortest man answered—

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—Miss, the medical field only has a basic understanding of the brain—the shortest man answered—. I can't answer your question. However, to be honest, the observational period is over. If they don't wake up in the next few days, you guys should be mentally prepared.

Both of the doctors left as Sadie was in shock.

What did he say?

That maybe Sally and Tian won't wake up.

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