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One month later...

No One's POV

Ma YiChen and Wang ShiWei were meeting again. The rich man was playing pool alone as the brunette haired man was sat on a chair. Since Sadie Hopkins' birthday no one knew nothing more about Achihiko, just the fact she went back to America for a while before looking for another university.

—Buddy, you haven't contacted me in so long—ShiWei started after hitting a ball—. How come you thought to call me up today?

—I have broken ribs and plenty of free time—YiChen responded slowly—. Thought I'd kill some time with you.

—Were you beaten up? —the black haired man looked at his friend, who didn't respond so he walked around the table—. Who was so vicious? Don't tell me it was Ming Tian or... Was it Little girl? Huh?

 Was it Little girl? Huh?

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—You think so? Tch. Ming Tian is not strong or bad enough for hitting me that hard. If Sally hit me was because of Achihiko's impulsiveness, but she said she was gentle at me since she knew about my ribs and she knows the one who has beaten me up. She's the only fighter who could win a match against him.

—Don't worry. Whoever it was, I'll get revenge for you.

ShiWei hit another red ball and YiChen snorted doubtfully.

—You don't believe me? I'm meeting someone very powerful today—walked towards the place he was before—. If we come to a deal, you'll get your revenge too.

For the brunette haired man, that seemed interesting.

—Who is it?

—You'll find out soon enough—the rich man was preparing another hit and blowed another red ball when Wu Ji silently appeared wearing his typical black clothes.

YiChen immediately put on his combat position, he didn't mind about his ribs, which hurt since once he stood up. He just wanted to make sure no one would attack him. ShiWei looked at his friend surprised and turned around to see his guest.

—Wu Ji? Hey, come here—held his left shoulder—. I've been waiting for you. YiChen, what are you doing?

—What am I doing? He's the one who broke my ribs! —pointed at Wu Ji with his chin—. What do you think? —pointed at him with his finger and ached from pain.

—Wu Ji is my guest—ShiWei walked towards him and held his right shoulder, then the man who is still recovering pulled away.

—Who's more important? A guest or your buddy? Weren't you going to avenge me?

—I'm not interested in listening your bullshit—Wu Ji talked for the first time since he came—. ShiWei, you said you have a way to get Queen to fight me. You weren't lying, were you?

—I wouldn't dare—walked towards the man in black clothes—. I wouldn't risk my ribs to do that. Right? —looked at YiChen.

 Right? —looked at YiChen

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