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A/N: Three chapters left uwu

Tian just stood up and looked at DaFu, leaving Yanan and Sally taking care of Yu for a while.

—Uncle Cheng, as I said before, I won't learn the Death Strike.

—Uncle Cheng, as I said before, I won't learn the Death Strike

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—I know. If Guanyan was here, I wouldn't force you. I don't have any other option right now.

—What about Sāi? I also hate this idea, but she actually knows how to do it—Sally smiled once her half brother suggested that.

—Trust me, Sally won't be the same if she uses the Death Strike. Her force, even if she has that much, will eventually disappear since she could use it again and again once she does it in that hypothetic situation. She could eventually pass away because of that! And I won't let that happen again when I have a chance to impede it; and that's you, Ming Tian. You are the only one who can do it without having any consequences—DaFu explained, what made Sally frown.

Well, everyone frowned except for DaFu and his daughter. They both actually know the story as well as Luo Gunayan, who was there when the eldest finally confessed it to his daughter. Then Yu hardly stood up with Yanan, Sally and Hao's help, making the brunette haired man look at her.

 Then Yu hardly stood up with Yanan, Sally and Hao's help, making the brunette haired man look at her

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—Ming Tian, Sally-ah... You don't have to do it. You don't have to choose. I'll admit defeat—she declared.

The eldest man shrugged.

—Fang Yu is right. Admitting defeat isn't that hard to do. All you have to do is saying those three words... "I admit defeat"... to that jerk. After that we all can go home. Then you two will continue to hate the Death Strike from the bottom of your hearts and live under its shadow during your whole lives.

Tian and Yu stared at each other.

—Or... You could face it as I did before—Sally ended and everyone stared at her surprised again.

—You faced the Death Strike before?

Yes, Big Bro. It's such a long story, and so very complicated. Basically... I was on the street fights, that was the last match I lost. And I'm still alive, I'm even stronger since then. I also used to hate the Death Strike, that turned into fear since ShangHuo could come back and kill me with it, but thanks to that guy I fought... I don't fear it anymore—she denied—. And believe me, I also changed my mind about it after that with time. It's just a hit, a hit I survived to. A hit everyone can survive to. What happened to the three of us are just two weird cases of that move! Mine was on purpose, but deep inside I know that... Dad didn't have those bad intentions in that match of three years ago as they say.

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